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Natural Bodybuilding

Unlike natural bodybuilder from "chemist"

As a natural bodybuilder and using chemicals, mainly differ in the influence on the DNA of their cells. In both organisms the representatives of the following processes occur: activated by certain structures in the human genome associated with the production of the protein starts the process of copying information on the development of protein and then the protein begins to be produced in the cells.

The flow of the above process in a natural bodybuilder occurs in smaller volumes than "chemist". In both cases, the process give the signal to start the anabolic hormones, which are produced under the influence of training stress. A number of hormones natural bodybuilder is limited to its specific physiology, and the bodybuilder taking chemical drugs, these restrictions are removed. The only limitation may be the finances.

Therefore, it appears that a natural bodybuilder is somewhat limited in possible progress. A natural quantitative and qualitative growth in dry mass is significantly inferior to chemical due to the limited number of anabolic hormones. May even come a time when progress stops completely – this is due to a physiological ceiling in which growth hormones are unable to produce more than the quantity.

To overcome the so-called "stagnation" and begin to progress, you must increase the volume of the lungs. You have two options:

  • make extra breath to enrich the lungs with new oxygen;
  • continually increase the volume of each breath, filling the blood increased growth hormone and testosterone.

Such techniques are used to increase progression of the loads, which directly affects the increase in weight. Progression can act as a guarantor that will develop into a sufficient amount of hormones as a result of training stress. A natural bodybuilder, this progression plays a very important role, as the increase in weight.

Lack of human growth hormone, or training stress due to improper training or incorrectly selected exercises. But not too overdo it in training – it is very much undermines the health of the body and depletes its resources, which may result for the bodybuilder to overtraining of muscles. Such excessive loads are specific to the bodybuilders taking chemistry.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • thanks to the properly selected load is necessary to achieve increased production of testosterone;
  • to minimize the totalthe duration of the load to prevent injury to the glands of internal secretion.

Practice confirms one thing: the more complex the exercise, the more muscle groups it uses, the more stress gets the body produces an increased number of growth hormones.

That is why you can often hear recommendations about the constant use of basic exercises. Basic exercises the best influence on muscle growth due to its features – including in the work of several major and minor muscle groups and involve two or more joints in exercise. After that, the body responds protectively-reduction reaction produces a greater number of anabolic hormone. As a consequence, the increase of mass and volume of the muscles.

From the above we can extract the following: isolation exercises the first year or two it is not recommended to include in its programme a natural bodybuilder. Worth the contrary to concentrate on the basic exercises, developing muscles in a complex – presses, squats, pull.

There is an opinion that squats are the main exercise for mass. And rightly so. This exercise connects you to the work of the largest number of muscle groups, causing the body receives the greatest stress, and, consequently, induces the production of greater amount of anabolic hormone. It should be a priority for the natural bodybuilder and they may not be for bodybuilders that use artificial hormones. That is, it is not necessary to use isolation exercises at all and try not to resort to various simulators, for example, block.

If individual training is too long, it can lead to overtraining of the muscles due to excessive stress, which the body can't cope for a day or so. This phenomenon is very undesirable, as it leads to deterioration of health, a significant reduction in desire to engage, loss of appetite and so forth, not counting lost time and results.

Periodization in bodybuilding

Progress depends on developed growth hormone. In turn, the volume of the surge in growth hormone depends on the received stress training, which should not be too great. But there comes a time physiological ceiling when the body is unable to produce more testosterone to increase progress. To exit such a situation there are two ways:

  • to increase the volume of the lungs (produce hormone);
  • to reduce the time of training and bring about to an hour.

How to eat natural bodybuilder

One and categories successful weight isfood. You need to achieve excess caloric intake. But frequent occurrence among beginners is simultaneously achieving the opposite task – set dry weight (muscle) and reduce presence of fat in the body. Even while using chemistry that is very difficult to achieve.

When excess calorie the variant set not only a large number of dry weight, but a little too much (fat).

To reach excess calorie need to make a diet that will include proteins of animal origin – meat, egg, dairy products, fish and so on. Acceptable complex carbohydrates – buckwheat and rice porridge, pasta. You should refrain from eating fast carbs – they will lead to the formation of fat in large number due to the produced insulin.

Frequent also is the problem of digestion. A bodybuilder can eat a lot, but it absorbed only a certain part of the body will take as much as he needs, and the rest will take. Therefore, the anabolic response may be less than expected.

The secret used by professional bodybuilders

A secret refers to digestive enzymes which its quantity limit the digestive processes in the body.

Consumption of micronutrients in the form of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are absorbed and assimilated through digestive enzymes – proteases, amylases and lipases, respectively. This suggests that the body produces certain enzymes for specific organic compounds.

Therefore, for a bodybuilder especially valuable will be the proteaseresponsible for the cleavage of proteins and have a high efficiency in the field of nutrition. The success of achievement in bodybuilding may largely depend on these enzymes – this is the most secret. You can eat large amounts of food, and the final "exhaust" growth will be much smaller. Therefore, use of such enzymes increases the effectiveness of anabolic growth.

But it is worth remembering that the use of digestive enzymes in large quantity can lead to injury of the stomach – the mucous membrane begins to fragment. So do not exceed recommendations for use indicated in the instructions. In this case, excessive zeal can lead to health problems.

Pharmaceutical preparations, rich in enzymes

Pancreatin increases and improves the digestibility of proteins.

Festal – helps with poor absorption of fats.

Abomin – acts as a secondary drug during the "drying".