Home / Exercise remodels the brain, increasing resistance to stress

Exercise remodels the brain, increasing resistance to stress

Researchers at Princeton University found that physical activity can reorganize the brain. This alteration may weaken the stress response and reduce the interference of anxiety on funkcionirovanie of the brain.

According to the Journal of Neuroscience conducted with mice experiments have shown that the stress effects of cold water on a regular trained animals caused a significant increase in the activity of neurons, whose role is to neutralize the excitation arising in the brain areas responsible for anxiety.

The results of the research may put an end to the disputes of scientists who have bipolar views on the impact of exercise on the brain. Some of them believe that physical activity leads to the emergence of new, young neurons, which have greater anxiety, which leads to increased anxiety States in the brain. The same research, Princeton scientists have shown that as a result of the training mechanisms are utilized, which reduces the level of excitation of brain cells.

According to Professor of psychology, Princeton University Elizabeth Gould, vozglavlyavshii studies, similar experiments aimed at deep studying of the mechanisms of the effects of physical activity on the behavior of brain cells, has not previously been conducted. Scientists were able to determine areas of the brain that regulates anxiety. The results of the experiments will contribute to better understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders occurring.

Elizabeth Gould argues that the human brain has an adaptive capacity, depending on the condition of the habitat and lifestyle to change current processes. For physically weaker individuals arising disturbing behavior can create certain advantages. Reaction to anxiety is often manifested in the form of avoidance that allows you to avoid getting in dangerous situations, thereby increasing the likelihood of survival. It is critically important for individuals unable to adequately respond to the danger and to act according to the principle of "fight or flight".

Gould believes that the value of the conducted research mainly lies in the fact that the understanding of regulation processes of the brain in case of an alarm behavior will effectively help to cure various anxiety disorders. In addition, the research results reveal the effect of self-regulatory mechanisms of the brain and its adaptation to the environment.

The experiment in question is a component part of the thesis officer National Institute of mental health Timothy Schonfeld, co-author of which was a doctor of medicine Brian Hsu, who was inthe duration of the experiment a student at Stanford University. The study formed the basis of his thesis. In the study also participated Perusini Pedro and Pedro Rada, representing the Venezuelan University of Los Andes.

In experiment were used two groups of mice. One of the groups was limited in physical activity, and the other had access to the squirrel wheel.These animals ran in a wheel to four kilometres in one night.After six weeks the mice were exposed to cold water.

As a result of this exposure were obtained diametrically opposite results. In animals that were restricted in movement,handling cold water causes an increase in the number of short-lived genes in neurons that are instantly run when the excitations of the neurons. Neurons in physically active mice deficient short-lived genes, resulting in their brain cells when you experience the stress factor is not switched to the mode of excitation. On the contrary, the brains of mice – "athletes" showed evidence of some control of the stress response. Significantly intensified the inhibitory neurons, whose role is to control the excited neurons. Among other things, the neurons in physically active animals produced a greater number of GABA -gamma –aminobutyric acid, substance which reduces the level of nervous excitement of the brain cells. Also in this group of mice showed a significant amount of protein that sharing of GABA in small doses and packaging it into vesicles, consortium throughout the body.

Researchers to suppress neural activity in the ventral hippocam blocked GABA receptors, which led to the disabling effect of easing anxiety. The blockade was carried out with the use of the substance bicuculine, which is used in medicine to block GABA receptors in the body and stimulate activity of cells taking place when the disease of epilepsy. Application bicuculine in this experiment neutralizable effects of gamma – aminobutyric acid in the brain cells are physically active animals.