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Testosterone propionate

Testosterone propionate is a very famous steroid among athletes. First of all, the administration of testosterone propionate required for the development of strength and muscle mass. The feature of this vehicle is that unlike testosterone enanthate, as beloved by bodybuilders, testosterone propionate water retention in the body in lesser extent. For this reason, many bodybuilders think testosterone propionate is inefficient, as it is difficult to gain weight 8-10 kg per month, it is quite possible to do on ethanate testosterone or methandrostenolone. But experienced athletes actively using the testosterone propionate in the preparation for competitions. The combination of testosterone propionate in vysokoaromatichnyj and nishanthini steroids, and Primobolan winstol for example, allows you to quickly burn body fat and helps to build quality muscles. Such combinations are a classic example of synergy, when powerful drugs when used together give a more effective result.

Testosterone propionate on the Russian market today is one of the cheapest drugs, so it can be called a tool for "proletarians". For one package of funds, which consists of 10 ampoules of 50 mg means you can pay on the black market 4-5 dollar. But this does not mean that using the testosterone propionate the "getting ready" for competition only poor bodybuilders. So, testosterone component, which contains the drug allows the body to recover from heavy loads, since testosterone helps the body to produce more of kreatinfosfata. Therefore, most athletes before a competition try to drink at least one androgen. It is for this above reason bodybuilders prefer testosterone propionate, means, time-tested. But some athletes do use more expensive, but not as well investigated andriol.

It is also an important quality has, testosterone propionate, once in the body, the drug is quite active and starts to work as fast means excreted from the body. The benefits of testosterone propionate is obvious: once an athlete addicted to steroids and wants to feel their work, at the beginning of the course, the athlete can enter multiple injections of the drug. Then, in the body testosterone levels will rise sharply, and when testosterone propionate will cease to work, then the cause will take a more powerful steroid drugs (for example, DECA-Durabolin, which begins its work only on the second week after injection). It should be noted that drugs such as Sustanon and Omnadren are very loved by athletes becausethe fact that they contain testosterone propionate, which allows the funds to begin work much faster.

Another advantage of testosterone propionate is it can easily "fit" for the championship, which provides the doping control. After injection of the drug as an indicator "Testosterone/Epitestosterone" in the urine decreases with the concentration of testosterone in the blood. This figure dramatically reduced to the level of "6", of course it's a bit higher than normal testosterone in the body bodybuilder, but this rule is not observed in the doping control. The body simply does not have time to be in a state of catabolism, which could damage the results of training. We should not forget about the negative sides of testosterone propionate. The preparation you need to enter quite often, and its action is very short-lived.

To take remedy recommended three times a week, but athletes interested in high doses can inject the testosterone propionate every day. And it is very uncomfortable. As for the women, they get the maximum benefit from testosterone propionate, causing minimal risk to health due to the relatively rare injection. If you make the tool for 50 mg once in 5-7 days, then you should not worry about the accumulation of androgens in the female organism and, consequently, appearance of such virilization effects as deepening of the voice or growth of hair on you face etc the Injection of testosterone propionate it is highly beneficial to the muscles. Very interesting is the fact that there are athletes that are regularly doing local injections of testosterone propionate (usually in the lower leg, rarely in the Delta and biceps), especially when for some reason unavailable asticle drug, local effects on the muscles. The result of such injection is that within the muscle there are seals that visually enhance them.

Тестостерон пропионат

Generally, testosterone propionate is a harmless remedy and rarely causes side effects. But at high doses and the appropriate genetic predisposition may occur side effects like acne, hair loss, as often it is possible to observe increased libido in men and women. Organs such as the liver and kidneys are not affected, except in the frequent use of testosterone propionate. The only thing we can get gynecomastia and acne. The injection of testosterone propionate very much upset the production of the body's own testosterone, for this reason, at the end of the course of steroid is necessary to take tamoxifen, gonadotropin and Proviron.

Steroid courses with testosteronepropionate

Example 1. DECA-Durabolin testosterone propionate

200 mg 100 mg – 1 week
400 mg 150 mg – 2 week
400 mg 200 mg – 3 week
400 mg (200 mg — 4 week
300 mg 150 mg – 5 week
200 mg, 100 mg – 6 a week

In this example, the testosterone propionate combined with DECA-Durabolin. A wonderful combination that allows you to gain more quality weight than with the combination DECA-Durabolin with destinator. This scheme provides a double impact not receptors of the muscle cells. So testosterone propionate is responsible for the recovery of the body from stress, and DECA-Durabolin for protein synthesis. You should pay attention to the fact that testosterone propionate must be taken three times a week, whereas DECA-Durabolin can be taken once or twice a week.

Example 2. Winstrol pills, testosterone propionate, Masteron

10 mg / 100 mg day — 1 week
20 mg / day 150 mg 2 week
30 mg/ day 200 mg – 3 week
30 mg/ day (200 mg — 4 week
35 mg/ day 200 mg – 5 week
35 mg/ day 200 mg – 6 week
35 mg / day 150 mg 200 mg week 7
35 mg/ day 150 mg 300 mg -8 week
25 mg / day 100 mg 400 mg -9 week
15 mg/ day 100 mg, 200 mg – 10 week

This example discusses how to prepare for competition. Here testosterone propionate is designed to restore energetic tone, but Winstrol tablets maintains the rigidity of the muscle mass. Drugs are not aromatizers, and therefore, the process of destruction of fat is quick and almost painless. Masteron is starting to enter a month before the start of the competition when the muscles are already quite "dry". Masteron is injected into the body to give muscles additional rigidity and elasticity.

"Propyl" — so called testosterone propionate, which currently are produced in Russia, in Rostov-on-don. Is 5% propionate 50 mg vials in the packaging of 10 pieces. Today the market price for 10 vials is $8.