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How do the steroids

The scientific debate about anabolic steroids do not stop, and more confident health professionals assert that the admission of steroidnykh hormones useless. They justify their findings by the fact that the receptors of testosterone in normal functioning the male body is fully saturated. In other words, in a normal healthy male body enough of testosterone that provides the receptors of muscle cells, and injection of, for example, Duke-Durabolin it is unnecessary.

What is cell receptors from a scientific point of view?

We all know what castle. Every lock has a key. So, if you speak figuratively, the muscle receptor can be called a castle, and testosterone — key. If the lock has a key, why would he want another? If the body is 25-28 year old boy is healthy, the presence of an extra artificial androgens weakens the function of cell receptors. Of course, there is a lack of testosterone at growing the body, then the presence of additional androgen is justified.

Recall that is the point of view of science, which cannot explain the growth of muscle mass in bodybuilders taking steroidnyi drugs. According to scientists steroidnyi injections should slow down and eventually stop the growth of muscle mass. These conclusions are fully confirmed cases, the impact of these drugs on the muscles of the penis. Up to a certain limit observed their growth, but soon it stops, the receptors cease to respond to the received hormones, regardless of their quantity in the body. Psychologists explain this reaction is that the receptors stop responding to unnecessary increase in testosterone as is the case with the maturing of the woman's body during adolescence. The upper part of their body stops growing as soon as the level of testosterone increases. Therefore, in women, the muscles of the upper body is much weaker than men.

Of course, all these conclusions are reasonable and justified, but absolutely do not explain the action of steroids on muscle mass of bodybuilders. The fact is that all depends on the type of biological tissue on which they act. This conclusion was the result of an experiment conducted with lab rats. From their body, brought all the testosterone, and muscle cells started to decay. Steroid injections quickly restored the weakened tissue and significantly increased their volume. It would seem that in the muscles of rats there are not enough receptors for a normal response to androgens. But it turned out that injections are growth stimulants new receptors, and their number was much greater than it was. Therefore, in humans the growth of new receptors in muscle cells is stimulated by additional intake of steroids.Only this explains the continuing growth of muscles in individuals engaged in bodybuilding. In contradiction to the scientific scenario under the effect of additional doses of testosterone number of muscle receptors is significantly increased. A large number of androgen is directly proportional to muscle growth by stimulating their hormonal receptivity.

Continuous cyclic use of anabolic drugs cause a steady increase muscle without taking the muscle to grow sporadically, only 3-5 days out of three months of constant training. In addition to his normal action, androgens can contact catabolic receptors which under normal conditions interact with glucocorticoids. In the end there is an anti-catabolic effect. For example, it is well known that steroidnyi pills for abortion RU486 (France) have side effects. Blocking the glucocorticoid receptor, they stop the process of protein breakdown in the muscles, that is, exert anti-catabolic effects. This is the main anabolic effect of steroids: stopping protein breakdown, increases lean body mass.

To summarize, we can say that androgens within the body that act selectively on different types of muscles and cause severe muscle growth, that is, create an anabolic effect. This is due to the interaction of steroids with muscle receptors and stop or slow down the breakdown of protein.

Not by chance are called androgens hormones, possessing unlimited power.


Androgens is a group of steroid hormones that include sex hormones: testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and others.

There are synthetic counterparts of testosterone: methandrostenolone (Dianabol), testent and others who, despite their androgenic properties, called anabolic steroids,

In the group of steroid hormones rank as glucocorticoids, hormones of a bark of podrozetnika, their difference lies in the destructive effect on muscle cells.