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Myths diets

To lose weight is to completely eliminate fat from food

The most popular delusion of all times and peoples. Trying to completely eliminate from your diet the fats, the person faces new challenges – fatigue, loss of vitality and susceptibility to stress, not knowing that a small amount of fat in foods primarily of plant origin stores the body with the necessary energy. In fact, on a rapid and intense weight gain and accumulation of subcutaneous fat affected most of the carbs contained in sweets, flour and macaroni products of fast food and sugary carbonated drinks.

Gym is the main factor in weight loss

The misconception, common to many. The desire to reduce body weight leads thousands of people to the gym, equipped with modern equipment, where intensive strain on all the muscle groups taken as a rule. But how great was the astonishment beginners, who already see the positive trends of his body, when the arrow of scales continues inexorably creep up. The discrepancy seen is striking, but, nevertheless, is understandable. A long time between sets of exercises helps to reduce fat layers, but at the same time leads to muscle growth. Do not be afraid of their new weights, if the body acquires the desired elasticity, flexibility and strength.

Eat and grow thin, using fat burners

The legend about the miraculous fat burners managed to fill the mouth of hundreds of thousands of dieters, in the vain hope use of widely advertised medications. Perhaps the trick pharmaceutical companies can hold out longer on the market and continue to mislead. Today, even student should be aware of the fact that the fat is burned not through the use of splitters, and the result of proper nutrition, exercise, healthy metabolism and energy. No less utopian that sounds, the assertion that one of the natural fat burners is a pineapple, while this product is not much less calories thanbread or pasta because it contains a fair amount of carbs.

There are bad at night — getting fat

So popular saying "a supper give the enemy" in recent years, turned into a real mania among those wishing to lose weight. Harassing insatiable hunger, trying not to eat after 18 hours, it should, nevertheless, be aware of the fact that the weight gain does not affect the time of day, and the amount and composition of consumed food. For many, the evening becomes a period of relaxation after a hard working day, which often leads to excessive overeating at bedtime. Heaviness in the stomach and sedentary pastime inexorably lead to a drowsy condition, while the light walk in the fresh air before bedtime or ordinary household chores after dinner, help speedy digestion of food eaten. An important aspect is the control of its evening menu, a preference for easily digestible fresh food.

Drink less water to lose weight

No sound and, perhaps, the most foolish misconception that drinking water leads to weight gain, often leads to irreversible and extremely dangerous consequences for health. The undeniable axiom is the need of the human body in water, daily dose which shall not be less than two liters. Water is life, energy and longevity, nutrition of all organs and beauty (of course, if we are talking about clean, fresh and devoid of gases, dyes and other additives life-giving water). Any data on the supposed harmful influence of water on the excess weight of the person modern science does not have.