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Basic and isolating exercises

Anyone interested in bodybuilding, and began to walk in the athletic hall, you will face the issue of making training programs. And probably almost immediately hear the words: "base", "finish", "isolation". Besides you will see in the hall of an incredible number of machines, of various types and designs, and sweating on them athletes with well developed muscles and proportions for the Champions. A beginner may seem that these simulators and exercises the most effective, and you just need to copy what do the athletes with the experience, and soon you too will look like this.

In fact, for a good progress in the development of strength, endurance, and muscle mass growth, you should start with basic exercises and the most complex mechanical equipment designed for stand-alone.

To baseline are exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and joints. During exercise, successively or simultaneously tense up and train the whole cascades of muscle to your body, and most importantly, train and strengthen deep skeletal muscles. And this is very important because it is a well-developed internal muscle corset to protect your musculoskeletal system against injury and strains. It is well-formed basic exercises, posture and good muscular corset around the spine will create in the future a powerful athletic figure. Especially important to pay attention to the safety of those who come to the gym to cope with the problem of excess weight or just a long time led a sedentary lifestyle. And that pull-UPS, sit-UPS, work with free weights (very small to begin with), will allow you to quickly, safely and most importantly, will be involved in the training regime, and gradually build muscle, and with it to acquire additional energy, confidence, develop perseverance and strength of character that will help to achieve success in other areas of life.

       So, to make things clear concepts of basic and isolating exercises let us consider their definitions:

  • basic exercises – involves multiple large joints, and more than one muscle group;
  • isolated exercises will involve one joint and one muscle only.

The basic exercises require a lot of physical labor whole body. Bring the main result in muscle growth and strength development. Performed on the most simple apparatus, based on working with free weights (dumbbells, barbells, belt weights).

Isolated exercises are regarded as support. Their important effect to additionally load and isolate individual muscles. Relevant to experienced and well-developed athletes who've facedbecause the muscles have ceased to grow and progress as quickly as before, or need to build muscle definition and proportions to achieve the competitive level.

As in every business there are some nuances and exceptions. For example, this exercise as lifting barbells for biceps, involves only the elbow joint, and the like should be isolated exercises, but actually it's basic. But do not forget that when you perform this exercise further stressed the trapezius muscle, and the muscles of the back and even the neck. In itself, this exercise has impact effectiveness in the training process, and therefore quite rightly refers to the base.

So whether you need isolation exercises if needed, how and when? If you are a beginner then be included in the program of the isolation exercises should not be earlier than six months of intense training. In the program the ratio of basic exercises and isolation should not be less than 3:1. Three basic exercises, intense and heavy, and one (light) insulating towards the end. In this approach, the inevitable good gains in terms of muscle growth and strength gains. Conversely, if you are part of a program from a large number of isolation exercises, even if you consistently will train all muscle groups, then your progress will slow greatly. Mechanics and dynamics of isolation exercises is that without "heavy" base, the muscles will very quickly get used to the load, and will not grow. Avoid this mistake and your success will not keep itself waiting long.

Базовые упражнения

For a better understanding of the overall picture, here is a list of basic and isolation exercises.

Basic exercises


  • Pull on the bar, with and without weights, different grips;
  • Thrust rod in the slope (required after the instruction of the coach, with a belt to start with a blank fretboard);
  • Thrust dumbbells in the slope, emphasizing the second hand on the bench;
  • Pull the upper block to the chest;
  • Horizontal thrust block.
  • Deadlift (pretty dangerous, but extremely effective exercise, under the supervision of a coach and the athletic zone).

Pectoral muscles:

  • bench barbell on an incline bench;
  • dumbbell bench press on a flat bench;
  • bench press bar on the horizontal bar;
  • bench barbell on an inclined bench upside down;
  • dumbbell bench press on the horizontal bench;
  • dumbbell bench press on incline bench, head down;
  • dips (chest emphasis, with and without weights).

Deltoid muscle (shoulders):

  • bench press bar from chest and head;
  • dumbbell bench press sitting;
  • thrust rod to the chin while standing(broach).


  • lifting barbells for biceps standing;
  • lift the dumbbells while standing with supination;
  • Hammer (hammer curl, hammers);


  • The bench press barbell narrow grip;
  • Dips (triceps emphasis).


  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders;
  • the leg press in the simulator;
  • dead lift;
  • lunges with barbell on shoulders;
  • lifting on socks standing up (main load on the calves).

Isolation exercises


  • wiring of all types (e.g., information, hands with dumbbells while lying on an incline/horizontal bench) and exercises performed on the blocks.

Deltoid muscle:

  • wiring (Mahi) of all types, lifting dumbbells in front of you.


  • concentrated curl with dumbbells or with a barbell (focus on the elbow);
  • flexion of one hand on the BIC-map.


  • extension arms on the block standing;
  • French bench press;
  • extension of one hand because of the head:
  • extension arms with dumbbells back in the slope.


  • Straightening legs while sitting;
  • Bending the legs while standing or lying;
  • Rises on socks sitting (caviar, the main load on the soleus muscle).

9 basic exercises