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How to make a thin waist? Are there any exercises for the waist?

Questions about how to get rid of the sides, and reduce the waist, very often discussed on the forum. But it's actually a problem for many women and men the reason is that at the waist accumulates the bulk of fat cells.

It is necessary to eat only a few extra candy waist has increased by a few millimeters. At first it seems not much, but over time, the difference increases. And, in the end, people are no longer like themselves.

How to solve this problem? Of course, there is nothing easier than to perform special exercises that will help you to regain waist slim and attractive.

If you dig on the Internet in search of exercises to reduce the sides, the more often we will stumble on suspicious complexes, like become shoulder-width apart, put your hands up, etc. on this Basis, we can safely say that these articles written by people who know nothing about physiology and fitness.

The most common exercise to reduce waist are bending to the side:

Strange as it may sound, but the effect of such exercises is more focused on increasing the waist and not on the decrease. This applies to all exercises that involve the muscles of the waist. Accordingly, the sides will be even greater. This information will confirm any professional fitness trainer.

As you already understood from the above, in the absence of a beautiful waist, blame the fat accumulated there. If it were not postponed, then you would have a wasp waist without exercise. So, the only thing you need to do is get rid of the accumulated on the sides of the fat. That is the only problem that remove fat locally is not possible.

In order to reduce the waist need to fully engage in the gym, and to observe the correct diet. Body fat will gradually go from the entire body. In some places this process will be faster and some slower. But, in the end, you will still achieve the desired result, a wasp waist and toned body.

There are radical methods of weight loss. One such method is the liposuction, which is designed for local fat removal. But after a while, with the same lifestyle, the fat will come back. Therefore, this method is considered to be temporary, and to recommend it we can't.

Questions and answers on the subject of beautiful waist

If you regularly engage with the Hoop, will the waist slim?

Unfortunately some of the exercises with a Hoop is not enough to clean the sides. But, nevertheless, thanks to the massage effectwill increase the blood circulation in the waist area. And if the process of burning fat will spread throughout the body, this effect will speed things up.

Possible, whether the reduction of the waist, which absolutely no fat, only muscle?

Absolutely not! Muscles do not have the ability to shrink in one spot from the impact of sports massage or something.

Is there a special set of exercises that are effective in struggling with fat deposits on the belly and sides?

If you read the article carefully again, you will immediately understand that such a complex does not exist.

Is it possible to adjust a wide waist?

Yes it is possible, but only if you regularly do in the gym. At the same time to develop muscles on the buttocks, hips and shoulders. Thus, the body will become more proportionate, and the waist is visually reduced.

How men relate to a wasp waist?

The Swiss Beauty Institute held a social. the survey found that almost 80% of men prefer to see a woman with a slender waist.

How to make a thin waist for 10 minutes a day