Home / Ulisses Williams — the training program and interviews

Ulisses Williams — the training program and interviews

Basic data:

Age: 35
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 95 kg

ulisses jr

The story of transformation

As a teenager I was very active in sports but never paid attention to my diet. I hoped that the training will help me to keep the slimness and muscularity, but in comparison with my peers I was always one of the smallest. Due to lack of strength and fragility it was difficult for me to ensure that I was taken in any of the teams, and it made me Wake up and start working.

This was the beginning of the Odyssey of Ulysses!

ulisses jr

Were there any special problems or circumstances of which complicated your transformation?

Yes, I hardgainer, so it is very difficult to achieve results. At first it really hurt, but then I became interested in healthy food and supplements to gain muscle mass. I started to respect my diet and set a goal — to become the best! Why do something if you don't want to be the best? What's the point?

I consider myself a natural leader, so strive for perfection in everything!

Улиссес Уильямс

What motivates you to keep moving forward, raising the bar higher and higher?

My motivation is fueled from several different sources. From an internal desire to improve! From family and friends who believe in what I do. Representatives from the Golden era of bodybuilding of the old school, and fans who are always confident to follow along on my journey of fitness.

I'm surrounded by people who help me to maintain focus and motivation.

Улиссес Уильямс

What is your next goal? Where would you like to be in a year?

I already got everything that you wanted to achieve from the industry of bodybuilding and fitness. I won more than ten projects for bodybuilders appeared in five plus dozens of publications, has trained many celebrities and was promoted PT-Director of the sport club Reebok. The best gym in Europe!

My next task is to exit at a higher commercial level. Most likely, in the near future it will be a television show or filming a movie.

Улиссес Уильямс

What training programs do you practice currently?

My training is based on a composite (compound) movements, as it will have my body reacts best. It also includes supersets and dropset to increase the frequencyheart rate and endurance. In the end I always do the last jump to 100% use the potential of the muscle group you are coaching.

Ulisses Williams — the training Program:

Monday: Legs

  • Squats: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • The leg press: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Lifting on socks: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • The leg extension in the simulator: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Bending the legs in the simulator lying: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Deadlift on straight legs: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Rises on socks sitting: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Final pull = barbell lunges: 100 reps

Tuesday: Spin

  • Deadlifts barbell: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Pull-UPS with added weight: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Thrust dumbbells in the slope with one hand: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Pull on the low block: 5 lots 12-15 reps
  • Vertical thrust block: 5 lots 12-15 reps
  • Stretching exercises back muscles: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Final pull = "pullover" with a dumbbell: 100 reps

Wednesday: Chest

  • A press of a bar on incline bench: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Bench press: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Breeding hands with dumbbells: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Dumbbell bench press lying on a bench with a reverse slope: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Dumbbell bench press narrow grip: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Final pull = the reduction of arms on the crossover 100 reps

Thursday: Shoulders

  • Military shoulder press: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Lifting dumbbells through the parties: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Arnold press: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Rear lifting dumbbells: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Sragi with dumbbells (exercise on the development of the trapezoid muscle): 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Final pull = vertical pull: 100 reps

Friday: Hands

  • Lifting barbells for biceps: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Back bending hands with a barbell: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Bench press bar narrow grip: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Exercise with dumbbells for biceps Hammers: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • French press for the triceps on the low block: 5 lots 12-15 reps
  • Fold your hands on the Scott bench EZ-barbell: 5 series of 12-15 repetitions
  • Dips 5 series
  • Final pull = spinaroonie lifting dumbbells for biceps lying

Saturday: workout schedules

  • Find a lagging body part and diligently working on them.

Sunday: Closed

  • On this day I usually go to Church, holding a protein shake

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Favorite form of cardio?

I perfect the technique of HIIT Cardio. I pay her 15 minutes after the main workout. Recently I did a DNAFit test, which showed that my body responds well to a series of exercises with short duration but high intensity.

Tell us about your cardio program:

15 minutes of HIIT cardio on treadmill or Stairmaster Stairmaster. One minute of running and walking. To increase the intensity, I cut the rest time to 45 or 30 seconds, depending on health.

Улиссес Уильямс

How do you approach nutrition?

Proper nutrition is very important! At a certain level it becomes impossible to maintain a lean aesthetic physique without proper diet. For me, food is nature, so I try to eat more organic produce. In this case I prefer the micronutrients of herbal compounds and sports supplements. It allows me to stay slim all year round. I need this because every month I appear in public, removed for photo shoots and touring. I have a certain amount of strength, so if necessary I can change my diet for a couple of weeks.

Daily diet:

  • First meal: 40 grams of whey protein isolate and a mug of green tea
  • The second meal of six boiled egg whites, half a mug of oats, half a grapefruit and a serving of BCAAs
  • Third meal: 40 grams of whey protein isolate
  • Fourth meal: six ounces (170 grams) chicken breast and half a Cup of red rice
  • Fifth meal: six ounces (170 grams) salmon fillet, two cups of spinach and a small banana with flax oil
  • Sixth meal: post-workout shakes of 50 grams of whey protein isolate, a portion of a mixture of Vitargo, a serving of L-glutamine, branched amino acids, multivitamin and vitamin C
  • Seventh meal: six ounces (170 grams) of tilapia (lake fish like carp), two sweet potatoes and a Cup of spinach
  • Eighth meal: two scoops of casein protein, one serving of fish oil and glutamine

Улиссес Уильямс

What would you say has been your greatest achievement in fitness?

I have so many that it's difficult to choose, although, the truth is, first of all, I would call my fans and customers. There is nothing nicer knowing that you can change for the better another person's life, by his example encouraging him to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

To see the happy faces of clients who have achievedprogress with my diet and exercise program is simply priceless.

What three tips would you give people who wish to change their physique?

  1. Visualization — create a clear image of the physique, which suits you and work towards your goals. Goal setting is the first step to success!
  2. Tenacity — give 110% every time you come to the gym. Continuity is very important, so never give up!
  3. Food — don't eat any rubbish, showing disrespect for the workouts! Select a balanced diet and stick to it firmly!

Favorite quote?

“There are people living in dream world. There are those that face reality; and there are people who turn one into another” — Douglas Everett.

Ulisses Williams Motivation — Video