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How to remove fat from the back and sides

If the goal is to get rid of fat folds on the back only, then this is hardly feasible. However, it is realistic to bring the muscles and strengthen them throughout the Department.

How to remove excess fat from the back?

The fact that you cannot burn fat only in a specific small area of the body. In any case, you need to work out the whole body and only then can we expect a really good effect. Of course, you can tone specific muscles and make them stronger and thereby get rid of the problem in this area. The desired result can be obtained by combining such exercises with cardio training (Jogging, exercises in the gym – no matter what the specific use, as long as the training was fun).

So when the back is the most problematic area, it is recommended to start with training aimed at strengthening it. Most girls do not pay enough attention to this area, concentrating on other muscle groups and ignoring the problem of excess fat on the back.

In principle, this is normal, because rarely a person sees the reflection of his body back in the mirror, always more interested in front. So on the back, many simply forget and its strengthening is very important and not only from the aesthetic point of view.

Study of this muscle group allows you to improve and align your posture, which implied strengthening the lower back. In addition, the stronger are shoulders in General the upper back. Due to bent back may give the impression about the presence of body fat, even if in fact they are not.

Effective exercises from the fat folds on the back

As mentioned above, focusing on the study of the back muscles, improve posture and regain a slim beautiful figure.

No. 1. Pullups


Such exercises are the best for improving posture. No need to be afraid of these exercises, they just seem very complicated. Moreover, there are many different variations that mimic the motion data. Besides, some of them can be done at home and in the gym to strengthen the load to double to accelerate the process of obtaining the desired result.

Because the back consists of many different muscles needed a workout that would be aimed at elaboration of the whole number. This exercise is pulling up, by which all the muscles begin to work together as one. Of course, not everyone is able to hold on and not drop the class at the very beginning. But this is a bad example to follow. The goal is set and you want to achieve!

It should be noted that the most effectivethis exercise will, if you do it with external grip (the crossbar obkladyvaetsja palms outward). Of course, the other option is much easier, but in this case, almost the entire burden falls on the biceps.

Variations that simulates the normal pull-up:

  • Negative pull-up using the cradle. On the stand, you must stand so that the body was in the position of the completed pull. Slowly sink down, controlling the movement.
  • The use of the mechanisms. Available in all gyms and most often they are empty, scaring everyone with his terrible look. But in terms of the development spurt is a great help. First, it is recommended to see a visual example of how to work with them, and then find a coach and ask him to show you the exercises and talk about the specifics of the lessons with these mechanisms.
  • Use rope (TRX). A great exercise to work upper back, namely the largest muscles of the body. In most gyms this rope is.

No. 2. Exercises with dumbbells

Упражнения с гантелями

Need a bench, table or something like that. On a stand to put your right knee and take your left hand 1-2 kg dumbbells. Slightly lean back and lift the shell by bending the arm upwards. Should feel the tension in the upper part of the back. Perform 12 times and changed hands.

No. 3. Pull renegade

Тяга ренегата

To take the same position as for push-UPS and lightly push your right foot to the side. Hand abut one dumbbell (up to 3 kg) and take second in the other hand. The projectile up until the elbow reaches the maximum level.

No. 4. Boat


Performed in the supine position on the abdomen. For this exercise you can use a sports ball. To pick up a pound dumbbells and stretch the back, slightly raise the chest. Raise the arms up, then to dissolve in hand, and then forward, touching the head (shown in photo).

A great exercise for the deltoid muscle, involved in building the posture. Most of all she is very weak, so it is recommended to perform this exercise with light weight to create a load.

No. 5. Pushups


Is the basic exercise for strengthening the thoracic. However, with proper execution your back muscles, too, get their energy boost. Take the classic pushup position and lower the body so that tension in the back. Bending must be done gradually, slowly, concentrating on the decline. To keepbody down 3 seconds to return to the starting position while straining thoracic.

No. 6. Jump rope


At first glance it seems that when doing this exercise only work the shoulders, really stiffens the whole back. Besides, it is a good cardio exercise for weight loss. The only requirement is a serious attitude to this element of the training.

No. 7. Bike


This is a great trainer to work out your upper back, which will help to quickly return to good form. For beginners it is difficult to train more than 5 minutes, so start with reasonable loads.

No. 8. Tractor simulator

Тяговый тренажер

The popularity of this device is due to the effective fast gain back. A simple but effective exercise for strengthening the back which part of the body. To do this exercise equipment is recommended under the supervision of a coach.

No. 9. Plyometric movement, cardio

Плиометрические движения, кардио

To improve the effectiveness of the training after each exercises to do plyometric movements. It is necessary that along with lower back worked top. You use the same muscle groups, but more dynamic.

After performing any of these exercises should be done to discharge for 30 seconds. One of the options – raising the overhead gymnastic ball weighing 5 kg. it is important to feel the stress of the back muscles. Then make a strong throw. It uses the power of dorsal muscle. However, caution must be exercised, because this exercise quickens the pulse. However, the effectiveness burning fat this type of exercise has no equal.

All of these elements it is recommended to perform 3 sets 2-3 times a week. You can also choose from a list of a few favorite exercises and focus on them. Soon the result will be noticeable not only for you but for others: beautiful posture, the perfect spin with no excess fat. You even will be higher, albeit for a couple of inches, but it will be noticeable! Your gait will be light, movements sure, and the figure is perfect!