Home / Green tea fights obesity

Green tea fights obesity

The use of green tea as complementary tools in the fight against excess weight is quite popular. It helps to improve the regulation of blood sugar weight loss and helps to updated fat cells. Green tea contain organic substances – catechins, accelerating metabolism of the substances and reduce appetite.

According to the results of eleven studies conducted by Dutch experts from the University of Maastricht, when using a statistical method called meta-analysis, it was found that catechins contained in green tea, promote the process of reducing and optimizing weight. Their action is enhanced when combined with caffeine.

Other studies found that the catechins that are in green tea help reduce the total amount of body fat, especially located in the abdomen, in addition, decreases the amount of triglycerides in the blood. Drinking green tea increases the effectiveness of burning body fat and serves as an excellent Supplement for physical exertion.

Next time, when you select in-store teas, pay your attention to the varieties of green. Just be sure to are real, not the ones that are sold Packed in bags. Quality green tea can not be cheap, so not worth trying to save.

To hope that drinking a few cups of tea to melt all of the accumulated excess fat. This pleasant drink will be just a wonderful addition to training and nutrition.