Home / Casein protein – properties and applications

Casein protein – properties and applications

Perhaps, everyone must have heard about casein protein. It is the main element of a food of sportsmen. Unfortunately, this protein product is not always taken seriously. But in vain! Because casein is very useful for athletes and for ordinary people. Its main feature is the correct use of protein.

Translated from Latin, means casein cheese. By scientific definition it is treated as a complex protein, which is contained in milk. This component is part of milk which is used in virtually all mammals on earth. The bulk of it in the milk has 82%, while the serum is only 18%. When milk sours, the whole casein goes into the sediment, which is in the formation of the curd mass. Thus, it is safe to say that the cheese in the greater part of it consists of casein.

What useful properties has casein protein?

The feature of this product is that it is characterized reserving function. This unique ability is achieved by its natural origin. Due to the fact that casein protein is cleaved several times longer than normal protein in the serum, in human body gets the required amount of amino acids. Such properties of casein allows it to actively use people engaged in heavy sports, as well as those who want to get rid of excess body weight.

In different sports it is most often used in the form michelango casein. This means that the product consists of suspended particles. When the product is mixed with water, the result is a fairly thick consistency. It is very easy to use and it does not feel any discomfort and unpleasant taste. Mysalary when casein enters the stomach, the person feels a great surge of energy and full satiety, which will last a long time.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that 100% casein on 100 grams michelango product of protein is 88%, with 1,5% fat. It is worth noting the fact that the carbs in casein protein are not! Such unique features of the product allow the body to obtain all the important amino acids. After ingestion of casein, the person will feel full approximately 6-8 hours. This time has a positive effect on muscle tissue. They not only considerably increase in mass, but not destroyed between breaks of eating.

Casein protein is very effective at helping to burn fat and reduce hunger. If you actively exercise and eat this product to achieve the desired result will be veryjust.

It is important to know!

The protein, which would include 100% of proteins not exist in nature. Only a maximum of 95%!.

Intake recommendation.

For a set of muscle mass such protein plays an important role. It has anti-catabolic properties.

It is not recommended to use casein protein before workout or after it. The results, therefore, will not reach. Because during physical activity the body needs proteins that have the ability to quickly digest. From this it follows that to use this product you need just before bedtime, in the amount of 40 grams.

For dropping body weight take casein protein is 2-4 times per day 20-30 grams, and the same before bed. In this situation it plays a role of satiety and preserve muscle.

The best way casein is absorbed at a dose of 30-40 grams. Thus it must be mixed with milk. When the product is combined with liquid, it is best to mix it using a shaker or mixer .

The taste of the drink is similar to a cheese product. If you want to experiment, you can add cocoa, vanilla or sugar.

We must not forget that the casein is taken into account in the daily ration of calories consumed. So for 100 grams of product, it will have 360 calories.