Home / Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges – exercise for the development of the buttocks, which gives them a beautiful shape that visually separates the muscles of the thigh. Despite the fact that the attacks also involve the quadriceps and hamstrings, to build large muscle mass with this exercise unrealistic. Yes,

You will achieve relief, will form a beautiful buttocks, but no more – that's why this exercise is most common in women in female bodybuilding and fitness.

Working muscles

Quads, hamstrings, polusharnirnye, the semimembranosus muscle bundles of the gluteus Maximus.


When doing lunges you can hold dumbbells in the lowered hands, and you can throw them on the shoulders. It all depends on the weight of the weights and forces of the fingers.


  • With your feet parallel at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Take a dumbbell in each hand, fully straighten your spine, look directly. Looking down at his feet, you will automatically round your back, and exercise will be extremely inconvenient and ineffective, so don't do it.
  • Put the dumbbells on the shoulders, if you chose this method of exercise, or keep them downstairs in the fully extended arms.
  • Step forward with one leg, while keeping your lower back straight. Bend your forward leg at the knee and hip joints, as long as the angle between the Shin and the thigh will not become straight. Stop the other legs are locked in place and does not move, the knee at this time hanging above the floor but not touching it.
  • After a short pause, go back, repeating all the movements in reverse order. Take a step back with the leg you finished training, and repeat everything from the beginning of another. Change legs after each set or after each iteration. So, the required number of repetitions from 8 to 12 in 4-5 approaches.


In the beginning warm up your muscles, do a full warmup should include stretching exercises. This will allow to minimize the risk of injury.

Before exercise, especially if you are doing it for the first time, take a few test movements that mimic lunges without dumbbells. So you quickly gain the necessary experience.

The order

exercise betterto perform as the second in a row after heavy squats or presses with feet. Then it is possible to add more light work on the treadmill, for example, the extension of the legs.