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The leg press in the simulator

Being a good alternative to squats, especially for athletes who have back problems, this exercise will provide a study of a large array of muscles of the anterior surface of the femur, will give an incentive to increase their mass and strength. The level of load it is slightly inferior to squats, but superior in degree of isolation of the power work the quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Offset loads going on here at bundles of the quadriceps, located closer to the medial side of the thigh, but by changing the position of the feet, can be different to vary the point of application of the exercise.

Working muscles

The quadriceps of the thigh, the intermediate vastus
Auxiliary muscles: hamstrings polusharnirnye and the semimembranosus muscle bundles of the gluteus Maximus, calf muscle partially.

The simulator for the execution of such presses is statically fixed to the floor of the machine, which is a movable platform with seats securing cargo. More common machines, the angle of mounting of the platform which is approximately 45 degrees, but you can sometimes find rather strange, at first glance, devices in which the trolley bench is fixed at an angle of 90 degrees, i.e., perpendicular to the floor. Press the feet on these machines is much more difficult, and injury to much easier.


  • Lie on the back of the station, firmly press her whole back, his hands grasp the handle, locking the limiter.
  • Foot put the whole foot on imbewu trolley, so that the feet are at shoulder width or slightly narrower. Toes look to the side, heel – to each other, which gives preferential study of the outer bundles of the quadriceps. The reverse statement of the stop effect is shifted to the well-known medial bundles having the form of a drop, hanging over the knee.
  • Ready now, remove the platform with the locking stops, and pressing it upward, until, as the legs straighten at the knee joints – this is starting position with this exercise.
  • Take a deep breath, and smoothly bending your knees, lower the platform down, but not too deep, not to touch chest.
  • The optimum angle in the knee joints must be 90°. When the weight drops to the bottom, tighten and exhale powerfully push the cart up the strength of the muscles front of the thigh, but see to it not to unfold until the end of the foot in the upper phase, otherwise the load on the muscle will be displaced on the joints. Don't take your buttocks off the seat – it can cause injuries to the lower back! Repeat as many times as you can until complete muscle failure.


  1. Do not letthigh very close to his chest. The bottom angle at the knees should be straight or slightly smaller. More bending legs is meaningless: the sharper the angle at the knees, the more the muscles back of the thigh pull the pelvis forward and cause rounding of the spine, which is very traumatic.
  2. If the feet are closer to the top edge of the platform, the muscles back of the thighs are reduced stronger than the quads. If the feet are closer to the bottom edge, then the opposite — stronger quads. But beware: the closer the feet to the lower edge of the platform, the harder it is to bend the leg to a right angle at the knees while keeping your heels on the platform. Remember lifting your heels off the platform, you can overload the knee joints.
  3. Placing feet shoulder-width apart or closer to each other, you will direct the focus of the burden on the middle and external part of thighs. Placing feet slightly wider than shoulders, you "shoot" at your inner thigh. Do you want to have expressive "drop" above the knee — position your feet a little below the center of the platform at shoulder width and do presses. The best method to pump up this muscle just yet.
  4. Unbend your legs to the maximum at the top. As soon as you lock the knee joint, then the entire load is moved from the muscles to the knee.
  5. Push the platform completely all foot. Under no circumstances will not get up on your toes lifting your heels from the platform.
  6. Performing the leg press, you can handle much heavier weight than the classic squats. Of course, this shows the high efficiency of exercise and its risk.


Is designed for both beginners and professionals.

When: At the beginning of training legs, perform squats, and then proceed to the bench press platform. In the middle of the workout leg extension in the simulator for quads. And finish with exercises for back of thighs.

How much: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Sport coaching: In bodybuilding, the leg press (platform) is used most often for provoking the growth of the medial thigh muscles and make them form a huge drop over the knee. Still, changing the position of the feet on the platform, you can move the center of load across the surface of the quadriceps and even to address it on the muscles of the rear thigh.

Performing the leg press, you prepare your muscles-extensors of the pelvis and knee joints to contract better and faster, which of course will affect your sporting achievements in athletics (running, jumping), volleyball, football, hockey, karate (kicks) and swimming (freestyle and butterfly).