Home / Exercise bike — how to do

Exercise bike — how to do

There is a perception that to keep your body in shape is necessary to do in the gym. But the same results can be achieved at home, as they say, it would wish. Moreover, today the market is full of new technical means, the use of which will make the workout as effective as possible. These tools include the exercise bike, the popularity of which needs no proof.

How to engage in this simulator to reduce weight? What need to prepare before class? Which program should I choose to achieve the best results? The answers to these and other questions will be discussed in our material.

Advantages and benefits

If the original vehicles, like the bicycles, could be done only by professionals in the world of sport, then in the 90s they became available to the masses. But then not all could afford to purchase such equipment, and today it is available for all. The free market has exercise bikes for home and almost in every fitness club they are in stock, just need to buy a subscription.

This is cardio, which may conduct aerobic exercises in an intensive mode for endurance, study the heart muscle in the direction of strengthening and also to:

  • weight loss;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • development and strengthening of the leg muscles;
  • development of the heart;
  • to make the figure slender and taut;
  • development of the respiratory system.

The results of the spin classes meets expectations, since this device allows not only to effectively burn calories, but also solve the problem with the accumulated fat, transforming it into energy. Important is the fact that during such classes almost impossible to get injured. In addition, such training is not contraindicated for people having problems with joints and spinal Department.

If you compare the classes on elastance with training on a treadmill on the calories burned, the difference between the workouts on this indicator is almost absent. According to the study, one hour of such training you will burn about 500 calories. In the end the man, regularly training with the use of this device, are formed embossed calf becomes slimmer waist, hips, buttocks.

Read more about the benefits of home workouts on the bike:

  • the opportunity to engage at any time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • don't need safety shoes, helmet or other equipment for convenience and safety;
  • no risk of injury;
  • compactsimulator;
  • control of body condition and performance.

In modern models there is a computer equipment, which has given it the ability to monitor indicators: calories burned, pulse, "traveled" miles and others. Also in the issue of effective sharing of the load helps to select modes of intensity. The device is designed so that any person could achieve a result, even if his sports training at a minimum.

The main rules of the classroom

At first glance, it seems obvious that for weight loss and the formation of beautiful and shapely figure just enough to pedal. However, the maximum benefit from the sessions will be achieved provided that a competent and serious approach, but not in sporadic traffic loads.

The effectiveness of training depends on the parameters:

  • follow rules, regulations of the housing;
  • the optimal limits of loads;
  • monitoring indicators;
  • equipment;
  • the basic rules of fitness.

Each of the parameters need to be considered in more detail.


Mandatory conditions the effectiveness of the exercise – adherence technology. Beginners often make some mistakes when on the bike, including the wrong position of the back, namely its deflection in the lower back. It is important that the back was relaxed, in its natural position, perhaps with a little rounding of the shoulders.

It is also necessary to ensure that the basic weight is not tolerated on hand. They should be relaxed. Position stop parallel to the floor. But for uniform distribution of load on the muscles the direction of the knees should be slightly inward or forward. Seat height needs to be adjusted! The position of the head is similar to the riding position on a conventional bike – right, and forward.


In the course of employment must rely on their senses to monitor the pulse. It is important to remember that for the body workout data will be most useful, provided that their capabilities with a range of loads. To reduce weight it is recommended to engage in a mode of average intensity when pedaling do not need to make a special effort. With increasing loads, should be reduced. To the fat burning process, start the service the minimum duration of the training should be half an hour.

As for the pulse, its frequency is of some importance. First, calculates the upper limit heart rate, then determines its optimal zone, allowingas efficiently as possible to train with this device for weight reduction and shaping a slender figure. The heart rate during the workout – 60% of the upper limit, the training is 65-75%.

Indicators: observation, monitoring, assessment

It is recommended to have a log of activities, which will contain detailed information about the indicators: "passed" distance, pulse rate and others. With this data, you can achieve the greatest productivity from training. Need to monitor not only the metrics of calories burned, weight, but also your feelings. Thus, the results will be graphically presented in the journal for evaluation.


There are a few simple requirements for clothing for the lessons: it should not constrain movement, to facilitate the landing. Cycling shorts and vest is the perfect solution. You can use special gloves to ensure the best possible contact with the wheel. As for shoes, preferably the model with a rigid sole, which provides the best fixation with pedals. It can be sneakers, sneakers, but it is not recommended to do in Czech or sneakers.


Despite the fact that about these rules knows almost everyone, many ignore them:

  • rhythmic breathing through the nose;
  • mandatory workout: exercises to warm up the muscles, ligaments, joints;
  • at the end of the training, "hitch" — exercises for the gradual transition of the heart to a normal rate;
  • it is impossible to do with weakness, malaise, poor health.

The training program, duration and the load must be optimum for the physical capabilities and training goals of the person. For weight loss minimum duration of training shall be 40 minutes. To lighten the mood during class, you can use the music.

The preparatory phase

When choosing the time for training the main reference should be the biorhythms of the body: for the early risers – morning classes, to "owls" — afternoon, evening. Importantly, the time interval between training and time before/after sleep was not less than two hours.

Also eating before class is allowed at least 1.5 hours, and drink, drugs, Smoking for 1 hour. To eliminate the feeling of thirst, if any, arose during a workout, you should rinse your mouth with water or make one small SIP.

The program of warm-up should include exercises involving those muscle groups that will be involved in the training. It can be tilt, sit-UPS, as well as exercises to warm up the joints and muscles of the shoulder girdle. Indue to the fact that most of the load your knees experience, it is recommended to do massage and RUB their joints. You should also not forget about stretching exercises of the muscles of the legs.

Program Cycling training

Regularity is essential to the effectiveness of the training. At the initial stage of training can be carried out according to schedule: weekly 3-4 (at least) 20-minute training. In the future, the duration should be gradually increased to 45 minutes, then to hours.

As for loads, then you need to choose one of two available types: uniform and interval. In the first case, the whole exercise is conducted at the same pace, in the second high intensity effort alternating with moderate/quiet. Experience shows that interval type of load is most effective in the issue of weight stabilization and correction, it also allows you to achieve brilliant results with minimal time.

The program of interval training:

  1. Warm-up – quiet pedaling with the simultaneous warm-up of the hands for 5-10 minutes.
  2. A 30-second acceleration to mid-tempo with the obligatory control of breathing.
  3. The 30-second limit load – at full pace.
  4. Several alternations relaxed pace with a fast.
  5. 10-15-minute "hitch".


Before you start training on the bike even confident in his health it is recommended that people consult a doctor. During the first training sessions need to be monitored for sensations. In case of dizziness, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, nausea and other discomfort it should be discontinued.

Such exercise is contraindicated if a person is suffering from:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • asthma;
  • hypertension II and III stage;
  • cancer
  • tachycardia;
  • angina, coronary heart disease;
  • diabetes mellitus in the acute phase;
  • thrombophlebitis.

In addition, it is not recommended to exercise during the cold, infectious diseases, appearance of weakness or pain in the spinal Department, joints. If you have previously received the injury was not cured until the end, including bruises and sprains, use the locking tools – special bandages and tape.