Home / Bending hands with a barbell reverse grip

Bending hands with a barbell reverse grip

Arms bending at the elbows – the main movement for the training of the biceps, and when you do a reverse grip burden mainly falls on the lower sections of the biceps, brachial muscle, and numerous muscles the anterior surface of the forearm. This exercise is aimed at shaping the muscles, adjacent to the elbow joint, and most of the athletes they developed worse than the other muscles.

Targeted muscles

Binepsy the shoulder, brachial, brachioradialis muscle.
Minor: almost all the muscles of the anterior surface of the forearm.

Technique exercises

  1. The shoulders drop downward, elbows pressed against the housing. Work only through flexion at the elbow joint, all the other muscles ravikiran.
  2. Rod far up throws.
  3. Unlike lifting a barbell on a biceps, standing in this exercise, you need to straighten your arms completely at the bottom.
  4. Exhale on the effort, slowly lower.
  5. Than already use the grip, the more you have involved in the work of the brachioradialis muscle.

Don't train with too heavy a rod, otherwise you will not be able to correctly perform the exercise due to the fact that the primary role under this option, the flexion of the hands plays a weaker shoulder muscle and the bicep only helps her.

Keep the body straight, not shebites forward. In flexion of the hands, especially in the last reps, don't help yourself with the movement in the lower back. This is "cheating", which if possible should be avoided, which is quite easy to do – decrease the weight on the rod and a tight contact of the elbows and torso when performing lifting on a biceps.

Don't let the hands bend at different angles in the wrist joint is can cause them injury, and very much changes the degree of load distribution between the muscle groups in the direction of the forearm muscles.