Home / Thrust rod to the chin while standing

Thrust rod to the chin while standing

Excellent formative exercise for the trapezius muscles, besides contributing to a clear drawing of the circuit between the deltoid muscles and trapezoids. This kind of traction promotes the release of trapezoids, a detailed drawing of their contours.

Working muscles

Trapezius muscle, the middle bundles of the deltoid muscle, muscles, levator scapulae.
Accessory: biceps shoulder, the front beams of the deltoid muscle, the upper beams of the pectoralis major muscle.


  • Grab the barbell with a straight neck of the upper grip, the distance between the hands should be about 20 cm.
  • Starting position: standing, feet slightly narrower than shoulder width apart, barbell in the lowered hands, upper thigh, back straight, slightly flattened back. From this position, inhale, slowly pull the barbell up to touch her chin.
  • See to it that the weight lifting was carried out by tension of the deltoid and trapezius muscles, but not at the expense of the owner.
  • In the upper phase of the motion rod is fixed under the chin, elbows divorced and looking up. Breathe out, hold for a few seconds, the maximum strain of the trapezoid and deltoid muscles and then slowly lower the barbell down to the starting position.


You take the bar too narrow or too wide grip. In the first case is unlikely to complete the exercise to the end, will hurt the wrist joints and the rod, thus, very difficult to raise until it touches chin. In addition, the load from the trapezius muscle and the middle deltas shifted to the biceps and front deltoid muscle bundles, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. The second version of the wide grip simply will not allow to raise the elbows above shoulder level, and the load is almost completely gone on the front beams of the deltas.

Excessive weight rod also leads to technical errors – overloaded post you will not be able to draw to the chin as many times as necessary, which naturally leads to violation of biomechanics of movement.

Do not lean forward and not slouch, otherwise bend the back can cause spinal injuries, or, at least, of serious breaches of exercise equipment.

Complete this exercise your training complexfor the trapezius muscles, perform it after a series of sragow with a barbell and dumbbells — this will give the maximum effect to work on top of the back.