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How to build chest muscles at home

If you put yourself to the task to pump the chest muscles, then the best option is the gym. The availability of special equipment, qualified instructors will help you achieve the desired results. But often, this situation arises when regular visits to the gym impossible. In this case, as an alternative gym, you can use the lessons at home.

If you want to focus on jiggling pectoral muscles, you should keep in mind that they consist of several symmetrical groups, including:

  • pectoralis muscle,
  • pectoralis minor muscle
  • the front gear.

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Don't forget that when training the chest muscles, the body spends a tremendous amount of energy that is beneficial to burning fat.

Home workouts

Modern rhythm of life of many people nowadays is that it is often difficult to make time for regular visits to the gym. The training process at home can be considered as an adequate replacement for the gym. First must come the desire of the student to achieve the goal.

First you need to determine the number of classes per week. Many beginners mistakenly believe that daily activities can lead to the desired result in the shortest amount of time. But especially chest muscles are such that when working, muscles get multiple microtrauma and after each session, time is needed for their full recovery. Therefore, at the initial stage, the number of training should not exceed two sessions per week.

The same should follow an appropriate dosage in a number of approaches to exercises for developing chest muscles. Depending on the individual physical training and that their number should be from four to eight approaches for training. For those who are just beginning to engage the best option would be one or two exercises two-three approach. And remember, too much overload on the chest muscles gives good results. To achieve the desired result, make a training program and try to stick to it on a regular basis.

Exercises for training

The simplest and most universal form of exercise available for any beginner to develop his body, are simple push-UPS. If we consider carefully the mechanism of the process of push-UPS, we will see that this kind of variation of the bench press. In addition, the push-up is the best General exercise. When push-UPS are involved and the muscles of the arms, that provides a uniform development of the muscles of the upper body. In addition, there is active effect on the muscles of the abdomen, which has beneficial effects on the whole body. To a lesser extent involved the muscles of the legs, but they get a small share of the load.

Like many physical exercises from push-UPS there are various variations that you can load different groups of the chest muscles.


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The simplest and most universal form of exercise available for any beginner to engage in the process of the development of the body, are simple push-UPS. If we consider carefully the mechanism of the process of push-UPS, we will see that this kind of variation of the bench press. In addition, the push-up is the best General developmental exercise involving a huge number of muscles. When push-UPS are involved the muscles of the arms, that provides a uniform development of the muscles of the upper body. In addition, there is active effect on the muscles of the abdomen, which has beneficial effects on the whole body. To a lesser extent involved the muscles of the legs, but they get a small share of the load.

Like many physical exercises from push-UPS there are various variations that you can load different groups of the chest muscles.

Narrow pushups

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One of these options are narrow push-UPS. Unlike pushups narrow from the regular width is the setting of the hands. In the casenarrow push-UPS hands are placed so that the fingers of both hands were turned inwards and touch each other. When lowering the need to touch the chest and survive in this position a second pause. When performing this exercise you should pay special attention to the straight back position. Of motion during push-up smooth without jerks, breathing evenly, without delay.

Push-UPS on stools

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The next option push-UPS is push-UPS on stools. Two stools are placed at shoulder width, as supports for the feet of a sofa or chair. Original position as in a regular push-up. The main difference is that in this variation of push-UPS increases the depth of the lowering of the body. Also in this exercise, it is possible to work with the weights, for example, as additional load you can use a backpack with books.

A push-up forward bend

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The point of this exercise is concluded that the legs were positioned above the head. You need to put feet on any elevation and to perform normal push-UPS. This exercise will involve the upper chest, as well as major muscle groups of the hands. When performing this exercise you should pay attention to the correct formulation of the elbows. If possible, try to separate them to the sides, to provide maximum load to the chest muscles.

Dumbbell bench press lying on the floor

Жим гантелей лежа на полу

The presence of normal dumbbells will allow you to diversify the program of training sessions. The most versatile exercise is: taking the initial position lying on back, bend legs at the knees, hands with dumbbells pull up. Then, on the inhale, slowly lower the hands until the elbows touch the floor. Try not to hurry, do this exercise in a smooth, steady pace. To diversify these exercises with dumbbells can allow normal folding athletic bench, which really to purchase at any sporting goods store.

Remember that nothing is impossible. When a certain amount of desire, even at home you can achieve excellent results. Find additional incentive for regular classes, select free time and the results will please you.