Home / Exercises for the side abdominal muscles: recommendations, tips

Exercises for the side abdominal muscles: recommendations, tips

Great abs is a pride and a reason for admiration. Tight and relief stomach can only be obtained as a result of training, the implementation of which allows to feel always active and cheerful.

боковые мышцы пресса анатомияThe involvement of the lateral abdominal muscles only happens when you rotate the housing. This is due to the fact that they almost do not work in everyday life.

Most notably in the press, oblique muscles. They are inclined, starting from the chest and over the abdomen. The reduction in the left external muscles occurs as a result of rotation of the body to the right, and the right to the left.

Internal oblique muscles are located under the outer and see. The right internal oblique muscle contracts when you turn the hull right and the left to the left.

Recommendations and tips for efficient workout

For inflating the side abdominal muscles need to know and follow these rules:

  • For 2-2. 5 hours before training need loose to eat;

To do on an empty stomach is not recommended. Lack of energy does not allow you to give your hundred percent and reduces the effectiveness of the training. To eat also should not be. Classes with a full stomach can cause dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant consequences.

  • To start training you need with an easy warm up;

To warm up your muscles, you need to jump, to run on a treadmill or in place, to perform such simple exercises like bending, rotation, rotations.

  • You should not overwork — to exhaust itself;

Classes should be held two to four times a week. This is enough to pump a relief and a beautiful press.

  • Exercises should be muscle strain;

When the sensation of musculature on the abdomen is not tense, the exercise is performed incorrectly.

  • Do not eat after workout within an hour.

When after the classes overcomes the strong hunger, you can drink a glass of water or eat an Apple.

Muscles in my stomach be stretching quite bad and fatigue is a normal reaction of the muscles to loads. Importantly, to perform the training on their level of training, moving from mastering light for heavier exercises.

A set of exercises for the side abdominal muscles

The level of the first

The complex designed for beginners, allows you to tighten the muscles, not designed to build large and bulky muscles of the bodybuilder. Exercises of the first level will be a great start and preparation for the transition to more complex training.When you run a complex frame needs to stretch. It is important not to overdo it. Otherwise you can get injured.

НаклоныThe slopes

The legs are on width of shoulders, hands linked behind his head. Body tilted to the possible maximum in one direction and then in the other direction.

The slopes are performing smoothly, effortlessly, with the fixation of the case at the end point. Five or six approaches do not less than 20 of slope. Increase the load if it is not enough, dumbbells allow the weight not exceeding 10 kg.

The exercises using dumbbells leads to build mass and thickening of the waist. This is particularly important to girls.

Боковые подъемы корпуса на скамьеSide sit-UPS on the bench

Lie sideways on the bench so that his legs were on it and the case no. Legs record holder or asking a partner hold them. The case for multiple approaches on each side lift up to 30 times.

To increase the load use the weights.

Боковые подъемы ног для косых мышцTwisting on the bar

 Perfect training for inflating the oblique muscles, if the house has horizontal bar.

Hanging on the bar, bent legs carried alternately to the right and to the left, pulling them to his chest. Hands should be shoulder width apart.

The second level

Complex second level allows you to give your muscles relief. Doing it on a regular basis, you can not only tighten the body, but also to reduce your waist. All exercises complex perform 10 to 15 times, doing 3 or 4 sets.

Подъёмы корпуса и ногLifts your legs and body

Lie on a flat surface. Straighten the legs. The hand placed under the head. From the starting position, simultaneously raise and knee and body so that they touched. Return to starting position and change arm.

Перекрестное скручивание лежаCross-twisting lying

Take the situation lying down. Hands folded at the back, the legs bend at the knees. Body lift and turn alternately to each side, touching knee to opposite elbow. That is right knee to touch left elbow and left knee — right elbow.

Rises knees

Lying on your side, lean on elbow, straighten legs, his free hand slid behind his back. Raise both legs to chest without touching on the floor. Turnon the other side and perform the same lifts.

Боковые подъемы ног для косых мышцSide leg lifts for the oblique muscles

Hanging on the bar without bending my knees, perform lateral lifts. The maximum point of the leg lift hold.

The third level

The complex is ideal for those who a long time working on the press. The number of running repetitions and approaches controlled individually. It all depends on your existing physical training.

Простые наклоны с утяжелениемSimple bends with weights

To start doing the exercises recommended for those who have a well-trained loin. Doing it regularly, you can in the shortest time possible as efficiently as possible to pump up the oblique muscles.

Feet put shoulder-width apart. On the trapeze put the fretboard. 15 times in each direction perform tilts, stopping at the end point for a couple of seconds. Return to the starting position.

Body when you perform bending and return to its original position must remain straight. It is impossible to prevent tilting forwards or backwards. On the correct exercise shows a sense of tension of the muscles. To increase the load on the neck add to the pancakes.

Tilts with a turn

A stronger version of inclinations with the use of the fretboard, which involved bundles of the oblique muscles.

The neck can be used as pancakes, and without them. While in the standing position, bending is carried out forward and sideways. Every inclination is accompanied by a twisting of the body and rotate elbow to opposite knee.

Скручивание на турникеTurns on the horizontal bar

Difficult exercise. To run it under power well trained and strong man.

Hanging on the bar, hands a shoulder width apart. Straight legs lift parallel to the floor. Legs in the air describe the arc. Range of motion try to do as much as possible.

To do the exercise, giving it one hundred percent. The bends perform 10 to 15 times.


Perfect to reduce your waist.

To the frame need to be sideways. Both hands to take the upper unit 12 and to perform chopping motions in the direction of the leg, twisting the body.

Tips for completing exercises

Pumped up the side abdominal muscles will make you appear more toned andperfect. Do not just undertake a complex exercise if the level of training. It is better to start with the first level and gradually increase the load, moving on to more complex training. The main thing is to practice regularly and diligently. This will ensure a great result, good mood and well being.