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Crossfit at home

Crossfit is the method of training through which you can develop almost all muscle groups. With the help of these exercises you can build a beautiful body, and significantly increase the endurance and strength even in the home. The principle of training is alternating exercises that are performed one after the other with high intensity. Workout in crossfit called the "Workout of the Day" (workout of the day, or abbreviated as WOD).

Principles of training:

  • Crossfit is designed to increase Your endurance, so try to minimize the time interruption between all approaches. Of course, at first it can be incredibly difficult, but the results will appear faster.
  • Try to reach a state of extreme fatigue, exercise using "can't".
  • Distribute days of the exercise so that each workout was varied and interesting.
  • Exercise should work out all muscle groups, but it is necessary to uniformly alternate the exercises on different muscles.
  • Try to drink water only after a workout, not during.
Proponents of Crossfit say that doing crossfit will develop your skills, strengthen health and improve stamina, of course, if you stay alive!

What exercises can be done at home

We present to your attention a training program designed by athlete and coach at crossfit Lauren Plumey specially for home use. All you'll need: light dumbbells weighing 2 to 5 pounds, bench or box. And that is enough to start doing crossfit! "These sessions can be quite short, but you'll definitely feel the burn in the shoulders, legs, and buttocks".

Regime and exercise program

Twice a week, perform 16 reps of each exercise. Try to make movements as quickly as possible. Note time the workout and try to beat your best time every week.

1 — Mahi with one hand

Involved: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and arms.
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Place the dumbbell on the ground between his legs. Slowly squat and grab the dumbbell with your right hand palm facing the body. With a quick movement, straighten your legs and rise a little on tiptoes, trying to raise the dumbbell with the movement of the whole body. At the same time bend the elbow of the working arm and take him to [A]. Bend your knees and straighten your arm straight overhead [B]. After rectification return to the starting position [C]. Change the working hand in the middle of a set (after 8of repetitions).

2 — Bear walk

Involved: whole body.
Start with a position on all fours face down. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and knees should be aligned. Straighten the spine. Shoulders and arms should remain on the same line. This is the starting position. Start moving forward while moving the opposite limb. For example, left arm and right leg. You can do the bear walk differently. Take a dumbbell in each hand, if you want to intensify the exercise. Move to the side or back. Do bear 30 steps after each exercise.

3 — Mahi with two hands

Involved: legs, glutes, arms, abs and back.
Place your feet slightly wider than shoulders and slightly expand the feet. Sit holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with two hands between your thighs [A]. Quickly straighten up and raise your hands overhead [B]. Return to starting position.

4 — Lunges with dumbbell

Involved: legs, buttocks, abs and arms.
Take a dumbbell in your working hand and raise it overhead, palm facing the body. Make a lunge forward, knees bent 90 degrees. Holding the hand over the head, return to starting position. Make a lunge with the other leg. Continue, alternating legs. Change the working hand in the middle of a set.

5 — Deadlifts with dumbbells in the sumo style

Involved: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and biceps.
Take a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with legs widely and spreading of the foot. Hold a dumbbell between the thighs, palms looking at you. A little sit down and lean forward, keeping your back straight [A]. Straighten and pull the dumbbells up to shoulder level [B]. Return to starting position.

6 — Jumping through the box

Involved: legs and glutes.
Stand facing the box or bench (choose a suitable height). Have a seat, and then quickly jump over the obstacle. Turn around and repeat in the opposite direction.

7 — L-posture and the push-UPS on hands

Involved: hands, chest, buttocks and back.
Sit on knees with back to the wall at a distance of approximately 60-90 cm Place hands on floor slightly wider than shoulder width. Straighten the body, his legs propped up on the wall so that your body took the form of English letter "L". Hold for 15 seconds. To make this exercise moredifficult, exercise in this position.

Other useful and effective exercises:

Some burpees are one of the main exercises in crossfit. You need to sit down, his hands on the floor so that his knees touched his chest. Then, pushing the legs move sharply in a support position, then return to starting position and jump. Do from 10 to 100 reps, depending on Your level of training. You can complicate it so hard exercise, adding in the second phase a full-fledged push-UPS or picking up a small dumbbell.

Cardio workout.

If you have the opportunity to run on the street, then use it. Interval sprints every 200 meters well coached endurance.

Develop "explosive" muscle strength and endurance with these exercises:

  • the jump that your knees against your chest;
  • jump from a low squat position with hands on the back of the head;
  • quick pushups with cotton;
  • a quick pull on the bar;
  • push-UPS with alternate cotton with a hand on his chest;
  • simultaneous lifting of the trunk and legs, lying on back;
  • walking on the hands;
  • squats on one leg.

You can combine these exercises, making your own training program. Do the exercises clearly, but try to reach maximum speed and intensity. Do not consider each approach individually, Your task is to master all of the training totally and do his best to.