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A set of muscle mass for girls

The Internet is currently a huge amount of useless information regarding the recruitment of muscle mass for girls and Vice versa so many myths, most of which are generally not supported by any facts.

To gain muscle we need the right diet and proper exercise plan.

Proper nutrition – the key to a good metabolism and vitality

As for the food for muscle mass, it is worth noting that the mode and the range is almost identical to that of men. But in any case, you should give this matter special attention, because if the goal is a set of muscles, it is necessary to take into account the laws of proper nutrition-which will also work to increase self esteem, strengthen health, to get relief, trim and sexy figure that will be admired by all passers-by.

Regarding increase of muscles, you need:

  • Carbohydrates, which represent clean energy
  • Protein as the main building material

In order for muscle growth to be possible, every person needs excess energy, the surplus calories. Thus, it becomes clear that the body will require more calories, that were previously earned, in any other case muscle mass will not.

It is necessary to understand the following:

  • For building muscle needed excess calories
  • To burn fat, you must consume insufficient amount of calories

It should be noted that such basic things are familiar to all, but still they should understand and remember. During the period of recruitment of muscle mass, you need to get a lot more calories than before. For example, you can imagine if before going to the gym or start some exercise, you eat three times a day, will now have to increase the daily diet, at least 2, or even 3 times and just before bedtime, you can eat more in addition and cheese. And this is the MINIMUM requirement. In that case, if you have the opportunity to add to these meals two or three more, act boldly, it doesn't hurt and will only benefit if you are going to work on muscle mass. It is understood that frequent eating speeds up the metabolism in the body, and hence the muscle growth increases. It is necessary to remember and take as a basis, because many people eat a couple of times during the day, Yes, but not efficiently, so in this case muscle mass is not out of the question. You need to understand that nutrition is an integral part ofset of muscles.

женский фитнесYou must understand that when we talked about muscle mass and increase power, is absolutely not true to the fact that there can be anything. Yes indeed have a lot to eat but only those foods that will bring a building material for muscles, not excess fat.

Now it is necessary to pay special attention to the EXCESS CALORIES. Initially, stoic to note that one size fits all is impossible to calculate, and each person is an individual: genetic, anthropometric, and this type of physique, all it says is that to give some specific advice that will fit all is almost impossible. So decide how much you need to eat to make muscle grow you need to count the number of calories consumed per day based on their weight.

In order to make this possible, you must apply the following formula: WEIGHT (in kg) X 30 = ....Kcal

This figure, which in the end will be, is approximate and the same number of calories consumed. But, in that case, if you are interested in a set of muscle mass, then this will require a large amount of energy, thus to the amount received, you need a day, add another 500 calories. By the way, you should also take into account the type of your physique if the girl is very thin, it is recommended to add 1000 kcal, and if the girl so curvy forms, then 500 calories it will be enough "head", thus it will not be able to gain extra fat and all the energy will be processed into a set of muscle mass.

For example: if the weight of girls is 40 kgs, according to the above formula, it is enough to make 1200 calories a day to her weight remained normal, but in that case, if it is intended as a set of muscles, then you need to add another 500 calories and so her daily intake will be 1700 calories. Thus she will be able to start relatively fast weight gain, but again, then you will need to talk about those foods that will contribute to muscle growth, not empty calories that would only prevent this.

After your daily intake of calories was successfully matched, you must go for the products that will contribute to the proper functioning of the body and how to count these foods in order to get the result needed 1700 calories.


To your nutrition to facilitate an early achievement of your goals, you must adhere to the following percentage inthem carbohydrates proteins and fats:

  • Fat – 10-20%
  • protein – 20-30 %
  • carbohydrates — 50-60%

Such proportion for muscle growth can be optimal and not have to worry about your health. But in order to understand this proportion, it is necessary for a initially to note what constitutes carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is also worth to understand that we are talking about dry muscle mass, in other words, no cellulite and fat, not implied. And in order to do this, you must be familiar with the following concepts and definitions:

Carbohydrates can be of two types of FAST (simple) and SLOW (complex). In the case of a set of muscles, it is necessary to give the preference to exceptionally slow carbs, for that quick are very harmful for the organism and contribute to the appearance of fat and cellulite that is unwanted.

PROTEINS are the building material is very important in the case of muscle growth. There should basically only proteins of animal origin because unlike plant proteins, they are much more useful.

Fats are also an important element, but then you need to divide them into good and bad. BAD FAT (saturated): represents all the things from which so hard to give it the most delicious dishes and their ingredients: butter, fried chicken, mayonnaise, etc. the fat can not be consumed in any case. You must use only GOOD FAT (unsaturated): the food they have is not as tasty and attractive as the previous (vegetable oils, omega-6 and -3, fish oil, etc.) these fats are considered to be useful and necessary during the recruitment of muscle mass.

If you pay deeper attention to the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in specific foods, it is possible to do this in the following way:

  • COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES(rice, pasta from durum wheat, oatmeal, potatoes).
  • PROTEINS (eggs, beef, fish, poultry, cheese, milk, yogurt).
  • FIBER(cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. only without dressings of mayonnaise, etc.)
  • WATER(water without gas)


In terms of practical material, this should include the following points:

  1. How to perform the calculation of food and, therefore, the content of proteins, carbohydrates and fatsto know whether recruited the necessary number of kcal per day no.
  2. WHEN and WHAT to EAT? (SPECIFICALLY and CLEARLY in practice)

So, to start with, how you wantcounting food.

Of carbohydrate products in dannom example will be used mostly rice, buckwheat, and occasionally OATMEAL OR PASTA (but only in the morning as Breakfast). So it is not difficult to calculate where the basis is 100 grams of dry product:

Fig: 76 g carbohydrate + 8 g of protein = 345 Kcal

Buckwheat: 61 g. carbs + 12g protein = 310 Calories

Oatmeal: 66 g carbohydrates + 13 g of protein = 371 Kcal

Of protein products, we will use eggs, meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese. (lists the contents of 100 gr. product:

Eggs: TWO eggs is 12 g. protein + 0.7 g carbs = 157 Kcal , respectively, is ONE EGG = 6 g protein)

Meat: 20 g. protein + 0.0 g of carbs = 200 Calories

Bird: 21 g. protein + 0.0 g. of carbs = 140 Calories

Fish: protein 17 g. + 0.0 g carbohydrates = 75 Kcal

Milk: 1 liter contains = 28 g. protein = 580 calories

Cottage cheese: 16 grams protein + 2 grams of carbs = 100 Calories

Next, you need to perform the calculations of the quantities of food relative to daily intake, considering the daily caloric food intake for your weight (as in the last example, the calculation of kcal intake = 1700 kcal). Below calculations are for illustrative purposes will be given for an average weight of 75 kg but in any case, under your individual weight, to make this example, the required calculation is very simple.

For ease of understanding, will separately focus on PROTEINS and CARBOHYDRATES separately from meat, we will take a chicken breast, but if necessary, you can use any other product, but in this case it is necessary to make calculations on the basis of its caloric content.


Egg = 8 PCs = 48 g of protein = 500 calories

Chicken breast = 400 g (prepared weight) = 84 g. of protein = 560 Calories

Milk = 1-1.5 Cup = 200-300 grams = 120-220 Kcal

Cheese = 200 gr. = 48 g of protein = 300 Calories

Total: 180 g protein + 1.480 Kcal


Boiled rice = 200 gr. = 150 g of carbohydrates = 720 Kcal

Buckwheat = 100 gr. = 60 grams. carbs = 300 Calories

Oatmeal = 100 gr. = 66 carbs = 371 Kcal

Total: 276 g carbs + 1.391 Kcal.

TOTAL QUANTITY: 180 g protein + 276 g carbs = 2.871 Kcal.

So, in the end, we get the following: up to 75 kg was even a little too much per 100 grams, but it's good. But it should again be noted that all calculationsmust be conducted solely under its own weight, since the DAILY CALORIE count (according to the formula mentioned before), then it is necessary to calculate the number of PRODUCTS per day based on the caloric content.


In fairness, it should be noted that girls are very afraid to gain extra grams of fat, and the goal of this article is to help to minimize such effects, so below is the simplified scheme in which you can work, but it will be based on the desired number of calories. In the previous diagram, we found, hthe total daily calories was exceeded by 100 grams, with the increase of muscle mass, but it is worth noting that it was just average rough guideline, the schema for which you want to work. In any case, in each case, you must substitute your own parameters of weight, your schedule, in General, for clarity, the following is an example of such work:

The RISE 9.00 amas soon as you stood up, just need to fill the water storage (in any case not soda), this way you will start up the digestive tract. You can't just then start Breakfast, because the stomach will work in full force only after 30 minutes of waking and drinking a glass of water.

9.30 – Breakfast (100 grams of oatmeal with milk (1 Cup) + 1 banana sliced inside OR the portion of pasta from durum (100 grams) + 30 grams of whey protein with milk.

11.30 – snack 50 grams. RICE + 50 grams. meat + vegetables

14.00 – lunch (100 gr. BUCKWHEAT) + 100 gr. Meat (e.g. chicken breast) + VEGGIES.

16.00 – snack (50 grams. Of the RICE + 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

TRAINING AT 17.00-17.45 (TRAINING TIME — 40-45 minutes)

17.50 (ie after a workout) – this time in principle, you can refuse to eat, but if you're really unbearable, you can even treat yourself to something delicious, the main thing is to eat it immediately after training and in any case not before bedtime, and then all these things will then result in the presence of fat. It is worth noting that at any other time during the day, it is best to not have a sweet tooth, because this will instantly start the problem with subcutaneous fat. Especially noteworthy is the second half of the day, after 3 hours, no simple carbohydrates.

19.00 – dinner (100 gr. RICE) + 150 gr. Meat + 2 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES.

#000000;">21.00 – snack (50-100 grams of meat + 3 boiled eggs + VEGETABLES).

23.00 – snack (before bed) – 200 grams of cottage cheese (you can mix with yogurt).

As for water, it is worth noting that you can drink it should be no earlier than one hour after a meal and during the day at least 2 or even 3 liters.

SLEEP 23.05 – 9.00, if during the day you get the opportunity to sleep an hour or two, it will only benefit.

Therefore, you may look daily diet for a set of muscle for girls weight 75 POUNDS, but you should do calculations based on its weight. This example clearly shows that applied as a portion of food, which consists of 7 meals during the day (thus the acceleration of metabolism, and hence accelerated muscle growth). Also managed to achieve a surplus of calories a day, due to which there is a constant and gradual muscle mass, while the amount of fat in the diet is reduced to the maximum, in fact the food goes only carbohydrates (complex) and proteins. If you look at it, carbohydrate foods prevalent in the first half of the day, and towards evening it is less. This system is not done randomly, because in the first half of the day a person needs the maximum amount of energy, and proteins as building material, closer to the end of the evening. Thanks to this system, the fat accumulation is reduced to zero. But at the same time, do not tire of repeating that all the examples given from the average calculations, more specifically to say, when you make calculations based on their weight and daily diet daily calorie intake in order to have a surplus of calories based on carbohydrate and protein products.

In General, all you need to know from the system of proper nutrition, food supply, PFC (protein, fat, carbohydrates), and the schedule of the day, you have successfully learned. In that case, if you do it in accordance with the scheme in addition with regular exercise and gym, you will definitely get the desired results. Now it is necessary to speak directly about the gym and exercises for a set of muscles.

Workout for mass, one for the girls

Before proceeding to specific exercises and trainings, it is necessary to mention that in principle all training facilities for the girls, in fact, have no particular differences with the male. Yes, it is. Despite the fact that often in the gymhall, you can see the girls working with light weights and performing cardiovascular exercises is actually the reason for that is insufficient knowledge of the girls themselves. What they often fail to reach those that are moving.

So forget all the false teachings from their TV screens and start to train correctly to achieve results. Really difficult this is nothing, all you need to do is very carefully read all the information and train on this type.

Remember once and for all: neither of which the weight of the muscles and speech can not go, men and women, without the use of major mnogosloinykh exercises. It should be noted that multiple repetitions of light weight, regular exercise machines and cardio workout will not give the necessary load to ensure muscle growth. Only with the use of basic exercises with free weights, gradually increasing the load, you can eventually achieve the desired result. It is in a nutshell, but below we will talk specifically about each such exercise that will promote muscle growth.

Bazovye exercises for girls Video:


Next you will be asked to examine a number of basic exercises with free weights that will be included into the General training program for girls who wish to gain muscle mass.


Становая тяга девушка

Deadlift is one of the most effective and current at the time of exercise to gain muscle mass. Already from this it becomes clear that to neglect such an exercise in any case is not recommended. It is possible to mention that this exercise can be removed from the list, only for a very important reason, for example: back injury predisposition to the hemorrhoids or if the doctors are recommending to prevent intra-abdominal pressure. In all other cases, a deadlift is highly recommended to implement, as only in this exercise involved a variety of the most important groups of muscles.

You need to add that deadlifts are relevant not only for women, but will be very useful for men, so you cannot ignore this exercise and the representatives of the stronger sex.

Squats with bar on shoulders

As for squats,it is also considered one of the most effective exercises to gain muscle mass, and for the whole body, therefore pass this exercise does not. While sit-UPS are enabled simultaneously a whole set of muscles: arms, legs, back, abdominals and legs. As you can see, this exercise has a positive effect on many important muscle, so apply this exercise in your program it is necessary. Again, if there are any contraindications, you should refrain from its fulfillment, with the back injury or the knee.

Particularly for girls, there is a separate recommendation for its use. It is best to perform squats with a barbell on your shoulders with your legs wide apart, but that strut was confident. It is worth to do squats only with a broad statement of the feet, in any case, not to narrow. The purpose of squats for girls – focus on buttocks and back of thighs, and in the case of narrow of foot, the focus will be on the front of the thigh (quadriceps). Naturally such a statement of Affairs, the girls will be more preferred the quads in any case involved, but a wide stance is not so intense.

The leg press in the simulator

Жим ногами в тренажере

To work glutes and muscles of the front and back of the thigh and fits perfectly basic exercise on the treadmill. In the case of sit-UPS where a large load is given on the axis of the spine, this exercise in the simulator it is not, and thus becomes relevant for those athletes who have back problems.


Выпады с гантелями: девушка

Lunges are one of the best exercises for girls who wish to qualitatively study the front and back of the thighs together with buttocks. It should be noted that for the study of the ideal shape of the buttocks, this exercise is one of the best. This exercise is form the muscles of the buttocks and legs, giving them precisely the shape to which you aspire, therefore, the rejection of this exercise, constitute a waiver of desired shapes.

Lunges can be done with a barbell or with dumbbells, and without additional load. It should be noted that for greater efficiency, you should perform this exercise with a barbell in the simulator Smith.

Выпады со штангой в тренажере Смита: девушка

Craving a vertical block to the chest

Тяга вертикального блока к груди: девушка

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A large number of girls are not able to perform pull-UPS, because this exercise is with their weight in and of itself is very complex. This has established a kind of alternative where the girls were able to perform this exercise on a special simulator. This simulator is called thrust vertical block to the chest, where it will be an imitation of pull-UPS in which will involve all the same muscles, but you have the possibility to choose the weight that you will be able to master. Apart from the fact that you have worked out your back muscles, also there is a development of the forearm and biceps. This exercise is in any case can not be ignored, as it is a key for the back muscles.

Bench press bar narrow grip

This exercise was originally aimed at the qualitative development of the triceps and other arm muscles, but it is worth noting that, in addition, are developed in front of the Delta and chest muscles. This exercise should be the basis of any underlying project, as it is the basic chest exercise. It is worth noting that in this complex will not be involved any presses of the rod from a position on the bench, as these exercises negatively affect the female breast. Because of this, this exercise need to only do a narrow grip.

Lifting barbells for biceps

Подъем штанги на бицепс: девушка

In order to build muscle biceps, you must do the lifting rod, so it is also necessary to include in the basic package.

Dumbbell bench press sitting

Жим гантелей сидя: девушка

In order to qualitatively develop deltoids, you need to perform this exercise.

Thrust rod to the chin

Тяга штанги к подбородку: девушка

This exercise is an ideal base for the development of the Delta, but if in the first case, the accent was on the top beam, in this case, the emphasis is on the average. We are also working on the biceps.

The bench press barbell on a flat bench or dumbbell bench press on incline bench

Жим штанги на наклонной скамье: девушка

Жим гантелей на наклонной скамье: девушка

Bending of feet lying

girl" alt="leg Curl lying: girl">

This exercise is exclusively aimed at the elaboration of muscles-hip flexors and buttocks naturally. Through this exercise, it is possible for some time to adjust to the contours of the buttocks and thighs and to distinguish one muscle from the other.

Calf standing in the simulator

Подъем на носки стоя: девушка

This exercise is aimed straight at the development of the calf. This is a basic and at first glance, a simple exercise allows you to work with large weights.

Calf, sitting in the simulator

Подъем на носки сидя в тренажере: девушка

The main exercise for developing the SOLEUS MUSCLE. It should be noted that this exercise is directed specifically at the development of the soleus and not the gastrocnemius muscle. This is the muscle that is hiding directly under the calves. As becomes clear, it is very important to work out those other muscles, because training calves, they are not so large and the relief as it might seem, plus the soleus.


This exercise can be used in different variations and designs based on the capabilities of the gym, but the essence remains unchanged. This view is horizontal.

Гиперэкстензия: девушка

This, according to many is more convenient compared to the first.

Гиперэкстензия: девушка

To summarize, it is worth noting that now that you have an idea about each of the exercises, now you can go directly to the programs for which, these exercises will bring the most tangible results.

The program is designed for 3 and 4 workouts a week. Thus it is possible to choose the most optimal option for themselves, about their free graphics.

Training programs for girls to gain muscle mass

A three-day split


  1. Deadlifts(trains almost the whole body, legs (hamstrings, quadriceps), glutes (butt), arms (biceps, forearms), abdominals, back muscles).
  2. Bench press bar or dumbbells on a flat bench(exercise the upper part of the chest muscles, triceps and anterior Delta).
  3. Craving a vertical block to the chest(or behind your head for a change) (to train the muscles of the back, biceps and forearms).
  4. The bench press barbell narrow griptraining the triceps, chest, front Delta achieve)

TUESDAY –The REST (we do a full day of rest, we're not going to the gym, we recover, gain strength and energy).

Wednesday (LEGS + GLUTES (BUTT))

  1. Squats with barbell on shoulders(legs (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings, front thigh, i.e. the quadriceps, glutes (butt)), abdominals, back muscles (indirectly).
  2. The leg press in the simulator(legs (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load), glutes (butt)).
  3. Lunges with a barbell in the simulator Smith(leg (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load) and the main load on the glutes (butt).
  4. Bending down(finish off the back of the thighs and buttocks).
  5. Lifting on socks, standing in the trainer(trains the lower leg (calves)).

THURSDAY – REST (we do a full day of rest, we're not going to the gym, we recover, gain strength and energy).


  1. Lifting barbells for bicepstraining biceps and forearms).
  2. The bench press barbell narrow griptraining the triceps, chest, front Delta achieve)
  3. Sitting dumbbell bench press(to train the muscles of the delts (shoulders) and triceps (indirect))
  4. Thrust rod to the chin (train shoulders (emphasis on the middle beam), trapezoids, biceps).

SATURDAY-SUNDAY – HOLIDAYS (we do 2 days of rest, we're not going to the gym, we recover, gain strength and energy for a Monday).

A four-day split

Monday (upper body)

  1. Craving a vertical block to the chest(trains the back muscles, biceps and forearm)
  2. The bench press barbell narrow griptraining the triceps, chest, front Delta achieve)
  3. Sitting dumbbell bench press(to train the muscles of the delts (shoulders) and triceps (indirect))
  4. Lifting barbells for bicepstraining biceps and forearms).

Tuesday (lower body)

  1. Squats with barbell on shoulders(legs (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings, front thigh, i.e. the quadriceps, glutes (butt)), abdominals, back muscles (indirectly).
  2. The leg press in the simulator(legs (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load), glutes (butt)).
  3. Lunges with a barbell in the simulator Smith(leg (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load) and the main load on the glutes (butt).
  4. Bending down(finish off the back of the thighs and buttocks).
  5. Lifting on socks, standing in the trainer(trains the lower leg (calves)).


On Wednesday, we do a full day of rest, we're not going to the gym, we recover, gain strength and energy.

Thursday (upper body)

  1. Bench press bar or dumbbells on a flat bench(exercise the upper part of the chest muscles, triceps and anterior Delta).
  2. Craving a vertical block to the chest(or behind your head for a change) (to train the muscles of the back, biceps and forearms).
  3. Thrust rod to the chin (train shoulders (emphasis on the middle beam), trapezoids, biceps).
  4. Lifting barbells for bicepstraining biceps and forearms).

Friday (lower body)

  1. Deadlifts(trains almost the whole body, legs (hamstrings, quadriceps), glutes (butt), arms (biceps, forearms), abdominals, back muscles).
  2. The leg press in the simulator (legs (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load), glutes (butt)).
  3. Lunges with a barbell in the simulator Smith (leg (back of the thigh, i.e. the hamstrings), the front part of the thigh, i.e. the quadriceps (minimum load), glutes (butt)).
  4. Lifting on socks, sitting in the simulator(Tuesday was calves in the simulator in standing and sitting now. Different muscles work when standing = working the calves, when sitting = the soleus (muscle that pushes the calf to the outside), due to this lower leg look more beautiful (massive).
  5. Hyperextension (strengthening the extensor muscles of the back).

SATURDAY-SUNDAY – HOLIDAYS (we do 2 days of rest, we're not going to the gym, we recover, gain strength and energy for a Monday).

Details about the training

At the initial stage of training it is recommended to start with 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), but in principle, you can begin your classes and 4 days a week, most likely if you do not drop your classes after the first month of training in the gym, it is likely you enjoy your workout, you retract and want to visit the gym as often as possible. There is nothing strange, because in the gym not only improves appearance but also improves the wellbeing, health and infest new people and be forces for new deeds and achievements of their goals.

Of course it is best to constantly engage with a personal trainer (a professional) who would constantly monitor and keep track of your results, but at the same time, it should be noted that these professional trainers, often are rather expensive, so you need to keep in mind that personal training will not be affordable for everyone. But this does not mean that youwithout it can not achieve the desired results. There is another way out. There are clubs, which have a trainer, he conducts private lessons, but only helps those people who first came to the training room, even with no experience. It helps to correctly perform the exercises, which, if improperly performed, at least will not bring any result, and otherwise, may even harm the newcomer.

Despite the fact that the technique with lots of repetition, still has its advantages, mostly you cannot use this method as the most effective for lean muscle mass