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Relief of excess weight with bodybuilding

Numerous studies have shown that during exercise a person exhales significantly more oxygen. It is also known that with the oxygen go away and calories. With one liter of exhaled oxygen, on average, burns about 5 calories.

On average, trainee people training with intensity in the two-thirds component. Should, its energy consumption will be 8 – 10 calories per minute, and for a half-hour exercise, he will burn no more than 400 calories.

Fortunately after exercise active burning calories is still 12 hours.

After training within the above time you can burn half the energy than during training, and it is those same 400 calories, but for an hour.

After exercise, the result depends on your gear during it. If you've been training, not straining, your body won't even perceive the fats kA source a large calorie content, and therefore will not to burn them. But if during training you have completed all of that really in your power, the body utilizes fats to 3 times more than usual.

Intense exercise has several other benefits, such as fat burning some portion of the liberated energy is physiologically "futile", but a vital form of energy the heat!

Intense workout in addition to everything listed above are the sole and very prominent way of building muscle mass.

In the end, those who want to lose weight, you need to remember that you should always make friends with the sport, as temporary excessive can lead only to the temporary result.

After some considerable period of time, you good enough to settle your energy metabolism, I can eat whatever you want.