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How to preserve vision, working on the computer?

Computers have brought much into our lives – facilitate the work, diversified leisure time, expanded the circle of communication, opened new perspectives. But the long hours spent behind the monitor, are not in vain for the body in General and eyes in particular. Nature has not provided a long focus sight on one point, this leads to deterioration of ocular blood flow, and hence the supply of oxygen, nutrients. In addition, when the eye for a long time are at the same distance from the monitor, the eye muscles it weakens and atrophy. This leads to blindness.

Just do not think that it is inevitable. There are a number of rules that we can follow to prevent or avoid the very beginning of this process.

Let's consider them in details:

1 - the Correct organization of the workplace

Not all think about how important it is to sit at the computer. But because of the awkward posture suffer back, neck and eyes, because, taking a more comfortable position, a person unconsciously tries to bring the eye to the screen. Here's how to avoid this situation:

  • Position the monitor a little further than a book when reading, and so that its upper border was at eye level or slightly below.
  • As for the lighting, here the following rule applies: the lighter the room, the brighter must be the screen. Too sharp contrast of brightness between the room and the monitor overwork your eye muscles. To determine the optimal intensity, it is enough to open any white picture, for example, blank document text editor and make his assessment. Blinding light says that the brightness should be reduced when the gray color need the corresponding rate to increase.
  • Not last role is played, the monitor refresh rate, which refers to the frequency of change of images, and the higher it is, the more inconspicuous to the human eye is replaced by a picture. The recommended figure of 75 Hz.
  • Ensure that the monitor has not reflected any source of light that can create glare on the screen surface.
  • High picture quality has a positive effect on the eyes. Modern screens have a relatively good sharpness, and characterized by the absence of flicker. Only any monitor very quickly dust accumulates, it impairs clarity. Enough every few days to wipe it with a napkin to eliminate this problem.
  • The important role played by overall body position when working at the computer. Awkward posture forcing is stronger closer to the screen and therefore increases the strain on the eyes.
  • If you need to consult any document that will place them near a screen on a stand, it will help will not be tiredthe eyes and the neck.

The room in which you are working at the computer, must every day to clear my head and be subjected to wet cleaning.

2 working Time

It is important not to exceed the optimum working time at the computer. For adults, it is 6 hours, for older people and children – less. Not necessary to monitor more than 2 hours. Make at least a ten minute break.

3 — Break

Every 45 minutes you need to give your eyes a rest. This is the ideal, in practice, 90% of computer users look at the clock only to find out when it will be lunch or the end of the day. Sometimes distracted from the screen very difficult, access can be special programs that after a certain time, remind you to rest a little.

4 — Charging

And the break works best on exercises for the eyes. Experts recommend to close their eyes and cover their palms, not to let in the light. Relax, don't move your eyes, imagine a picture that makes you pleasant emotions. The muscles of the face and eyelids should be relaxed. After 2 – 3 minutes you will feel that the eyes are rested.

Then you need to go to the window and to train the muscles responsible for focusing. For this you need to stick to the glass a little mark, to move away from her at a 30 cm Focus on her eyes, then bring it to any distant object outside the window. It can be a tree, car or house. Stay with it eyes for 2 – 3 seconds. and repeat about 30 times, but if you feel too tense, just a few minutes looking at distant objects.

You can do these exercises every 10 seconds:

  • Sit straight and move the eyeballs up and down.
  • Zazhmurivaet and open the eyes alternately.
  • Rotate the eyeballs right and left.
  • Move the finger to the tip of the nose and bring the eyes.

Then blinked his eyes.

5 — eye Drops

After a long work behind the computer may appear dry, feeling hurt, "sand" in his eyes. These symptoms point to insufficient development of lacrimal fluid due to a rare blinking. In such a situation you should try to blink more often. If this fails, optician or pharmacy you can buy special drops. In any case, a trip to the ophthalmologist will not be superfluous.

6 — Vitamins

The human body can not do without vitamins, in this plan not an exception. Include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables can be consumed multivitamin complexes. To maintain the vision at a good level will help the regular use of vitamin A (retinol), which is contained in carrots,and vitamin C (lemon, kiwi, and Kale). A healthy habit is to drink special teas for good vision. They can be drunk like regular tea or occasionally as a prevention.

7 — Computer glasses

A good way to prevent disorder is to use a special glasses for working at the computer. They are able to absorb harmful radiation. Only buy this device you need in specialized stores, otherwise you risk to buy a fake, which no use can't bring.

To perform these tips is not difficult. You will be rewarded with not only good eyesight but also improve overall health.

Video — How to preserve vision