Home / 3 reasons why drinking green tea can help you lose weight

3 reasons why drinking green tea can help you lose weight

There are many different ways to lose weight offered everywhere. Food healthy food. Daily exercises. But what of the offered variants does not provide any loads or daily routine? What really can help you to cleanse your soul as well as to help your body get rid of excess weight?

This is exactly what makes green tea. He has the unique ability to fight obesity, not applying to this special effort. What you need is to boil water and make tea, that's all.

Why green tea is so effective in the fight against obesity? Here are three reasons:

Reason # 1: It promotes active fat burning.

Green tea contains catechins, which can significantly increase your metabolism to help fat burning. Some studies have shown that people who have started to drink green tea without changing your daily regimen not only lost weight but also reduced body fat.

That in itself is amazing, but to this we can add the fact that green tea also helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and it puts him high above other beverages.

Reason # 2. It reduces the level of stress.

Although you may not see the connection between stress and overweight, but these two States are closely linked. You see, when you are under a lot of stress and constantly feeling oppressed and anxious, your body increases the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that helps your body not only to maintain the level of body fat, but also promotes the retention of belly fat, what is the most dangerous place.

Green tea has special properties that help to calm your body; drinking tea is a very relaxing procedure, when you SIP a Cup of warm or hot tea, watching nature, or just spend time in silence. In fact, the process of tea is in itself soothing as the tea itself.

Reason # 3. It is quite simple to prepare.

When you are considering multiple options for weight loss, you see that most of them require some effort. To eat right you need to go to the grocery store and buy nutritious foods, then return home and cook them. Exercise, of course, take more time, which is why many people shy away from performing them on a daily basis.

But what efforts you should make to drink green tea? Not large. Just put water on the stove or in the microwave, throwa little tea leaves and your tea for weight loss ready. What could be easier? All you need to do is drink it and enjoy its benefits. How hard can it be?

How much you need to drink green tea?

Experts in the field of health have different points of view, but in General from four or more cups a day. Maybe it's a lot, but there are a few ways to start:

  • Change your morning coffee for tea and you will easily get used only if you are one of those people who on the day used to use "bucket" of coffee.
  • Drink one Cup morning and one Cup after each meal to the day you left, at least four cups.
  • Drink two cups in the morning while you are going and two cups at night to calm down and go to sleep.

You can break the intake green tea as you like, just make sure that on the day you go out at least four cups, you will see how fat will begin to melt before your eyes like snow in the sun on a spring morning.

What to do if you do not like the taste of green tea?

In fact, tea is much like coffee, you either like the taste or not. So, what can you do in order to taste the green tea like your taste buds?

You can add a little honey to sweeten it and to take a kind of bitterness. Honey is also very useful for you because it helps ease inflammation. This contributes to the production of two health benefits if you add in the green tea honey.

Some people prefer to add artificial sweeteners, but personally I do not advise it. Although it's not quite sugar, it comes in the same reaction with your blood, which triggers sugar cravings, what's bad for your health when blood sugar rises sharply and then falls.

If you really can't "digest" the taste of green tea, you can always make it weaker, but to drink in large quantities than usual. We talked a lot about what you can drink it hot or warm, but you can drink cold green tea, it is also of great help.

Drink green tea, and you can easily and effortlessly lose some of those extra pounds. So, brew yourself a Cup of this tea and start to lose weight right now!