Home / The chicken breast recipes for athletes

The chicken breast recipes for athletes

Chicken breast is a highly nutritious product that is indispensable for people choosing sport as a way of life. The Internet abounds with all sorts of recipes for cooking chicken breast. However, not all of them comply with the principles of a balanced diet.

What is meant by a balanced diet? Regular whole body nourishment with essential nutrients and beneficial substances in the right proportions (a certain amount of fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins). Thus it focuses on the "right carbs", unsaturated fats, easily digestible proteins.

Healthy eating and the role of the chicken breast

The shortfall in the body of a component invariably leads to problems associated with metabolic disorders, entailing a loss of energy, fatigue, weakened immunity and even neurological disorders. Women, for example, fades for the eyes: the hair becomes brittle, the skin takes on an unhealthy shade disappears somewhere attractive playful look.

A healthy diet is designed to maintain excellent health, appearance, contribute to the fruitful work, effective training. We all know that protein is a building material for our body. If the purpose of man is to form relief muscles, you need to take care of sufficient intake of protein in the body. Otherwise, it is not necessary to think about a beautiful figure or building muscle.

Chicken Breasts with minimal fat and high protein content, easily absorbed and is one of the main dietary products. Such properties of steel osnovopolagayuschimi to include chicken breast in the diet of athletes.

Nutritional value and composition of chicken breast

100 chicken breast:

  • Protein: 23.6 g
  • Fats: 1 g.
  • Carbohydrates, 0.4 g.
  • Calories: 113 kcal.

But a good indicator of protein, chicken breast is replete with all kinds of useful trace elements (potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron). American nutrition, conducted the study of this product, came to the conclusion about the content in chicken breast is quite a large number of melatonin, which is responsible for preventing the aging of cells, prolonging the active period of life and youth. Thanks to all that chicken meat is considered one of the top sources of protein created by nature.

Anyone who has ever in my life stuck to any diet, seriously went in for sports, knows firsthand about the moral difficulties associated with the absorption of the same food. Howeverchicken is not the case. After all, you can use an unimaginable number of delicious dishes that meet all the principles of healthy eating.

Methods of preparation

Preparing chicken at home, you should be aware of the need to preserve the maximum amount of protein and add a minimal amount of fat. Therefore, the optimal options will be cooking in a double boiler or on the grill, boiling, baking in the oven. Let us consider each of the methods.

Отварное филе курицыBoiled chicken fillet

This method is most common, but it may not be the best solution, because when cooked, the fifth part of the protein remains in the water. If you are the fans of boiled meat, the water, which are going to immerse the chicken, it is necessary to bring to a boil. This measure will help to reduce losses. Get rid of the taste of fresh onions, parsley, carrots or celery, added during cooking. Need to add salt when cooking is about to end. The whole procedure should last for twenty-five minutes.

Отварная куриная грудкаSteaming

Opting this method is preferable. Choosing it, you will save the maximum amount of protein. To diversify the taste of the meat by using vegetables that you add according to your taste. Before you start cooking a fillet is cut into pieces of medium size and together with the vegetables sent to the steamer. After half an hour spent there, it is ready to drink.

филе курицы Запеченное в фольгеBaking in foil

In order to get juicy and flavorful meat, use the roasting chicken in foil. Chicken fillet with vegetables (e.g., pumpkin, broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, green beans, peppers) and spices and placed in a pre-folded pocket of foil. To give a elegance taste, you can add soy sauce or a little red wine. Then the dish goes into the oven and baked at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees about half an hour. Here, as when cooking for a couple, possible many variations with seasonings and vegetables. Changing the ingredients, bringing a new, you will achieve truly stunning results, stay well-fed and happy.


The above options are more useful than cooking chicken on the grill, however, it so happens that you are expecting guests, not quite understanding passion for healthy eating. If you want to satisfy their gastronomic needs, but do not want to deviate from theirprinciples, is the best suitable grill. However, even using fat, the negative aspects followed by the release of carcinogenic substances when frying you to level will not. Therefore, this method is leave for special occasions.

In our day to adhere to the tenets of a healthy diet much easier than in the old days. On the shelves an abundance of products for every taste. Besides, fashion has become firmly established such a universal thing as slow cooker. With it in smaller time from the ordinary chicken breast, can create a true culinary masterpiece. Moreover, this feat is able to make the people who are Amateurs in the field of cooking. You just see the memo attached to the product, place the fillet and cauliflower into the unit, put the mode "Pastries", to wait forty-five minutes to begin the meal. The beauty of slow cooker cooking is that people who do not have skills in cooking, able to cook a decent dinner. Another advantage is the impossibility of evaporation from food nutrients.

Universal tips juicy and flavorful fillet

The chicken breast before cooking should be marinated. The basis for the marinade, use low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yoghurt), soy sauce, lemon juice. You can mix one hundred grams of yoghurt with two teaspoons of lemon juice and a small amount of Tabasco sauce.

Place the chicken breast in the marinade and keep it there for at least an hour. Then send the meat in the steamer, bake or cook for a couple. Be sure you experience the unprecedented pleasure from the result of your efforts.

Don't get carried away with the salt. Use it in large quantities will sooner or later impact on your health, and you run the risk of spoiling the dish. The fact that the salt draws out meat from liquid. In the end, it will become tasteless and dry. Experienced in cooking people prefer the use of various herbs, soy sauce, ginger, various spices.

Prolonged heat treatment also steals a taste. Of course, the meat should not be eaten raw. However, to bring meals until ready enough thirty or forty minutes.

Do not think that initiation into the secrets of cooking a chicken breast takes a lot of time. However, a certain skill in this matter should be. Do not be lazy to learn all the wisdom, and the reward for you will become a constant presence on your table delicious and healthy food.