Home / How to build chest muscles in gym

How to build chest muscles in gym

Broad shoulders and washboard abs is undoubtedly beautiful, but even greater admiration, when this is supplemented with pumped breast. To achieve results in the pumping of the upper body, making it a powerful and attractive, you need to work out regularly at the gym. In this article we will talk about effective exercises to inflate the chest muscles.

Training this group of muscles is best done twice a week with a break between sessions at least two days. Program for beginners – one or two exercises and no more than 3 approaches to gain muscle mass – 10-12 reps, reinforcement of 6-8 repetitions. Since the training chest has a close relationship with the work of the triceps, the schedule should be prepared so that the exercises for these muscle groups were not included in one session.

Basic exercises for the chest: technique and tips

Only at observance of rules of exercise to achieve really tangible results. In this issue help and tips given for each of the elements of the training.

Bench press bar

Suitable for beginners. This database and its principle of exercise is one of the variants of pushups. When you change the incline of the bench, the zone of influence are shifting and this is one of the main advantages of the bench press. In a positive incline works upper chest, in the position of upside down – the bottom. For chest muscles this is ideal training for strengthening and building mass. The number of sets depends on the training program, but they are usually 3-4 with reps of 6-12 times.

Жим штангиStarting position:

  • On the bench to take the prone position, with buttocks, shoulders and head should be pressed to its surface. Back slightly arched lower back, feet shoulder width with hard-nosed in floor surface feet.
  • Rod takes a wide grip and removed from the resistant mechanisms, then rises parallel to the middle of the chest to a peak level. If necessary, you can seek the help of a partner.


  1. On a deep breath, the shell is lowered to the lower limit (it should slightly touch the body). The breath is fixed.
  2. The rod is pulled upwards to its original position with a powerful breath towards the end. At the peak aged a little pause, chest muscles straining to the limit.

Lower the rod without jerking, the movement should be smooth. But to raise it should be a quick measure movement, it is important to prevent flexure of the back, and the projectile can not bounce from the body.


In the matter of muscles in this group this exercise is among the most important. In fact it is one of the options for bench press bar lying in the slope, with onedifference – natural motion. In the process of training involved in virtually all muscle groups including arms, shoulders, back, and abdominal stabilization muscles.

It is important that the bars between them were located at a distance slightly greater than the width of the shoulders. If it is too wide, increasing the risk of injury to the shoulder Department, and when more narrow – the main load falls on the triceps, therefore suitable for the study of the latter.

Отжимания на брусьяхStarting position:

  • The emphasis on the parallel bars with straight arms.
  • We must start from this position because it contributes to muscle contraction and allows you to prepare them for the subsequent load.


  1. The body leans forward, then exhale gently lowered down with bent elbows hands.
  2. Pause, and then slowly without jerking to rise with a gradual straightening of hands. Exhale.

It's very important to descend slowly and smoothly to avoid injury of the chest muscles or the elbow joint. The position of the elbows unfolded. When lifting try to avoid them approaching ribs. In order to involve all the muscles of the chest, to fall to deeply, yet the brush does not become parallel to the lower part of the chest. When there is insufficient downward movement all of the work is mainly put on the triceps.

As for weights, its use is impractical not yet reached maximum amplitude during push-UPS on the bars. The number of repetitions, or as many as.

Isolation exercises

The inclusion of such exercises in the workout recommended for experienced athletes. For athletes with experience not more than 2 years will be enough to execute base on the chest.

Isolation exercises allow you to modify the muscle shape, you have to make it more prominent and expressive. They are at the end of strength training after a base with maximum weight. Consider the following several exercises with dumbbells for inflating his chest.

Wiring with dumbbells

This exercise with dumbbells is the leader among the isolated. When executed, this work employs one shoulder joint, that is, the main effort is concentrated on the chest muscles.

Разведение рукStarting position:

  • On the bench to take the position of sitting with bent knees feet.
  • Put the dumbbells on your knees in an upright position.
  • To take the situation lying down.
  • Hands to raise with slightly bent elbows so that the dumbbells were located above the shoulders.


  1. On a deep breath the arms are pushed apart to the peak points.Then fixed in this position. In the chest muscles, you should receive the pleasant sensation of stretching, but not without pain.
  2. On the exhale, smooth hands without jerks, slowly bring them together until, until you touch the dumbbells. Pause.

It is recommended to ensure that in the process of the exercise to prevent a complete straightening of the hands to avoid injury of the elbow joint. You also need to keep your back in a straight condition, since the deflection of the load is transferred from the chest to the waist. As for the weight of the dumbbells, he should be moderate.


Since in this exercise the use of large weights and stimulate the muscle fibers are very difficult, it cannot be called the best exercise for the chest. But it contributes to the process of expansion of the chest, so it must be included in the training programs of young athletes athletes.

ПуловерыStarting position:

  • Take a dumbbell and put their butt on the floor near the bench.
  • Take position lie on the bench with only the upper part of the back.
  • Bend the waist and bring the dumbbell with two hands (over the top). You can ask someone to submit a dumbbell.
  • To lift the ball over the rib cage with almost fully extended hands.


  1. Dumbbell is lowered behind your head when you inhale, with elbows should be slightly bent.
  2. On a similar trajectory during exhalation the dumbbell is raised to the starting position.

This exercise should be performed smoothly, without haste and sudden movements. At the upper limit of the hand should not be completely straightened in order to avoid injuries of the elbow. In the lower limit should lower the dumbbells as low as possible, stretching the muscles of the chest.

Consider isolation exercises for the chest using gym equipment.

The simulator "Butterfly": the reduction of arms

Despite the many varieties of this simulator, all based on the same principle. To do it requires no special training, and the probability of injury is almost reduced to zero. Perhaps this explains the popularity of the game among beginners who are not ready yet to work with a barbell.

Starting position:

  • On the bench of the simulator to adopt a sitting position with a straight and pressed firmly against her back.
  • Feet should be comfortably apart on shoulder width.
  • Clutching arms, forearms to rest against the pillow.


  1. Take a deep breath, and then a strong movement on the exhale to bring hands to touch.
  2. On the inhale, gradually return arms to startingposition.

During the separation of the hands is recommended to try to reduce the load on the pectoral muscles. It is also important to keep your back pressed to the bench position (do not tear).

Crossover: hand

Through this exercise, you worked out the inner and lower chest muscles.

Starting position:

  • To take a standing position between the fitness stands.
  • To take up arms.
  • Make a small tilt forward.
  • The arms slightly bent at the elbows.


  1. Two hands to pull the handle somewhere to the waist with the exhale in an extreme point.
  2. On the inhale, gradually return arms to starting position.

Need only to work arms, legs and back should remain still.

The correct execution of the above exercises for chest muscles will allow to achieve tangible results and become the owner of a beautiful inflated chest!