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The Legendary Joe Weider

Joe Weider — "king" of bodybuilding and teacher of the future world celebrities, can say with certainty that in this life he has achieved everything.
And the beginning of its history the great Master takes in the distant thirties – the time of troubles and rich, when America was ruled by the gangsters and hoodlums of all sizes. And little Joe, along with brother, Ben, was forced to defend his pride in street fights with their peers – so this was the world, America the thirtieth...

Of course, every reasonable guy knew in order to survive, you have to be strong and to be strong, needs to be addressed. But that's neither physical force given by mother nature, and means in the most simple dumbbells at Joe's was not. But if you have a mind – he will always find a solution to the problem. And Joe used what was at hand. So the first bar of the future Master became a regular locomotive axle, produced at the nearest garbage dump, and wagonette wheels, respectively, played the role of "pancakes". Classes with a makeshift rod allowed Joe to soon win local competitions in weight lifting, and many beginners and Amateurs interested in his "methods".

Joe Weider

Even then, Joe emerged, shut your Masters, not only of bodybuilding, but also a smart businessman. To avoid the constant questions from every counter — cross, Joe Weider decided to answer all those interested in a small pamphlet , which was called simply – "Your Physique", and its popularity was so great that the first fifty thousand copies of the book sold almost instantly. By the way, this booklet became the "progenitor" of such serious glossy magazines like Shape, Muscle & Fitness and others.

After the Second World war, Joe and his brother Benjamin decided to seriously engage in the promotion of bodybuilding to the masses, and this was facilitated by the fact that the brothers have become heroes of many films.

Of course, when you see a luxurious, harmoniously developed beautiful male body is exciting. And immediately want to be the same, if not better. It is safe to say that the brothers introduced the fashion for a beautiful, developed, muscular body.
But not only persistence, but also competent, properly budgeted training helps to achieve the ideal, and Joe Weider knew it. His training system he outlined in the book "the build System of the body by Joe Weider, "which immediately became popular and over the last few decades is the Main book of any self-respecting bodybuilder. But, like any great discovery, the system Jo there are fans and opponents. However, the negation of its principles training does not affect their popularity,no wonder Joe Weider became the founder of such a popular contest like the Mr. Olympia. The first Mr. Olympia — Larry Scott received his award in 1965, and the fact that participants of competition could only be best attracted to the "creation" of Wadera huge attention from the press and stars. Fifteen years later saw the light and Miss Olympia competition for women who are not indifferent to the beauty of their bodies and bodybuilding.

But the Great Joe didn't stop there, and in the mid-nineties started the Fitness Olympia, in the early twenty-first century and the figures of Olympia. Each of these tournaments has its own "flavor", a variety of awards and trophies, as well as a prize Fund, which every year becomes more and more. Truly, the genius of Joe Weider confirms the truth that gifted person is talented versatile and a great organizer, wise Master and inspirer for good reason, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the student, Joe, was a star, and many others – Joe Weider is a great athlete, a competent businessman, a connoisseur of Antiques.

The creation of a great Empire, the popularization of bodybuilding, training stars is something small and something huge that give the world a modest Master Joe Weider.

The Legendary Joe Weider