Home / Deadlifts


Magnificent, powerful and yet easy-basic movement, which will allow you to build muscle mass and dramatically increase strength. When executed, this muscles work almost the entire body, and the load on them is extremely large. No other exercise is able to give the same stimulus to increase strength and volume (besides squats, of course). Competitive exercise in powerlifting, it is one of the three main, for both beginners and experienced athletes, along with the bench press and squats. You can do the thrust block to the abdomen or back, but to exclude from their complex deadlift is a serious mistake (especially for beginners).

Working muscles

The quads and hamstrings, polusharnirnye, the semimembranosus muscle bundles of the long extensors of the back and other muscles of the lower back, latissimus dorsi muscle, rhomboid muscle, trapezius muscle, deltoid muscle, forearm, and biceps hands.
Auxiliary muscles: almost 90% of all body muscles.


In the image below, you can see what muscles when performing the deadlift strain the most. It is primarily the muscles of the legs and back, the second – abs, arms, shoulders and chest muscles:

Better not to start this exercise, in case of any back injury – initially, it is important to obtain permission from a sports doctor. Plus you need to remember constantly about the need all the time to monitor the technique and increase the weight very slowly. Better you will a couple of months to hone technique with “female” weights than immediately put the weight that you seem to have easily squeezed lying down, and get back injury.

The weight rod is in the first place, the case is strictly individual. But if you are a beginner bodybuilder then let becomes the initial weight for you would be half his. And always remember the need to listen to your body.

Before performing the deadlift, you need a good warm up. In this case extra attention in the warm-up should be paid to the knees and lower back. Then do 3-4 warm-up approach with a small weight, eventually increasing it to work.

Now, more about technique deadlift.

Describe the exercise in a nutshell — we need to take a Griffon and just to hold on(to raise her up to waist level. But not so simple...

Starting position — feet shoulder width apart, toes (apart) turn slightly to the side (about 40-45 degrees). the distance between the rods to the thigh should be equal to 6-7 cm if the distance will be reduced when lifting the neck of the rod will rest like a bull in atibia, and if the largest vulture away from the right path.

Take hands the barbell slightly wider than shoulder width. To perform this movement you will need to bend over and sit down at the same time, in this way, Shin touched the Griffon. This is the correct starting position. Already in this initial position, it would be good to fix the back – it should be straight with a slight reverse curvature in the lower back (i.e. keep your back in the same way as with squats). The exact starting position is pretty bad seen in this image:

Now look straight or even up a bit and try to raise the bar. The correct breakdown is very, very important, it needs to run strongly and smoothly, so as not to lose balance and send the rod at the desired trajectory. To do this, we're not trying to raise the bar, and just push, kicking the floor. All the other muscles are strained and thus rigidly fixed.When the rod is moved from the floor smoothly, slowly and however much you pull it up. Grif rod should touch your feet the entire trajectory of the rod – if it will take them at least a couple of inches, your back will drop a huge load, and changed the balance make even a small weight, very heavy. To avoid scratching the shins, better not do deadlift large weights in the shorts.

Be vigilant during the passage of the neck of knees. It should slowly “wrap around” the knees, not to fight about them or to fall forward. For this you need to synchronize the hip and back.

Hands keep lifting rod is perpendicular to the fingerboard and are arranged vertically. After we “pushing the feet of floor,” as it is not necessary to focus on the bar – we just get out of the initial position, strongly following the technique.

After lifting the barbell to the lumbar region not to file the pelvis forward – this also makes the load on the lower back. Knees, as in squat, not

right to the end, not to make stress on the joints. Control the correct position of the body – the shoulder blade is reduced, the sight is directed forward and slightly upward, the rod should be firmly attached and fixed. Withstanding half a second and drop it down.

The technique of lowering rods or how to do the deadlift is a mirror technique of the lifting. The neck should always touch the feet, the eyes should be directed straight up and definitely not down), look for a straight back and not to weaken as long as the rod will not touch the floor.

Injured during lowering of the neck even easier than during the lifting – body Builder relaxes, no longer look for appliances or lowers the bar very quickly and as a result getsinjury. Throw the bar (as do the athletes in the competition) in any case impossible.

Above shows the technique of the classic deadlift. Usual is another common technique of the deadlift called “sumo”. It differs only in the width of the feet and the fact that the hands take the bar between them. Taken into account that the implementation of the deadlift in the style of “sumo” the bodybuilders tall, and that with this method, you can lift slightly more weight due to shorter distances of rise. But the main world records put it on the classics. Thus, everyone can choose the technique that suits them best. My opinion is that it is necessary to first get used to the classical technique, and after, if you want to try out the technique of “sumo”.

The grip in the deadlift

When performing the deadlift you start to lift heavy weights, the bar will begin to “sprinkle” out of hand. You will need straps for the deadlift – you can buy specialized and comfortable enough straps or even “hooks” in any sport, and you can make them yourself – for example, I use a homemade elastic straps, cut strips from belt bags for mask, and I like them a lot more store-bought straps.

How to wrap the neck straps, you can see in this image:

Straight back

This item is so important to you, I'll say it again – all the time exercise, and during lowering, and during lifting weights, you need to follow the back – it must be straight and slightly curved backwards at the waist (by the images to this article clearly shows). Besides that, the ban on lowering the chin down to treat the back. The fact is that when we drop the chin down, our back is “rounded”. And of course, the opposite – head up pretty good helps us to keep the posture steady.

It feels good when the “long” jumps with a parachute – for the exact drop you need reverse camber in the back, and it is achieved including lifting the head up. Should lower the head (and thus the chin down), the deflection goes straight out, and fall is pretty abysmal.