Home / Learn to swim on your own: practical advice for adults

Learn to swim on your own: practical advice for adults

To learn how to swim without the use of assistive devices for an adult allows a strict discipline, the study of the basic theory. To begin to self-learn the practical side of sailing is only recommended after you are familiar with the safety precautions and rules of conduct in the pool.

From theory to practice

To learn swimming is possible at any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve the desired goal can become prejudices and fears. To get rid of them allows a clear understanding of what is swimming in the pool and in open water brings not only pleasure, but also has a positive effect on health.

Swimming lessons on a regular basis contribute to:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • the training of the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening muscles, immune system and nervous system.

To start learning to swim should be in a shallow pool or open water. The legs should feel the solid ground, head and shoulders being above water. To feel full security and confidence allows you the presence of knowing how to swim well man.

An alternative could be lessons with a qualified coach. The visit of the special sessions is not a prerequisite to learn the basics of swimming you can own.

How to breathe correctly?

Statement of breath — the most important and difficult point in teaching swimming. Without correct breathing it is impossible to learn swimming the crawl, breaststroke, and any other style. Learn to breathe correctly to be initially. Deep breath through the mouth do above the water surface, and exhale in the water.

Recruited light air allows a person to stay in the desired position. The deeper the breath, the better it keeps floating water. No need to try to collect full lungs of air. This will lead to discomfort, become an obstacle to free movement in the water.

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Exercise on respiration

To make the correct breathing, you have to train. Being a broke, you need a full chest to inhale air, exhale, dive into the water and a full exhale through the mouth. The exercise is repeated in several approaches. The thing to do between breaks. Professional swimmers train in the same way, but the technique is perfect for beginners.

Breathing while swimming

To breathe the air needed by mouth. The position of the body when moving in the water must remain constant, it is necessary only to rotate the head. Breathing through the nose is unsafe. Drops of water, falling into the nasopharynx, cause discomfort and can trigger an asthma attack. Koordiniruyutsya breathing movement of the hands and feet, which are determined by the style of swimming.

Swimming techniques

Integral part of the learning process is knowledge of the basic styles of swimming, of which there are four:

  1. Brass

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Is the synchronous movements of the limbs parallel to the water.

  1. Crawl on the chest

The style involves a simultaneous stroke first one and then the other half of the body.

  1. Crawl on back

Appliances like an upside down front crawl.

  1. Butterfly

Difficult technique of swimming. To master it yourself is not recommended. Wishing to swim in butterfly style should learn the technique under the guidance of a professional coach or mentor.

How to tread water?

To learn how to swim in any of the styles, you must first learn how to tread water. This allows you to do the exercise "star".

It is provided inthe following order:

  1. Breath

The lungs gain more air;

  1. Dip

Face down in the water and pushing limbs aside so that the body formed a kind of "stars";

  1. Retention

To stay in the same position need more time. Being in the water, impossible to exhale. Otherwise, immediately begin the dive.

"Asterisk" — an exercise in overcoming a fear of water. It allows you to learn how to stay on the surface of water by means of typed in lungs of air without making movements with arms and legs. Person who have successfully completed the "star", you can safely go to a technical exercise movements.

How to move your hands and feet?

Full sail is impossible without practicing the movements of the arms and legs. Hands in the water moving reflex. Much harder to learn the movements of the lower limbs. Without the help feet will not work to keep the body in the water and speeds. Most importantly, beginning to hone the movement of the legs, remember that socks must always be elongated.

Learning to swim the breaststroke movement of the legs make sharp and fast. The more intense the shock, the greater the speed is. Brass requires a different technique of motion that resembles the movement of a frog in water. Easier to learn to move your feet, mastering the breaststroke, holding hands or at the side of the pool, either using a special Board, which is supported floating on the water.

How to learn swimming in style crawl and the breaststroke?

The most easy to learn for a beginner swimmer is the rabbit. To comprehend this technique is not very difficult. Water fall by a person we begin to touch the feet alternately lowering and raising them. At the same time make the strokes of his hands. First, one of the hands carried forward, lowered into the water, making the stroke folded into the bucket the palm toward the thigh. Likewise, making the movement with the other hand.

Swimming the breaststroke in the air absorb light on every second stroke. To breathe in, head first out of the water, and then turn to the moving hand. To absorb the air and light you should try as much as possible. Without sufficient levels of oxygen to swim for a long time impossible.

Brass is slightly more complicated rabbit, but to master it fast enough. The main thing is to consider that motion while swimming breaststroke should be synchronous and similar to those committed by the floating frog. Harder to learn to swim butterfly. To master this technique is recommended with an experienced coach. Specialist will demonstrate movement by example and monitor the correctness of their implementation.

Competitive swimming requires special training. For a professional career swimmer of an adult to prepare is almost impossible. Relevant trainings and loading should begin from childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming is useful not only for health but also for the figure. Regular exercise is considered an effective way to release energy from fat accumulation. The importance is not only the amount of time spent in the pool, but also the performance.

That workout was effective and safe as possible, you need to follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. To do on an empty stomach;

The water pressure at the abdomen during swimming high. If the stomach is full, it is fraught with problems with digestion. Eat before a workout should be for 2.5 hours, and after school — an hour later.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning the body is not ready for strong loads, and in the evening, on the contrary, needs a good rest. If you do in the mornings or the evenings, the training will be less effective than the ongoing day training.

  1. Visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular exercise — the key to consistent results. Constant training teaches the body to stress, the muscles faster learns the skills learned in swimming.

  1. Wear a rubber cap, remove the jewelry;

Prolonged exposure to water on roots adversely affects the condition of the hair and jewelryproducts can get lost.

  1. To take a warm shower or exercise;

Heated and conditioned muscles make exercise more effective.

  1. Wear rubber slates.

Walking barefoot on wet tile can lead to injury.

The benefits of swimming for the body is invaluable. The immune system of people who regularly attend the pool stronger. They are much less likely to suffer heart disease, colds and other ailments, not depressed, always in a good mood, not obese, have good musculature and proportionally developed body.