Home / Natural fat burners — Ranking products with negative calorie

Natural fat burners — Ranking products with negative calorie

Innovative and exciting discoveries of modern scholars regarding a particular product, forced nutritionists to include or exclude them from their diet programs. Moreover, experts have compiled a list of popular products that have fat burning properties. No miraculous properties they have, the fact that their caloric value has a minus sign, that is negative. And it is this feature active influence on the processes of fat burning.

Please note – this figure is very conditional, because in addition to it, the products have some nutritional value, and not all of it is considered to be low-calorie. But due to the product structure on the molecular level, person spends on processing them more energy than they give the body. This difference in the negative direction provides the fat burning process, so nutritionists call these foods negative calorie.

Table products-fat burners at the table of a nutritionist Adams

Well-known nutritionist from the United States, Dr. Michael Adams, one of the first to study the issue of creating a diet program that is not harmful to health and promoting effective weight loss. One of the stages of the study was to develop a table including products that actively breaks down the fat and accelerate the metabolism in the body, but fully saturating it with vitamin-mineral, amino acid, protein and fat and carbohydrate complex substances. They are foods with negative calories, that is conducive to active metabolism and breakdown of fat.

Rated products-fat burners

The ranking of the most active products-fat burners, according to Dr. Adams, consists of 15 products. This:

  • cinnamon (spice);
  • ginger root;
  • avocado;
  • pineapple;
  • lemons;
  • coconut;
  • grapefruit;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetables from the cabbage family;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • dairy products;
  • honey (buckwheat, acacia, white, flower);
  • green tea and Yerba mate (a special tea people in Latin America);
  • green and black coffee.

Each of these products has a distinctive, inherent characteristics that help people to lose weight and yet maintain excellent physical shape. Now let's talk about them a little bit more.


Gorgeous "Pogodinskaya" spice, which was practiced in Ancient China.

The main "weapon" of cinnamon, under which the extra pounds melt like snow, is the ability to lower the amount of glucose in the bloodthe system, which the organism, like other simple sugars, like delay "in reserve". Therefore, cinnamon can be used instead of sugar, which for most of us remains the main source of glucose.

Among other things, on the ability of cinnamon to burn off extra fat people with slow metabolism, and stimulate the brain, drew attention of American and British nutritionists who suggest to introduce cinnamon to your diet.

It is best used as a drink by combining it with honey, especially because spoon this spice meets the daily needs in calcium and manganese.

Please note: cinnamon can not be applied to people with cardiovascular problems (especially hypertension), and the cinnamon grown in China (called Cassia) is the substance coumarin, which negatively affects the liver.

Ginger root

The healing properties of ginger have been familiar in the ancient world. Ginger root accelerates the metabolism, thins the blood, promotes energy. In the product-fat burner make ginger essential oils which lower cholesterol, and stabilize the functionality of the intestines, causing him to digest food, slowing the process of fermentation and putrefaction products, and contributing to its rapid emptying. In addition, ginger has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, so it can be used for colds to reduce its manifestations.

Ginger consumed in any form, but especially nutritionists recommend tea infused with fresh ginger root and diluted honey with lemon. This drink is not only healthy, but also delicious, so it would be happy to drink even the kids.


This exotic product of a negative calorie contains a substance called omega-9, which adjusts the body to the right job, at which fat is quickly converted into energy.


The nutritionists have long known fat burning properties of pineapple that breaks down fats thanks to the enzyme called bromelain, actively blunting hunger. And though scientists still have not come to a consensus regarding this substance, the pineapple should still be recorded in this list because it is fibrous, tough structure creates the stomach the burden of digesting cellulose. It gives a feeling of prolonged satiety and helps to maintain the metabolism at a normal level.

To the "cons" of the pineapple can be attributed to the acidity ofyou cannot potreblyat people with heartburn and ulcers.


Lemons help the liver to cleanse, and it contributes to weight loss because the liver is the organ that is responsible for the burning and conversion of fat.


Coconut contains medium chain triglyceride, which increases metabolism in the liver by 20-30%, which allows you to feel full for a long time. And coconut flour, milk and oil to improve the functionality of the thyroid gland.


Grapefruit is the "viceministry" of all the citrus fruits in which ascorbic acid content is already through the roof, and vitamin C improves the muscle work. In addition, grapefruit is perfectly breaks down fats and speeds up the metabolism, so only 150 grams grapefruit a day has a startling effect in the fight against obesity.

By the way, if you consume grapefruit, don't forget, it is incompatible with a number of oral contraceptives and antidepressants.

Whole wheat bread

Bread made from whole grains contains beneficial fiber and seed products, essential in the fight against excess weight. This product will be a great base for sandwiches and an additional source of healthy carbs.

Vegetables from the cruciferous

To cruciferous vegetables include all types of lettuce, radish, celery (by the way, Dr. Adams considers it the most effective vegetable slimming), peas, cabbage (broccoli and cabbage, Savoy, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts).

These products contain a lot of fiber, complex carbohydrates and protein roughage that the body will long to digest, thus, their nutritional value is low. They are processed at a massive energy cost, and digested a long time, giving a long lasting feeling of satiety, i.e., it is a typical negative calorie foods. That is why they must be included in the diet strict diet that the metabolism was carried out at optimal speed, and also in the full diet to control weight. But do not forget that the caloric level of these vegetables depends on how they are cooked.



Tomatoes contain ascorbic acid and phytochemicals licolin, and help to develop the amino acid L-carnitine accelerating the fat burning.


Garlic does not affect weight reduction, but it does not contribute to the increase in pounds. It is included in diets, rather, as a good condiment that can diversify the diet, and in addition, it is an excellent immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory product that helps to support weakened diet the body.

Please note: garlic should not be consumed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart problems.

Dairy products

Daily consumption of low-fat fermented dairy products (natural yoghurt, sour milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese with 0% fat) ensure the supply of calcium in the body and contribute to increase the production of calcitriol is one of the most important hormones. And the calcium in turn activates the fat burning process, simultaneously reducing the number of those that enter the body.


Honey should replace sugar, because it is not harmful to health, being a source of valuable vitamin-mineral complex. It also speeds up metabolism, helps the body to recover, and this is very important for the body, exhausted by the diet.

Honey should be consumed in small doses not to exceed 2 tsp per day and also used as a component of beverages based on honey and ginger, lemon and mint.

Please note: honey is a strong allergen, so it is impossible to use for people who are allergic to bee products and pollen.

Green tea and Yerba mate

Green tea and Yerba mate are natural antioxidants, dietary drinks. They are harmless to the body, contribute to the separation of bile, possess tonic properties. And as antioxidants they help to keep the skin and hair in normal condition, while maintaining a good tone.

Green and black coffee

Green and black coffee – drinks containing caffeine metabolism. And, despite the fact that green coffee significantly less caffeine than black, but it has more chlorogenic acid and it is known, helps to keep appetite in check. Also, coffee has antioxidant properties, the use of which tones and reduces weight.

But, if you practice coffee diet, exclude from the menu garlic because these products are incompatible (they have a double strain on the heart).

These products do not exhaust the list of useful products, but they are the basis on which nutritionists base their diet and programproper nutrition. Most importantly, apply them correctly according to the instructions otherwise they will not benefit.

In addition to proper diet, weight loss program should include physical activity – the combination of these two factors will not only lose weight quickly, but also to create beautiful body, without fat deposits in "problem" areas.