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Squats – one of the best exercises for developing strength of the leg muscles, and give them huge amounts. But not quite right to believe that squats is directed exclusively to the elaboration of the hips. This is the basic movement involves more than half of the muscles of the whole body, including the legs, back muscles, the press – after all, in order to hold on back rod, the weight of which sometimes exceeds one and a half hundredweight, you must have very strong and developed "a muscular corset", which will prevent injury to the lower back.


  1. Turn your face to the fretboard center, athletic frame. Lean podsyadte under the Griffon (putting his feet strictly under the rod) and push the top part of the muscles of the trapezium. Grab the neck of the upper grip slightly wider than shoulders and straighten your back.
  2. A little step back (so that the stops do not interfere with the rod to freely fall down). Legs apart shoulder-width apart and slightly move the socks to the side. Legs and back are straight. The weight of the rod as a whole is distributed on both feet (throughout their length). This is the starting position.
  3. Take a deep breath and stop breath, slowly scroll down. Imagine that you sit on a chair placed behind you: the knees bend slightly and pushed forward, hips moving down and back, and the trunk when it is tilted forward to 45° regarding the vertical.
  4. Squatting, focus on keeping the back in a natural S-shaped position. Do not round back!
  5. During the entire exercise chin point straight ahead and your heels firmly resting on the floor.
  6. When thighs are parallel to the floor, as before, hold your breath, and struggled to turn on the muscles of the hips and stand in the rack.
  7. Exhale only after you pass the most difficult stage of the climb. Continue to exhale until, until you are in the initial position.


  1. Not to get a spinal injury – always keep it a little bend on the waist. Do not relax your lumbar muscles as long as you do not drop the bar on the stops. Rounding the back decreases the effectiveness of the exercise and increases the risk of injury.
  2. Throughout the set the press should be strained. This greatly simplifies the retention of the torso in a stable position and fixes his swing. However do not overdo it: excessive straining press, reflective you will begin to round the back.
  3. Squatting and straightening the main thing is not to tear the heel from the floor. Squatting on the toes, you lose stability and risk tuck knee (he will be very forward). At the bottom of the knees should not "go" over the line of the toes.
  4. Depththe squat is solely how you have enough strength to withstand the natural curve of the back without separating the heel from the floor during squats. If you feel that the spine begins to round and your heels off the floor, do not squat below.
  5. If the gap between the feet is slightly smaller or equal to the width of the shoulders, the load center will be reported on quads and they work a lot more muscle in the back of the thigh. But the position of the feet requires great plasticity of the hip joint and Achilles tendon (otherwise you will not be able to lower the hips to the floor). If divorced feet more than shoulder width, you can squat with huge weights and not worry about the flexibility of the hip joint. However, the key here involved muscles are the muscles of the back of the hips, not the quads.


Intended for: Athletes intermediate and professionals.

When: At the beginning of the training session the leg muscles of the first exercise. In the middle of the workout vypolnite presses feet, hakizimana with a barbell, lunges and leg extension in the shell.

How much: 4-5 sets of 8-15 repetitions.

Sports coaching: Squats — najefektivnejsi exercise increase the mass and strength of thigh muscles (mainly the quads).

Simultaneous extension of the knee and hip joint — main movement in athletics (running, long jump, high), diving, volleyball, basketball, football, baseball, tennis, hockey and even swimming (at the start). Because, often practicing squats, you really improve your athletic standards in all sports.