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Nordic walking — path to health

The successful use of the technique of Nordic walking in physical therapy is a clear proof of the effectiveness of such activities. If the original man with sticks on the type of ski will attract the attention of passers-by, it is no surprise.

The name of this species says about its origins: Northern, Scandinavian, Finnish, Nordic walking. With the aim to stay in shape in the off-season skiers of Finland train in the summer. This training became the basis of the technique of Nordic walking – physical exercise according to a certain program with the use of sticks.

Use methods

Classes in this program has proven its effectiveness in courses on rehabilitation. Success is due to the high health potential methods for health and its holistic effect on the body. The person as a result of Nordic walking:

  • increases the level of endurance;
  • improves blood flow to organs, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, normalizes the work of cardiovascular system;
  • disappear muscle spasms due to elimination of the pain syndrome in any of the vertebrate divisions;
  • increases resistance to stress, depression;
  • normal pressure, sugar level;
  • increases the level of brain circulation;
  • reduced weight (compared to other types of Nordic walking provides burning the greatest number of calories);
  • improves coordination, increased sense of balance;
  • normalizes musculoskeletal system (helps to fight with various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, by restoring the person to normal life);
  • increase energy through increased metabolism.

Скандинавская ходьба

The distinctive features of Nordic walking

The use of special sticks allows you to remove load from its own weight: to 35% reduced the load on the leg joints and the lumbar spine. Traditional walk has a less effective impact on the body.

During a workout person relies on a stick, while the back remains smooth. Around the spine muscular corset is formed, through which reduces the load on intervertebral discs, reduced their compression. The result is a beneficial effect on the cartilage that covers the joints, improving their nutrition.

Also in the organism there are following positive changes:

  • During exercise involves all parts of the body that is being worked out practically all the muscles. For comparison: during the runemploys 65% of the muscles, swimming is the share of the working muscles accounted for 45%, Cycling sessions – 42%, and Nordic walking of the order of 90%.
  • Normal work of all organs and systems. Increases the amount of oxygen consumed due to the increased load on the muscular system, which in comparison with the traditional walk for 45% more.
  • Improves microcirculation, hemodynamics. Increases cardiac output.
  • Brain and cardiac activity aktiviziruyutsya.

Indications and recommendations

Nordic walking has been used successfully as the element of rehabilitation medicine in a number of specialized medical institutions. Shows people in the recovery period herbs the spine, lung diseases, after surgeries on the musculoskeletal system, as well as after heart attacks.

Classes in this technique is recommended for the following diseases: vegetovascular dystonia, arthritis, orthopedic disorders, joint disease, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis. It is advisable to Nordic walk to fight nervousness, insomnia, mild depression, excess weight.

Limitations and contraindications

Training of this kind is unsafe in the following cases:

  • in the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the expiration of a short period of time after surgery;
  • infection, high fever, pain;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • inflammation, musculoskeletal;
  • dysfunction of the organs;
  • diabetes in severe forms, thrombophlebitis;
  • angina;
  • cardiac, respiratory failure;
  • degenerative changes in the spinal Department, the joints of the feet.

Regardless of the degree of complexity of the health problems you must consult your doctor. You should not start exercising if you have not received the appropriate advice from the specialist.


The only gear – stick. In General, the requirements apply only to clothes. So, it should be:

  • convenient;
  • preference to natural fabrics because they have the ability to absorb moisture, allow air;
  • waterproof (in the rain — light windbreaker);
  • warm (in the cold season should wear the first t-shirt, sweater/hoodie, and the top jacket is a more reliable protection against the cold than one thing, even the warm and dense).

As for shoes, then it must meet minor requirements: flexibility and good coupling of the sole. Optimally like sneakers with a thick and springy sole and high heel.

Nordic walking uses special poles only made ofCFRP, composite materials or aluminum. They must be light but durable, able to withstand a greater load. At the ends of the sticks there is a tip from a firm alloy, the presence of which is due to the need for additional coupling with a slippery surface. Rubber tip on the tip allows you to soften the blows when walking on paved areas.

Special meaning have a lanyard – a removable wide belt. The sticks fastened with buttons, fixed on the wrists with zahlest thus, in order not to disturb the circulation. The belt comes complete with sticks and designed for their retention when moving back and capturing when moving forward (that is, the handle can be released and then easily capture and draw on it).

Technique walk

The first phase of the walk – supporting the second – transfer. A distinctive feature of the technology is unfamiliar to many rolling of the foot: movement starts from the heel, then the foot goes to the fingertips. Basic rules:

  1. First phase: first, the foot is placed on the heel bone, then with the surface touches the back part of the heel, at the end of the fingertips. That is, you need to make the feet perekatnoe movement. The second phase begins when the foot is fully in contact with the surface – this foot becomes the pivot foot, is the postponement of the second leg.
  2. In order to avoid violations of the health of the radiocarpal joint, the hand is given back, should be opened after push. When done correctly, the stick is released and falls through a secure fastening on the wrist.
  3. If the sticks are matched correctly, they will not allow the spine to bend when driving, otherwise you need to buy more, as the back should be straight.
  4. Breath pattern: inhale for two steps, exhale for the next two. In the normal rhythm of inhaling through the nose, exhale – through the mouth during intense exercise – inhale/exhale through the mouth.

You should move similarly to the skiers left foot is working during the backswing the right hand, and Vice versa. Steps width adjustable swing the hands forward/backward. Wide range it is recommended to those working to reduce weight, as in this case increases the load on the body.

Recommendations on the choice of sticks

So the weight is evenly distributed it is necessary to observe the technique of walking and use a stick the right length. During the course, sticks with the wrong person in this parameter the joints have an increased load.

The formula for determining the length of the sticks:

  • walking pace low (beginner, recoveringperson "health") – height x0. 66;
  • walking pace average ("fitness") — an increase of x0. 68;
  • the walking pace is high (a trained person, a group of "sports") — an increase of x0. 7.

Allowed rounding values of 1-2 cm in any direction. Sticks are classified into two types: fixed-length and extendable telescopic (2-3 level), the latter is recommended to choose if the purchase will be carried out in the online store.

Duration and place of training

Nordic walking can be done anywhere outdoors. More effective training for izrezanna landscape weighting.

In other matters, such as the intensity, pace and duration of training, it all depends on individual circumstances. The best option – at least three times a week for half an hour. Allowed daily exercise, but a duration of one hour. Do not overload your body. Nordic walking will provide the most important thing – good health, a toned and beautiful body.