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Lifting legs in vis (on the bar)

This is the most powerful and perhaps the most effective exercise for the press of all, exercise is number one. The abdominal muscles are worked out completely, with all kinds of loads, in addition, by changing the bending angle of the pelvis, can be working the obliques. Unfortunately, many do not, primarily because of the weakness of the grip, when you can't long hold on the bar – fingers get tired faster than the press, and laziness inherent in every living person. However, the first problem can be solved by using the wrist straps, and the second – stimulation, for example, the beginning of beach season.


  1. Jump up and grasp the bar. If it can't reach, use a small bench or stand. Most importantly, hanging on straightened legs and hands, you don't reach the floor. If you have a very weak grip, use straps.
  2. Legs and arms are fully extended. The back is a little bent at the waist.
  3. Inhale. Stop breath, a little pull the legs back and strong movement pull them as high as possible.
  4. Try to keep the legs straight (but not stiff in the knees). If you have pumped up the hamstrings, legs slightly bent, but to strengthen the angle at the knees until the end of the exercise.
  5. Lift the hips above the level of the belt! From top to even more push your press and try to hold onto the position for several seconds.
  6. Slowly lower your legs, stop for a few moments and repeat.
  7. Those who find it hard to perform the exercise with straight (slightly bent) legs are allowed to bend them more. The main thing is not to change the angle at the knees until the end of the run lifts leg raises !


  1. The load on the press stronger if, foot lift very high, that is, the higher the better. In the initial stage of the movement involves mostly only the muscles-the hip flexors. The muscles of the abdomen are in a state of isometric contraction (without changing its length), and part of the time devoted to them is minimal. They begin to shrink in length and actively join in the work only when you raise your leg above 30-45° from the vertical. The smaller the angle between the torso and hips, the greater the load on the abdominal muscles (and therefore less fall on the hip flexors) and the more swings the rectus abdominis.
  2. The main point in lifting the legs in vis, which allows to use the abdominal muscles to full capacity, — the rise of the pelvis. Lifting her legs up to the level of the waist, as hard as you can tighten your abs and push the hips up.
  3. You don'thave to worry about the easy "cheating" in the form of evasion of the legs back before beginning. It mostly simplifies the initial part of the movement, when the main burden of performing non-core muscles (hip flexors). The main thing — time to "turn on" muscles and "catch" the movement.
  4. In this exercise, in full included in the exercise muscles-the hip flexors. Don't worry. This does not affect the efficiency of exercises for the abdominal muscles.
  5. To use auxiliary weights does not make sense. The weight of the Shoe plus the weight of the legs of the load will suffice.
  6. If you find it difficult to hold herself upright on the bar, use straps.
  7. Stop breathing while you lift the legs, allows for a better stretch and stronger press to raise the legs. Exhaling in this phase of the movement, you reduce the load on the abdominal muscles.
  8. If you have a well padded the hamstrings, then you are unlikely to raise straight legs above waist level. The solution: a little bend and fasten at the knees. Naturally, this will slightly reduce the load, but you will raise the legs higher, and thus harder to reduce the press.


Intended for: Experienced athletes and professionals.

When: an Initial exercise in the AB workout. After rises feet in vis complete the exercises on the upper abs and side abdominal muscles.

How much: 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions. Depending on the weight, the higher the weight the less reps and more approaches.

Sports briefing: UPS leg raises have the most exhausting, yet extremely effective exercise for lower abdominal muscles. This is probably the most powerful tool "grinding" the lower abs. However as you can pull up and top the dice, if you get to raise the legs to the chest by a more powerful rotation of the pelvis up.

The movement characteristic of the bending leg raises when performed simultaneous flexion of the spine and the hip joint of the thigh, is inherent in most sports. For example, do leg lifts high up (punches to karate kicks in football at the flying ball, gymnastics and acrobatics), or a variety of jumps with the approach of the hips to the chest (agility, somersaults and flips in gymnastics, diving, height and length).