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Myths about sports nutrition

Sports nutrition is a product consisting of a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, designed for people involved in sports or leading an active lifestyle.

Despite the wide distribution, sports nutrition raises many doubts and concerns among consumers.

Do they correspond to reality?

Myth # 1. Sports nutrition for athletes, bodybuilders

Leadership in the development of this type of food, indeed, belonged to professional athletes, but it was created for all people who daily have to deal with heavy physical exercise.

Strenuous physical load significantly increases the energy consumption of the body – for the full impact it requires a more than 5,000 calories a day.

Perform simple calculations: 1 kg of cereal contains about 3,000 calories, and 1 kg of meat — 1700-2000 calories.

How much food should be consumed during the day and how long will it take for the body to absorb it?

Science is optimally solved this problem: protein-carbohydrate mixture is a kind of concentrate of nutrients "squeezed" from the usual products.

100 grams of these foods contain huge amounts of calories – up to 800, and absorbed by the body very quickly.

Most quickly digested the contents of the vials – small bottles, in the stomach, it is instant absorption.

Scientists have developed and protein (consisting of protein) products. Their use is very wide – they can be recommended for almost everyone.

What is the purpose of proteins?

The human body consists of amino acids, essential to maintain life.

Source of amino acids is the food. Today, however, foods contain them in insufficient quantities – the modern technology of processing the food deprive of necessary body substances.

In addition, food is often unbalanced.

Protein diet eliminates these problems: this food contains a balanced composition of nutrients, is low calorie and is a useful Supplement to the normal diet.

Myth # 2. The purchase of products of a famous manufacturer is a waste of money, the composition of sports nutrition are the same for all manufacturers

Only well-known manufacturers who care about their reputation, ensure the quality of their products.

Products of famous brands have a wide range and are tested for 5 years before it goes on sale.

Unknownthe manufacturer may provide promising information on the label, but it is often not the case — instead of a quality product in the best case you can buy powdered eggs or powdered milk, and the desire to maintain a good shape can result in health problems.

Products of questionable quality do not have a wide range of products, their taste also leaves much to be desired.

Misconception # 3. Sports nutrition first stimulates muscle mass growth, and then causes health problems

The modern consumer is a great prejudice against "chemistry" — today is the prized all natural.

However, high-quality sports nutrition hardly deserves this name. It has nothing to do with anabolic steroids – artificially produced hormones, the use of which leads to serious disturbances in liver function. By the way, this drug belong to the category prohibited.

In the use of sports nutrition you should not be afraid of the appearance of impressive muscle mass, unless you increase it with the help of special physical exercises.

It should be borne in mind that together with then the body loses a large amount of essential trace elements (phosphorus, calcium, potassium) and minerals. To help in this case can special sports drinks.

Myth # 4. Sports nutrition consists of artificial ingredients, harmful to the body

Experts in sports nutrition say that the quality of raw materials using only natural products.

For example, sports drinks made from milk and eggs. Of these products extract all the necessary for the body and are processed by special technology.

Myth # 5. To achieve good results in sport is possible without a special power

According to experts, in this case, the process power will be infinite and will have a negative impact on health: the stomach would get tired of constant load, nutrients will be poorly digested, and overeating will lead to the formation of fatty deposits that fight will be very difficult.

So, you will have to strictly monitor the amount of consumed protein and carbohydrates to avoid the negative consequences of weakness during exercise, worsening skin condition, brittle bones.

The use of sports nutrition will save you from such problems.

In training is always a marked difference between the athletes: those who do not eat special food, get tired quickly, they are also physically weaker.

Myth # 6.Sports nutrition must be taken hourly

In fact, this rule applies only to those engaged in competitive fitness or bodybuilding.

All the rest is not required.

Protein-carbohydrate cocktails should be taken 20-30 minutes before workout, and protein right after its completion.

To fight with excess weight will help you products containing L-carnitine should be taken during exercise and after it.

Myth # 7. Sports nutrition you can cook and eat at home

In this case, you will have to forget about training in the gym – a special diet should be consumed 15 minutes before training or immediately after its completion.

In addition, you will have to solve several additional problems: to pack in a bag juice or milk for dilution of powder, to ensure that liquid is not spilled during transport.

It is not necessary to do at home large inventory of special power – time storage of the final product is limited to 2 — 3 hours, and only athletes use it three times a day.

All others are recommended a small dose male 5-6 servings per week women – 2 to 3 servings per week.

Consume sports nutrition fitness bars – here it is presented in wide assortment in compliance with all the requirements for its preparation and storage.

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