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Training pull-UPS on one hand

Pulling up on one hand – quite a difficult task. It is necessary to learn for a long time, in total can take anywhere from six months to several years. This requires a special education program, the sequence of training that will be presented next.

The position of the hands when tightening

When you pulled reverse grip, your palms gripping the bar with palms toward you. This position is called the position of supination.

The position of pronation is that you grab the bar with palms facing away from you. This is called a conventional grip.

There is also a mixed grip where one hand is in the supinated position, and the second – pronation.

To achieve the best results, you need to constantly change hand position. Thus, to develop the strength of all muscles, which are involved in the process of tightening.

Note: next you will encounter terms and acronyms that now, perhaps, you do not understand. In order to make it easier to read, present their transcript. "pull", "OAC", "OAP" and "chin" — it's all in this text will denote as the conventional pulling grip, and pulling up in the position of supination. In necessary cases will clarify.

Which would not be pulling on one arm (OAC)

Pulling up on one hand involves the use of only one hand. If you tighten on one hand, but hold on with the other hand, it is not proper exercise.

Most likely, this method can be called by pulling up with a brush. Because you still use two hands in order to catch up. Any professional will tell you that using the hand can be tightened many times, how many on two hands. When someone brags that he can catch up on one hand so many times, in most cases, the person is referring to pulling up with a brush.

Muscle movements

Next, you will learn what muscle movements necessary to control, to learn to catch up on one hand. It is necessary to increase the strength of the muscles.

Concentric muscle movements represent the movement when the muscle force is greater the resistance encountered her. It happens when you pull yourself to the bar.

Isometric movements mean that the muscle strength equal to resistance. This happens when you delay and remain in this position forthe crossbar.

Eccentric muscle movement – the power of less resistance that it faces. This happens when a person lowers his body.

If the force was developed and trained in the best way, people could control most of the weight eccentric muscular movements. Next was isometric and then concentric movement. It is necessary to remember the order of movements.

The bar is the best tool for training.

The crossbar is the most popular way to learn to catch up on one hand. This is not surprising because the crossbar is in almost every yard. School gyms are also equipped with rails where the students take the tests on pulling up.

Some people use for training rings. However, this is not the best option in this case. People need to learn to balance on the beam, to control the position of the hands and body, so it is not spun from side to side. With rings it will be difficult to learn.

There are people who argue that pulling on one arm may have a negative impact on the elbows of a person and cause a disease, for example, elbow tendonitis. However, such a view is mistaken. Tendonitis can appear only in the case if you don't follow proper exercise program. For example, excessive repetitions during a workout can cause this disease.

Many people who have been climbing also learn how to catch up on one hand. For people to advise you on special climbing grip, you can work with tabs or straps. You can catch up right on the patio. This method is always available, and the results can exceed your expectations.

Possible injury

Then you will get acquainted with those injuries that may occur as a result of training.

Many professionals are faced with the same problem as patellar tendonitis. Famous athlete Jasper Benincasa, which was tightened on one hand 19 times, once stated that tendonitis can't be avoided. All that can be done in such a case, to relax. Knee tendonitis is a common injury, however, it is recognized that it occurs more often in those who play sports professionally.

Elbow tendonitis is no less common in the training. The symptoms of the disease is simple and obvious – in the elbow joints appear terrible acute pain. Treatment of this injury by far – needed rest. We need to stop all exercise, not to catch up on the bar to until the pain is completely gone. Stay can last several weeks.After that you should gradually resume exercise.

All of these injuries are, in principle, can be avoided. This requires a responsible approach to training. When you start to do these exercises, take your time, move slowly. It is better to slow down the pace of the workouts, listen to your body if you feel pain in the elbow or knee joints.

When pulling up on one hand, you can also damage the shoulder. This part of the body most vulnerable during such training. To avoid such injury, it is necessary that the shoulders were always tense. Even if you are in the lower position, be careful as a lot of weight imposed on his shoulders.

Preparing for the pull-UPS on one hand

Before you start to be tightened on the one hand, you need to be able to do some things. This will help you faster and safer to learn how to perform these exercises.

First, you must catch up on two hands at least 12-13 times. This should give you ease. When you will do it easily, number of pull-UPS should increase. These exercises will allow you to build muscle that will have a positive impact on future training.

If the pulling of the two hands is hard for you, everything must be done to fix it. Otherwise, pulling on one hand clearly not intended for you. Work on the bar, on rope ladders with barbells and dumbbells as much as possible, and then the dream can become a reality.

Many people think that if they learned fast and a lot to catch up on two hands, you can easily switch to pull-UPS on one hand. However, this opinion is not correct. Pull-UPS on one hand require special special training. When you catch up with two hands, it builds up muscles and develops their endurance. A huge number of approaches are useful, important and necessary. But it is understood that this is not enough. Pulling up with one hand requires muscle strength. You need to raise your weight, all of her body with one hand, so you need to focus your attention on the muscle strength.

Strong grip

For the pulling on one hand you need a strong grip. It is useful in order to strain all the muscles in your upper body. If you don't have a strong grip, it will be difficult to control your muscles and body. The body will revolve around the crossbar, and pull-UPS may not be performed.

In order to make its grip strong, you can use this device as an expander. There is used a spring, which has a high resistance. The main taskhuman – compress the expander to the end. However, it is not always easy to do. Although the consequences of this fixture will please you.

If you want to buy this bike, you can navigate to the desired section. There you will find all the required information about its characteristics, peculiarities of training with him.

You can train a strong grip with a regular towel. To do this, take two towels, one end of each of the towels to throw over the crossbar. Then seize both ends of the towels and perform pull-UPS.

There is another way through which you can train strong grip. It is to just hang on the bar with one hand. Here we should pay attention to the condition of the shoulder that may pop out of joint. Be extremely careful.

Training mode

First, consider the exercises performed with two hands. These same exercises can be done in the case of spinal muscles. Although it should be noted that overdoing it is not necessary. The best option is to do 4 to 6 pull-UPS in one set. All three sets between which you need to take a break, but not more than 2 minutes. During this time you will have time to regain their strength. If you complicate pull-UPS, you should perform fewer reps (3 to 5). Can you elaborate on any of these options. Thing to remember is that you should be careful not to overstrain the muscles and not off the crossbar.

Pull-UPS on one hand require a slightly different regime. There is an even greater risk of injury, so you need to reduce the number of repetitions. Starting such exercises, you can perform the same three approaches, only 2 pullups. The third approach can be tightened only once. This will be enough to inflate the muscles and safe to your health.

You can alternate exercises. For example, 2 days a week you catch up on the one hand, the next two days doing exercises with two hands. Again recall that you should closely monitor your elbow joints. Elbow tendonitis can occur out of the blue. Therefore, if necessary, reduce the number of sets or reps.

The first workout

When you feel that you are easily given a large number of pull-UPS, it's time to increase the load. It is always recommended to start the first workout with exercises for the two hands. It is not necessary to do even just Bouncing on the one hand, if there is not sufficient training.

Pull-UPS on two hands with a double load

Pull-UPS on two hands with the weights favorably affect the subsequent pull-UPS withusing one hand. Moreover, exercise with double the payload is much healthier than the regular pullups. It is much better than even perform a lot of sets and reps. Weight – the right way to train your muscles.

Power pullups

Power and further benefits should be paid to training all the time. These types of exercises, you should dedicate time at the beginning of training, when muscles are not tired and full of energy. Experts advise just hang on the bar on straight arms. You can then make a sharp pull. Thus, you are forcing your muscles to strain, and teach them endurance. This experience will be helpful to you in pull-UPS on one hand.

Pull French style

In order to comply with the French pulling, you need to catch up to the crossbar and to stay there for 5-6 seconds. Then return to the original position, down on straight arms. Then immediately to catch up to with the hands formed a 90-degree angle. In this position, you should also stay a while (5-6 seconds). Again fall on the straightened hands. The following position – hands should form an angle of 135 degrees. This exercise got the name of a French pull-UPS.

All these three positions, when the arms form different angles, represent the isometric position. With their help, the muscles are loaded evenly.

Pulling up French type contributes to the fact that the hands have a fairly large load. You do not have to do a huge amount of repetitions. Also this exercise can help when regular classes, pull-UPS become easy for you.

Workout when pulling up with one hand

Before describing specific exercises for pull-UPS on one hand, you need to know about body position, where it should be in the overhang of the crossbar.

The muscles of the body

It is necessary to use force not only hands, but whole body. We recommend the following method of finding the body. The arm on which you will catch up, keep as close as possible to the body. It will be up against his chest and stomach. Thus, the lifting will be involved and back muscles.

Again it is worth mentioning about strong grip, without which nothing happens. Its value for the pull-UPS on one hand it is difficult to overestimate. It will help you to remove load from the hands and transfer it on the whole body. You can also use the abdominal muscles. You must stretch them when tightening. During exercise there is an option of compression of a free hand infist. This will help you to engage in work and other muscles.

How to keep the balance

Performing pull-UPS using one hand, it is difficult to keep balance on the bar. This requires special training. When you pull up on the right hand, the body is deflected counter-clockwise when on the left, the result is the opposite – the body moves in a clockwise direction. To avoid this, you should press the hand closer to the body. Free hand must be across the body. This way you will be able to control all movements of the body. This will allow you to keep balance, the body will spin from side to side.

Pull-UPS using one hand causes the body to bend relative to the working hands. This should not be the reason you stop training. Let your free arm moves in any direction. The main thing here is to remember about safety. The shoulder may be injured, hit the crossbar.

Over time, you can learn to keep his balance when pulling on one hand, if you put that effort and energy.

Check achievements

When you achieve visible success in pull-UPS on two hands, you want to try your hand at pull-UPS using one hand. The first attempt is recommended to do on the low beams. You have to reach it, standing on the floor. It'll be much easier for you initially. Remember that here you have to step through the observance of the rules, not haste. Therefore, to the high bar you have always time to go. After all, to such a level to grow, constantly practicing and not giving up under any circumstances.

In the beginning try to catch up on one hand from the lower position. Pull with your hand so that the hand was at an angle of 90 degrees. Did you try it? You are now on your experience saw still need to work on muscle strength. Most importantly, do not be discouraged if you failed the first time. If you failed, try like pulling up in a week. Do not stop regular workouts, and then you some time to see progress. You will know what you need to work that should work. Remember about the muscles of the back, which you must use in training.

Work on the bugs

Since not much happens in the initial stage, it is necessary to collect all forces and to continue training. Some people just give up from the start, can't do work on your mistakes.

Their weaknessesyou need to turn into strong. Where do you start?

Concentric movement

You can work on concentric movements with insurance. Because such movements we need to achieve under the pull-UPS with one hand. First and foremost, it will increase the load on your muscles. Second, you will understand the essence of such training. Concentric movements help especially to those people for whom it is difficult to catch up with outstretched arms.

Pull-UPS with rope

This exercise is very useful. A big plus is that the load can be controlled independently. It does not need to buy any extra weights or dumbbells. So does the rope, the length of which is 3-4 meters. The rope should be strong (it is designed to withstand the weight of your body). Important here is the convenience of the girth, as you will hold the rope by hand. It also should not stretch. Otherwise the exercise is, at best, will not work, and at worst, can and does get injured.

The exercise is the following: you take a strong and comfortable a rope tied to one end of the load. The other end of the rope thrown over the bar. For such purposes it is better to use a slippery bar that the rope is not frayed on it.

It is not recommended to perform this exercise, if the rope is the load more than 11 lbs. So you can tear of muscle injury. But this will not improve your performance, but on the contrary, will have to start from the beginning. This exercise does not require additional exercise appliances, it's easy to do in the apartment.

The next step – one hand grasping at the bar, take another rope with the load. Now start to catch up on one hand. The weight will begin to pull your entire body down. Your muscles will be more tense, as a consequence, grow faster. The load may start to rise, but do not do it, otherwise you will not be able to complete the exercise.

If the railing was slippery, this can be a big friction. As a result, will increase the weight of the load. To prevent this, reduce the weight on one end of the rope.

Pullups with a towel

You need an ordinary towel. It is necessary to throw over the crossbar. Then grab that hand where you will catch up. It will be much harder if you take the edge of the towel. This exercise helps to build up strength in the hands, also for their endurance.

Pull on the fingers

You can try the following method toto create an additional load on the hand. Use the fingers of that hand which is not involved in the pulling up. Everyone needs to individually decide how many fingers to use for this exercise. First, try to stay four, and then gradually remove until you reach one.

Eccentric movement

When you start to achieve some results using concentric movements, it's time to move on to the eccentric. Because you already know how powerful they are. Even if you do not get to catch up, then fall down – will not be easy. These exercises will also develop the vestibular apparatus. But it is better not to do such a thing, if you have not learned to control your body and the whole body.

We can conclude that these exercises are done just before you have to start to catch up on one hand. That is to say, the final stage of training to a more serious level. If you can control your body fully without falling down, you are almost ready for pulling up with one hand. This is a huge step to victory, don't give up.

The next step you need to forget about weight and try pull-UPS on one hand. But a few words about the loads. They, of course, depend on the weight of the person. For example, with weight of 70 kg will be enough to work with a weight of 45-50 kg. Here you have for yourself to choose the weight that will be comfortable and useful for you. Explore your body, your body. If you feel that the body is not under your control when you exercise, maintain your weight.

One of the best methods when performing negative reps can be considered pulling up with two hands of different grip. Then try to release one of your hands. Before you descend, make sure your head was in position over the bar. The process of lowering should be slow. When you are sufficiently trained, have all kinds of muscle forces, you can apply isometric delay in position on top, bottom and middle.

After that will come the time to perform exercises with weights. The load must also be increased gradually. Classes should continue until, until you can hold the position at the top, bottom and middle.

The first positive result

So, you trained hard, you had a lot of attempts to catch up on the one hand, and, now, you get to do it. It may seem that an hour had passed before you pulled over the crossbar. However, this is not an hour, but only a few seconds and all is normal, as it should be. Congratulations!The first step to success.

It is recommended not to forget about the pull-UPS, if you have to do it. Now we need to catch up so at least once every day. You decide when to do it – before training, during or after. Remember that it is important not to stop there. You need to be psychologically ready to proceed with physical activity and exercise.

When you pull on one hand the first time, the emotions will overflow you. You may not believe your eyes. However, after each repetition of this exercise, the confidence will increase.

If suddenly the next day you will not be able to retry, you will not be able to catch up once, do not worry. The first time was no Fluke, so keep up the good work. Don't forget that patience and a little effort. Perhaps your muscles tired, strength to the limit. Maybe you are not mentally believe in yourself, have convinced themselves that the first time was an accident.

Continued training

Keep training, you started. Increase strength through pull-UPS with weights. You can focus on the pull-UPS on one hand and negative pull-UPS with delays.

You can decide what exercises will be most effective for you. Take advantage of all the tips mentioned above. Can develop their exercises that will bring you positive results.

Remember that training should be not a burden to you, and to bring joy and pleasure. Never despair, don't fall into depression if something does not work immediately. Be calm, be patient, because strong people, nothing is impossible.