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Basic exercises for muscle mass

In bodybuilding there are different types of exercises that can be divided into:

  • mnogocwetnye – work with a barbell, free weights, weight loss;
  • isolated – the work at the gym, blocks, frames.

They differ from each other because the first is the basic exercises for mass,and the second grinding/polishing, viscaya specific details of the total mass.

Classic basic exercises in powerlifting consider:

  • Bench press
  • Deadlifts
  • Squats

In bodybuilding basic exercises more complete list of basic exercises for the muscle groups in bodybuilding are presented below.

Basic exercises for chest muscles

Базовые упражнения для мышц груди

Жим лежаBench press

The bench press is a basic exercise with free weights. For its implementation lay on the bench, put the Griffon to touch to your chest, then lift up to complete straightening of the elbow joint. The grip should be wide enough, wider than shoulder width. The bodybuilding bench press is used as the exercise to develop the chest muscles, triceps, and front beam deltas.

Жим лежа на наклонной скамьеBench press on incline bench

Bench press on a flat bench allows you to work out the upper sections of the chest muscles (if performed in the position of "head above the feet"), or their lower parts (head-down).

Жим гантелейDumbbell bench press

When bench press dumbbell lower point of movement is much lower than when you press weights, what allows to work pectoral muscles. In addition, you can change the trajectory of the movement, squeeze the dumbbells parallel, to bring them to the top to each other that enables new muscle bundles and has some other action.

Разведение гантелейBreeding dumbbells

Due to the fact that breeding dumbbells lying engages the same muscles that the bench press is focusing the load on the inner edge and the middle of the pectoralis major muscle. The chest while attached to the convex form is achieved a clear separation between the muscles. Wiring is also done to improve the relief of the pectoral muscles, Performing this exercise can improve your results in wrestling, tennis, Boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, basketball, badminton.


This auxiliary exercise is aimed primarily at strengthening the pectoral muscles, the broadest muscles of the back and, indirectly, triceps. Pullover is usually carried out as an additional exercise, when working on pectoral muscles.

Basic exercises for back muscles

Базовые упражнения для мышц спины


One of the main exercises for strengthening back muscles. Requires a horizontal bar or beam that is easy to make even at home. This is the most simple exercise, but its value lies in the fact that it is basic and allows you to use many different muscle groups.

Становая тягаDeadlifts

In the deadlift than in the complex movement involved in almost every muscle either to stabilize or to raise the weight. This exercise is used for building up strength and muscle mass of the legs, back, and indeed the whole body.

Тяга штанги в наклонеThrust rod in the slope

Regularly doing this exercise can develop a wide, large round muscles and also to affect a number of other that allow you to achieve visual and actual thickening of the back. This exercise is used as a Supplement to the deadlift in order to fully work the muscles of the back.

Тяга блока за головуThrust block for a head

This exercise allows you to create an attractive V-shaped torso. The hands should not go back, and to move strictly in the plane of the body. The grip should be wide, when optimally at the lowest point in the forearm perpendicular to the bar. The back should bend and his legs to be in focus.

Basic exercises for the leg muscles

Базовые упражнения для мышц ног


as described above,

Приседания со штангойSquats

Squatting with a barbell involves primarily the quadriceps, synergists (assisting in the movement) in this case are the gluteal muscles, the soleus muscle together with the adductor muscles of the thigh. In the role of stabilizers are the calf and thigh muscles. Also workthe extensors of the back, abdominal muscles and others.

Подъем на носкиLifting on socks

Exercise is good for developing calf muscles. You can perform both sitting and standing. For best results, both options are reasonably combined.

Basic exercises for the muscles of the hands

Базовые упражнения для мышц рук

Отжимания на брусьяхDips

This exercise requires a very simple equipment like parallel bars. You can find them almost in any yard, not to mention gyms. For developing the triceps and chest muscles is probably the best exercise. This also applies to a large number of accessory muscles in the shoulder girdle. Pushups allow you to work triceps and chest, but the degree of stress depends on the position of the hands.

Французский жимFrench press

In order to increase the strength and volume of the triceps, use a French press. It affects all bundles of the triceps, especially the upper and long. It also allows to visually enlarge the volume of hands.

Жим узким хватомBench press narrow grip

To develop the upper part of the triceps and to increase its strength and volume, use the bench press narrow grip. Thus, despite the highest compared with other exercises for the triceps the weight, this exercise is usually used as a Supplement in pump up the triceps. The reason is simple: in addition to the triceps work the front beam deltas and upper chest muscles. Another advantage of bench press narrow grip is that you can very well develop the form of the triceps. When this muscle goes into denial and continues performing the exercise using the front deltoids and chest muscles, these replays allow you to spend excellent grinding of the triceps.

Подъем штанги на бицепсLifting barbells for biceps

With this basic exercises you can increase the strength and increase the mass of your biceps. The load is distributed evenly on both beams of the biceps, the muscles of the inner surface of the forearm and shoulder muscle.

If you change the width of your grip, you can shift the load to different bundles of muscles. The narrower the grip, the more work the inner beam. And Vice versa.

Подъем гантелей на бицепсThe risedumbbells

To develop the biceps muscle of the arm and forearm applies a lifting of the dumbbells on a biceps. The activity involves turning of the hands outward while lifting. This allows you to achieve maximum contraction of the biceps and synergist muscles. For training biceps this exercise is considered one of the best since the turn of the palm when flexing the elbow adds efficiency.

Basic exercises for the muscles of the shoulders

Базовые упражнения для мышц плеч

Жим из-за головыPress from behind the head

This is a basic exercise most bodybuilders applies to the development of the shoulder girdle. It perfectly loads the middle and front deltoids, and the upper part of the trapezius muscle.

Жим стояBench standing

For the development of the triceps and muscles of the shoulder girdle it is recommended to perform dumbbell bench press or barbell overhead in a standing position. Here, the main burden falls on the deltoid muscle with a focus on the anterior, and triceps.

Разведение гантелей в наклонеBreeding of dumbbells in the slope

With the help of this exercise occurs bleeding the rear Delt, muscles-rotators of the shoulder and trapezius muscles. Breeding of dumbbells in the slope best suited for the development of the shape and relief of the deltoid muscle.

Тяга к подбородкуPull to the chin

Exercise suitable for the study of the average Delta upper and mid trapezium. Thrust to the chin that does the separating line of the deltas, allowing you to draw and hone the shape of the trapezius muscles and to delineate a clear line between the deltas and trapezoid.


For the development of the trapezius muscle is used sragi. The exercise is simple enough: holding the weights in direct hands lowered along the body, is done lifting shoulders as high as possible, after the shoulders fall back without bending arms at the elbow. Usually chrage performed with kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells or on a special simulator. The rod thus can be positioned both in front of thighs and back of body.