Home / Creatine and protein, weight gainer, or protein — that it is better to choose?

Creatine and protein, weight gainer, or protein — that it is better to choose?

Creatine and protein

The protein itself is very useful product and in combination with others can dramatically increase the effect of exercise, thereby approaching the goal. Very often combine protein with creatine. This is not due to the presence of the reinforcing effect of one at the expense of another through interaction, and coverage of several mechanisms of muscle building body. Also no features and relationships together, even they are often mixed in a single cocktail for convenience and speed of use. The application of protein and creatine was the best, you need to read their instructions separately.

Gainer and protein

But the choice between protein and weight gainer often raises many questions. For example, what exactly are the differences between them, it is better to choose, and whether to choose?

Gainer is also a protein, often even a combination of proteins combined with carbohydrates. The latter are responsible for energy, being the main "fuel" with an effective muscle mass of the body. Phase preceding the stage of "drying", can not do without the intake of creatine, after all this time actively build muscles – it laid the basis for the future work force. Protein component of the gainer does not allow the muscles to break down and increases their mass. Replace the gainer with protein at this stage is impossible. However, protein is essential after a workout, during the day and night. This means that you can choose between these products is not worth it – better to combine them. To correctly select the optimal combination of protein and gainer and the mode of their reception, and to gain muscle mass.

But at the stage of "drying" or when a low carbohydrate diet with the use of fat burners and L-carnitine on weight gainer necessary to forget, preferring protein drink. For this we need to find the right composition and the schedule of use, and it is also possible to vary other products sportindustrii, for example, amino acids.

the price of creatine: http://bodyforlife.com.ua/kreatine/