Home / Seven lessons from Bruce Lee or how to achieve excellence in training

Seven lessons from Bruce Lee or how to achieve excellence in training

Bruce Lee – the greatest martial arts actor, philosopher, writer – the multifaceted personality, for which there was no limit to perfection. Spike TV is an American cable channel showed a fascinating documentary "I am Bruce Lee" on this extraordinary man.

Article representing tips from the great Master to achieve success in training, will be useful to all who decided to change something in your life, who does not consider reality as a given, who is set to become more disciplined and open. Seven lessons of Bruce Lee will tell you how to become purer and freer, how to love life.

In the age of the Internet and the latest technology we are bombarded by huge amount of information about the various technologies for the improvement and development of man, his physical form. Articles about training programs, nutrition systems, various trainings and tests much conflicting and ambiguous information that is difficult to find something useful for yourself. However, for those who are versed in the issues relating to the improvement of the human body, increasingly the question arises, how to increase effect of exercises and workouts. Despite the huge range of programmes and methodologies, often conflicting, each trying to pick the best option based on their own experience, knowledge and available information.

The presence of a huge number of methods and programs on the subject, leads to the fact that a person loses confidence, becomes vulnerable and indecisive, reduced self-esteem. It is difficult to assess events and actions, if you are not confident in themselves and in their capabilities. After reviewing some of the technology training, assessing their validity and usefulness on your experience, I want to prove to everyone around that your path is the surest. Opinions that do not coincide with our point of view on the selected exercise program, people's desire to go the other way – all this causes confusion and uncertainty.

Not the lack of technical knowledge about the training courses on the improvement of the body leads to doubt, and the inability of a philosophical approach to the understanding of the ordinary, to change the attitude to the events and to himself.

Seven lessons from Bruce Lee will be useful to everyone who wants to get closer to perfection. They are applicable in any sphere of our life, as it is not just about physical exercise and fitness, and communication philosophical reasons Bruce Lee with modern training and martial arts.

Problems dealt with by Bruce Lee that existed 30-40 years ago are relevant now. The modern industry of fitness and bodybuilding is faced with the same difficulties that then. Bruce Lee was a great martial artist, and hemanaged to create his own philosophical system, the results of which cannot be overestimated.

This program is at all times, and to better understand its meaning as applied to modern programmes for the improvement of the human body, it is necessary the terms used by Bruce Lee to replace expressions that are applicable in modern fitness.

For example, the battle is training, instructor – trainer, fighting style – this style of training, the opponent is the client of the martial arts is fitness training, Jeet Kune do combined training, etc. If to use modern terminology when reading the references from Bruce Lee, it is possible to comprehend the whole truth and depth of his judgments, prisoners in seven lessons to improve the physical form of man.

Lesson # 1. There are no perfect styles and systems. The style of "no style" — the way to achieve high results.

"To attract more followers, usually there are some standards of training that must be strictly adhered to. However, it is not necessary to create a large extensive community of followers, assiduously following the rules of the established system. In such a classroom you can become hostage to systematic training and strict rules. Very often the standard classical methods slow down, hampering the development of the sport. Those who engage in such clearly defined programs, practicing repetitive exercises are depriving yourself of forward movement, often find themselves at an impasse."

"Each style has its own idea, so the use of a particular style often divides people. Once adopted direction in training are then difficult to change and adopt something new. Therefore, if you have no style, so you are free to choose, and can decide how to Express yourself more fully. The style is stop, crystallization, and the person must change and grow constantly."

"It cannot be denied that there are styles of training that are eligible for recognition, some of them are completeness, common sense and idea".

"To argue who is better and who is worse and who is wrong and who is not – not worth it."

"The highest style of equipment – lack of equipment. The training cannot exist a single method. However, it must be a deep understanding of what is and what is done."

Lesson # 2. Jeet Kune do or mixed training is not a style but an independent theory training.

"Jeet Kune do is not a "new style" that adheres to certain standards that have fundamental differences from other methods of training. No. For those who use the philosophy of Jeet Kune do there is hopeto get rid follow any pattern, and pattern. Do not forget that Jeet Kune do is not an organization with coming into her members, and a special world with a free conscience, the world that can be compared to a mirror that reflects ourselves.

"If the student of Jeet Kune do athlete says that what he is passionate about and is a true Jeet Kune do, he does not understand the concept of this philosophy. His mind is still not freed from the frame. He has limited choice, and most likely still do not understand the simple fact that truth does not exist no standards or boundaries. Templates, accumulated knowledge, recognized designs are not the exclusive truth in the last instance".

"Jeet Kune do is just a name. The purpose of this theory can be compared with the boat, ferrying a man across the river. Once on the other side, leave the boat, it has served its purpose, don't drag her along, go on light, seeking only forward."

Lesson # 3. Only a sensitive, observant person can become a better coach, which is considered a personality of the athlete.

"One of the basic rules of a good coach is to constantly change and adapt to the individual qualities of the athlete. A knowledgeable trainer will have to stay on a standard training program".

"We should not impose to the student a program that is like the coach. A real teacher always send student to understand himself, he will point to the shortcomings and weaknesses".

"You can very quickly lose freedom of expression, if engaged at once and forever to the accepted rules of training. This path leads to the halt in development, to lower results. You must realize that the fight (training) needs to change depending on the situation, not being tied to personal tastes and preferences. If not, then very soon for an athlete will come disappointment in a selected exercise program, whereby the results of the training will be ineffective."

"The current events will become clear, the sense of things will reveal itself, if a person has internal flexibility."

"During the battle, you must follow the rule: your actions in battle should be a shadow of the movements of the opponent. At the same time, the response to the attacks of the enemy should not be formulaic harvested. Your battle technique is created as a result of equipment of the opponent, each movement is a result of its motion. Therefore, we need a bright mind, quick response and good physical form".

Lesson # 4. The right way is always the most direct and simple.

"In Jeet Kune do, the highest degree of perfection is the pursuit of the very simple. Through understandingthis thought comes clarity about what you need to spend more and not keep.

"A sculptor creating his masterpiece, takes away from the blocks. And only then, when the master removed all excess material, see the work of art. And in Jeet Kune do and the idea is to cut off all the unnecessary, nonessential.

"The correct way – simple way. There is no guarantee that traditional classical training methods will lead to a victorious outcome. The true path to success is efficiency."

Lesson # 5. Strenuous training can't guarantee sporting success.

"To learn to swim standing on the shore – impossible."

"It is worth remembering that even the most grueling workouts and exercises will not be able to bring success. The ultimate goal of all those involved in the fight is a real fight, and the training process is just a preparation for sparring.

Lesson # 6. It is easy to learn how to move, but do not limit yourself to the rigid framework.

"Each requires an individual approach, the only way to teach people to act correctly. This means that the most productive will be the workout to which you are inclined. You need to identify the specific abilities of each and continue to develop them in the right direction."

"Most training programs is nothing more than a monotonous repetition of certain movements. In the end, this approach is quickly lost individuality".

Lesson # 7. Be yourself. It is not necessary to transform the learning in imitation.

"You are given life not to justify someone's hopes and dreams, like I'm not here to guarantee the fulfillment of your expectations."

"The knowledge gained in martial arts (exercises) actually means self-knowledge.


The philosophy of Bruce Lee left us a legacy, gives new view on the world. It teaches you to appreciate the most important thing, not noticing the small around. Those who discovered it for themselves, eventually begins to understand the importance of many things. Such a person would not engage in vain disputes about the benefits of specific training programs, he will learn to feel himself what way can benefit him. The philosophy of Bruce Lee, a peaceful perception of the world, understanding why we're here, who we are and what we do on this earth.

Fight of Bruce Lee with Chuck Norris