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The influence of sex on muscle growth

Some will loudly insist that the most valuable thing in life – life and nothing can encroach on this Shrine. Others say that without the constant load on your muscles is impossible to speak about full-fledged existence. Well, both sides are right, however, as is the question when it comes to the relationship between sexual life and muscle growth? The answer will serve as the following: between sex and muscle building, there is a direct relationship, what it shows exactly, will be discussed later.

In the end, sex is physical activity, which involves a large number of different muscles, therefore, and the impact it has on the body the most direct.

Let us examine the main points of the influence of sex on our body.

The dependence of the content of zinc in the body from sex

In the growth of muscle mass involved a host of different substances, from vitamins to many elements, zinc is no exception. In the process of orgasm in addition to release of sperm is also "release" of zinc from the body, which is a sort of building material such as sperm cells and for the development of new muscle. Thus, the sex in "frequent doses can result in zinc deficiency.

The decrease in the level of zinc in the body can lead to infertility. On top of that it has a serious impact on the testosterone levels in the body.

For replacement reserves in diet you must include foods rich in zinc content. These include:

  • the liver;
  • nuts: pine, cashew, Pecan;
  • clams and oysters;
  • some cereals, in particular wheat grains.

The relationship of testosterone and sex

Repairing the level of zinc, you should pay attention to the levels of testosterone in the body. The increase in its level is associated, often, with the frequency of sex, accordingly, the more the and level more. High testosterone levels great effect on the growth of muscle mass.

Thus, enjoying a successful personal life, you also help your muscles faster to gain weight".


How much energy is spent on sex?

What kind of Casanova you not fancied, the stock of human energies is set to a value limited. Directly after sex in the body the release of hormone called oxytocin, which is the reason you feel "that" feeling of relaxation and mild fatigue. The effect of the hormone naturally short-lived, however, for the period of its validity access to the sports halls is very deprecated class.

You will have to waitabout 3-4 hours to restore the norms of the hormone in the body and only after that, "old daring" to go to the gym. Otherwise, throughout the training, you will feel extra fatigue, which has a strong effect on the quality of training.

Physics physics, and soul to calm down, focus and sex

A factor that is neglected by many, is the concentration, in other words, concentration. Excessive sex life takes too much attention, distracting you from the workout. Remember the good old phrase "war is war, and lunch schedule". Under this saying implies that during a visit to the gym your mind should be focused strictly on the correct and quality execution of the exercise and not on dreams of a sweet life.

A great motivator for this is one of the reasons why you decided to increase muscle mass: to become prettier, slimmer, and, accordingly, to have much success with the opposite sex.


Briefly summarize read: not worth it to go to the gym in the next couple of hours after sex, but having gone there, to concentrate solely on training. At the same time, don't forget to periodically include in the diet foods rich in zinc content to replenish the spent. As know how in the sexual life and athletic achievements, and you will have to wait for a great result in the finals, so to speak, "on both fronts".

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