Home / Arnold 2.0: Calum von Moger

Arnold 2.0: Calum von Moger

Basic data

  • Born on 9 June 1990
  • Height: 188 cm
  • Weight: 250 lbs – 113 kg

What was your lifestyle before the Transfiguration?

I grew up in a very small town on a farm with his family, played football for 8 years and have always been very athletic. I was surrounded by a very organized atmosphere in which all members of my family have complied with the order of the day. Undoubtedly, the environment in which I grew up helped me to form a relationship to the discipline.

Also at a young age I learned to give importance to nutrition and vitamins.

Калум фон Могер

What started your point of reference?

When I was 14, my brother started training at an old warehouse, there were rusty iron rods and dumbbells. At that time I was thin and not too hardy, my fitness goal was to catch up with an older brother who was bigger and stronger than me. I spent days working out and watching Pumping Iron, eating tuna banks and the whole chicken and trained on the beach while studying in high school. In 2011 I was selected to participate in the contest WFF Mr universe Juniors. I took part in the international championship NABBA juniors and won this competition.

I continued to work in order to get first place in the Mr. universe contest this year. This competition affected me because now I know that you can achieve success in bodybuilding.

Калум фон Могер

Did you have any special problems or circumstances that have a negative effect on your transformation?

Yes, women. My mom didn't like the fact that I started to take bodybuilding as a teenager, and she tried many times to keep me from going to the gym. But now she 100% supports me, because he sees how much progress I managed to achieve.

Also in the past I had a girlfriend who was none too pleased with this, but I believe that any person able to accept it.

Калум фон Могер

What's happened with your life after the Transfiguration?

Now I have a very lot of cases.With the title of "Mr. universe" for the third time and becoming the Ambassador of the industry of fitness and health, I have every month to go to a new city or country.

I meet a lot of people, fans and making friends, it's a great feeling. I consider myself very lucky.

Калум фон Могер

What motivates you to continue and become even stronger?

I remember when I was a kid, I saw Steve Rivers in "Hercules". I looked at him as a role model and your ideal body have seen like that. Now, when I created a beautiful body thanks to bodybuilding, children in social networks look at me and imitate me.

I feel that the child with "big" dreams has become a man who can be role models, that's what motivates me.

Калум фон Могер

What is your next goal? Where do you see yourself in a year?

My next goal is to make a name for himself not only in the fitness industry, but in entertainment and wildlife in Africa. I love animals and would like to use their abilities for greater purposes than my own. Next year I will participate in the show "Mr. universe in Miami.

I'm also planning to take a trip around the world, I have already painted every month until may next year.

Калум фон Могер

The training program

Monday: Back

  • The upper thrust block in the simulator Hammer 4x10-15 (Superset)
  • Pullover with cable 4x10-15
  • Link to the chest on the lower back 3x10-12 (Superset)
  • Thrust to the chest on the middle back 3x10-12
  • Thrust block narrow grip 3x10-12 (Superset)
  • Pull down with one hand 3x10-12
  • Hyperextension 2x15

Tuesday: Chest

  • Trainer Pec Deck 3x10-15
  • The chest press the tilt up 3x10-12
  • Press simulator from the chest 3x10-12
  • The layout on the simulator butterfly 3x10-12
  • Lying dumbbell bench press 3x10-12
  • Press down on the treadmill 3x10-12

Wednesday: Quads

  • The leg extension in the simulator 4 x 10-15
  • The leg press at 45 degrees 4x10-15
  • Squats in the simulator Smith 3x10-15
  • Single leg press 3 x 10-15
  • Vertical leg press 3 x 10-15

Thursday: Arms/Press

  • The lifting of a weight in the standing 4x10-15
  • Bending of the hands 3x10-15
  • Bending of hands on a simulator 3-10-15
  • Block deadlifts 4x10-15
  • The extension with a barbell 3x10-15
  • The extension on the simulator 3x10-15 (Superset giant)
  • Leg lifts 3x20
  • Leg lifts bent knees 3x20
  • The upgrades on the simulator3x20

Friday: Shoulders/Calves

  • Bench standing on the treadmill 3x10-15
  • Lateral rises 3x10-15
  • The lifting of the dumbbells above the head 3x10-15
  • Breeding on the rear of the Delta 3x10-15
  • Press on the shoulders while sitting 3 break
  • Climbing to the sitting calf 5x10-20

Saturday: Rest


Sunday: Rest


Калум фон Могер

Favorite kind of cardio?

Can you do your cardio? (Laughs). But I seriously can say that you don't do cardio workouts. I am currently satisfied with daily long walks. Cardio I'm including in the program only when I have to prepare for the show.

Describe your routine of cardio workouts:

When I'm preparing for a show, then doing cardio five times a week.

Twice a week I'll be training at a fast pace and three times at normal, using a combo on the treadmill and walk uphill.

Калум фон Могер

What power do you hold?

Everything should be in moderation, for most of the day I try to eat well, but often can eat a lot of burgers and pizza.

(Laughs). I have a fast metabolism and I know that my body is able to easily burn calories.

You're gaining weight and dropping or stay in shape all year?

To gain weight hard to stay in shape much easier. I am constantly trying to add and retain muscle mass.

Калум фон Могер диета

Daily diet

  • First meal: 1 ½ Cup oats, 1 scoop protein, berries and yogurt
  • Second meal: 6 egg whites, 1 egg and 6 oz of Buffalo meat
  • Third meal: 9 oz chicken, 7 oz of rice and 1 Cup vegetables
  • Fourth meal: 9 oz 7 oz red meat and potatoes
  • Fifth meal: 9 oz chicken, 7 ounces of rice, salad and 1 Cup vegetables
  • Sixth meal: 12 egg whites and ½ Cup cream of rice
  • Between meals I usually drink 3 protein shakes a day.

Калум фон Могер

What was your greatest achievement in fitness?

Definitely, obtaining the title of Mr. universe three times and the title of the first professional WFF in the field of bodybuilding.

What three tips can you give those who want to achieve their goal?

  1. Three words, never give up!
  2. Set a goal and do everything you can to achieve it
  3. Don't let daily issues to drown out your enthusiasm to life!

Favorite quote:

As the oak grows from the acorn and the eagle from an egg, and everygreat achievement starts with a dream or thought. The father.

According to the materials: simplyshredded.com