Home / Building a biceps "prescription" of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Building a biceps "prescription" of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Times change and with them changing and the criteria for the evaluation of certain achievements, which is clearly seen on the development of the standards of bodybuilding. However, there are classics that have not lost their actual relevance in modern times. We are talking in General about the arms and, especially, the biceps of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Their shape, size, expression, structure, sharpness of outline may well be regarded as standards today.

How to explain this? Schwarzenegger a multi – faceted personality (athlete, actor, politician – in all not the last). His successes in various spheres of life largely due to the presence of strategic thinking, the ability to comprehensively assess the problem, the ability to anticipate future trends. All this was reflected in his methodology of training of the biceps, which Arnold had taken account of the subtleties of psychology and technology, has combined the intensity and diversity of training used really intelligently. Its basic principles are summarized next.

Psychological background, training mood

The importance of a positive attitude to training can not be overestimated. According to the Austrian Oak it included imagination, imagined eye noticeable muscle growth, such that the hand was the size of a room. It is imagination, but imagination is motivating.

Arnold says that you should not in mind to limit the size of your biceps, on the contrary, to imagine the need for something resembling a mountain. Then disappear psychological constraints about achieving a certain result. Great goal (even in real life unattainable) suggests great results. The goal is realistic, at least in the case of its accomplishment, is the mental limit of their aspirations.

The subtleties of supination

Varus Arnold describes the example of flexion with dumbbells. First, hands down, palms up and thumbs pointing to each other for a full stretching of the biceps. Then as you lift the dumbbells, rotate your thumbs in opposite directions. At the end of the lift arms are fully bent and brushes – the most twisted (of course). Supination movement is called eversion of the wrists and hands.

Bending with a barbell according to Schwarzenegger, arethe most effective exercise in building mass. He begins to move the bar from the hips (with classic grip, defined by the shoulder width), slightly pushing her body to give of inertia; inertia gives time to concentrate. After full contraction of the muscles, the shell is slowly lowered to its original position. At the time of turning the palms up happening supination movement. This technique allows you to elevate the outer head of the biceps during the whole time of their reduction; moreover, it contributes to the development of the whole Central part of the muscle, called balls.

A few technical recommendations from Arnold

Arnold believes that in the process of training your biceps, you should comply with the following technical principles:

  • the need for diversity – it is necessary to change the training shells (dumbbells, blocks, rods);
  • be bound by the isolated load is on the biceps, which should work without the help of the back muscles, the deltoids, etc.
  • the desirability of using full range of motion (excluding shock training with intensive motion);
  • finding the best natural of all movements and usage;
  • work with full concentration during the training – physical, psychological, mental.