Home / Bending hands with a barbell on Scott bench

Bending hands with a barbell on Scott bench

The most important thing in this exercise is total elimination of unnecessary motion at the elbows, and thus the greatest degree of isolated biceps work, and, accordingly, is used to study the clarity of the edges of the muscle, its topography and shape.

Here you can use any kind of grip – narrow, wide, or average. It all depends on what area of the bicep you want to give the maximum load.

Working muscles

Biceps, shoulder muscle.
Secondary: forearm muscles (inner side).

In order to perform the exercise, you will need a special bench (stand), which is attached to the floor base, located on her palm rest, the slope of which often can be varied. When training biceps on a bench you lay hands on this pillar, so as to completely eliminate all unnecessary movements, and perform the bending of the hands in the same way as usual. Nothing complicated about it. There are two versions of the music stand with a bench or without it.


  • adjust the height of the palm rest so that you feel comfortable. The back should be straight, which will automatically give stability to the entire body.
  • Sit or stand in front of a music stand, put hands on him. The elbows should be on the music stand, not to pull him down.
  • Take the bar from the racks, which are usually just below or ask the fellow in training to submit it to you. So, you hold the rod in the lowered hands, elbows are on the Desk.
  • Effort of the biceps lift the bar up toward your chin, bending hands in elbow joints, but not too high. Optimal, perhaps, will be the direct angle between shoulder and upper arm, above the to raise the bar not worth it, otherwise the tension in the biceps will disappear.
  • From the top point slowly lower the neck down, straightening your elbows until almost the end. This is necessary in order to fully load all sections of the biceps, including those that are at the bottom near the elbow. Do 10-12 repetitions.

Basic mistakes

The rotation of the Griffon tassels, while he'd thrown up. Here begin work the muscles of the forearm and the biceps rests. To prevent this, the hand should be slightly turned from himself.

Shoulders should be relaxed, elbows are strictly fixed on the Desk. The upward movement is performed at a more rapid pace, and down – smoothly and slowly.