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How to build biceps at home?

The biceps is one of the shoulder muscles, which is very clearly visible under the skin. This muscle is known to almost everyone, because it can say, starts bodybuilding. What is bodybuilding? It's the same as bodybuilding – build your own body – with the help of special exercises and special forms of nutrition, full of proteins, which are essential for sufficient hypertrophy of muscle mass.

From the point of view of athletes that are not related to the cult of bodybuilding, the biceps are only important for power sports – raising the bar, dumbbell or other weightlifting areas. And then, these types of important power, the power of the muscle, not the volume, like bodybuilders. To give the biceps an impressive size very laborious task which only a person with great strength of will and perseverance. Set of exercises "head" to pump up the biceps is impossible, this is not that main thing is to take the weight. There are a lot of salons, gyms, where for some (not always reasonable) fee the coach will help you to increase the volume of the shoulder muscles. But if you are sure that your will power will be enough, you can do it yourself at home using a specific set of exercises and the correct interleave them in precise quantities. Recall that you'll need a lot of time, will power and correct diet with enough protein.

Bicep for centuries in the human body is designed to do two things:

1. Flexion of the elbow joint.

2. Eversion of the hand.

The second action explains why the biceps of a weightlifter is much less of a biceps of a man who just in the morning working out with dumbbells. The weight of the rod load is only part of the muscles responsible for flexion-extension, and part of the muscle fibers is in a relaxed state, pending rotary action brush. Based on this, the first useful exercise is to work with dumbbells. With each flexion of the elbow must be accompanied by eversion of the hand. It seems a trifle, but it is possible to conduct a simple experiment: bend your arm at the elbow, like a raised sports equipment if you are now second hand or someone else will check the condition of the biceps of the bent arm, it will be noticeable muscle tension. Now, your hands start to rotate the brush, the biceps will become tougher to come to the state of maximum tension.

By the way, do not overdo it with the weight of sports equipment. If the weight is too large, the turn or, to put it scientifically, the supination of the hand to perform the impossible, and what leads to incomplete loading of the biceps already mentioned. Working with dumbbells can be performed through the day with one extra day off per week without fearoverloads due to excess weight. When you start to perform the right exercises in sufficient quantity, will immediately feel that muscle start to develop.

For a full range of exercises aimed at the development of the biceps, composing only a couple of dumbbells, a chair, towels (preferably a wafer), and an inflatable ball.

If in addition to training at home you already have a training schedule, don't forget that between the training shall take place not less than 6 hours. If your regular evening workout, then train your biceps in the morning, or Vice versa.

Externally, recommend the following simple exercise program for shoulder muscle development. Yes, we should not forget that there are exercises on one muscle. So, this set of exercises will inevitably affect all of the shoulder muscles to different degrees.

There are six exercises:

1. Alternate dumbbell lifts while sitting.

2. Diagonal hammer.

3. Inclined lifts on the ball.

4. The rise on the ball with one hand.

5. The rise on the towel.

6. The rise of the straight grip.

Consider each exercise separately.

1. The most simple exercise: in a seated position — on chair, hold the projectile in straight arms, alternately bend your arms at the elbows, rotating the wrist itself. No need to make any sudden movements. Do the exercise slowly and deliberately, not forgetting the supination of the wrist joint, keep the biceps under tension for a few seconds, only then unbend the arm to its original position.

2. The analogue of the first exercise can be performed sitting or standing. The main difference is that the dumbbell is brought to the opposite shoulder.

3. Take supine position, but back needs a support role to perform a large exercise ball (as pictured). The feet should rest against a wall. Hands with dumbbells straight. The head is positioned straight, eyes facing up. Elbows are strictly fixed, when performing exercises, do not change the position of the elbows. Bend arms as in the exercise "Alternate lifts sitting, hold for a few seconds the projectile is at the peak and slowly translate to the original position.

4. You must kneel in front of the ball, the hand should rest on the ball for holding the equilibrium, the second arm (dumbbell) lay on the ball. Without taking your hands off the shell from the ball, without making efforts only the movement and tension of the shoulder muscles raise the dumbbell, take a couple of seconds and slowly lower to the starting position.

5. In the standing position, head straight, look forward, lowered in front of him his hands holding the dumbbell on a rolled towel (as pictured left).Still locking the elbows, lift the dumbbell by rotating your hands to yourself, as in the first exercise. Don't forget to pause at peak contraction of the biceps.

6. Standing, hold the dumbbells in front of you in outstretched hands down. Very slowly follow the lifting of dumbbells, hold and return to starting position.

In the first lesson each week is enough to do three sets of 10 times each of the first three exercises. In the second class three, ten of the remaining three. But in the third alternating first-second week, to perform 3x10 second, third, and fifth exercise in odd-numbered weeks and the first, fourth, sixth exercise in even-numbered weeks.

That's the whole simple set of exercises for inflating the shoulder muscles at home. Before you start training, make sure that your strength, the desire and opportunity coincide. What to pump up the biceps for external demonstration is your goal, you are ready to continue these exercises in the future to maintain the form. Otherwise, the consequences of short-term muscle development and failure to use it may not be very pleasant.

In modern conditions of information very much. Don't forget to pick up an individual diet based on high calorie and protein nutrition. Ask for help in selecting food to professional nutritionists to all your efforts of physical training were not in vain.