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How to combine training in Boxing and bodybuilding

Know that bodybuilding and Boxing are different sports. As in many other martial arts, building the array in relief of muscle as a whole becomes a definite hindrance for a boxer. But, at the same time, to significantly increase the muscular effort of kick Boxing, as well as in case of the desire of the athlete to be in a heavier weight category, it becomes impossible to do without the weight training at least to overcome its own weight. Therefore, the athlete is still to combine a workout on bodybuilding Boxing and here it is necessary to remember and try to follow some certain rules:

  • Kick boxer could certainly tie down the biceps, as the excessively large volume is not conducive to a full straightening of hands, and the force of the impact as a result of this reduced. For that reason, special exercises, working to increase biceps, for example, lifts barbells and dumbbells, it is better to refuse or to address them at a minimum. Effective in this case is to perform 2-3 approaches with 6-8 repetitions and maximum weight, which will contribute only to strengthening the biceps, but without much increase in volume.
  • The impact force of a boxer is in direct proportion to the width of the span of his hand (wider scope – more hit), therefore, the athlete needs to develop deltoids, by performing lifts barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells above their heads, and a pull-up, push-UPS and perform presses. As a rule, the modern school of Boxing is a fully equipped designed for this sports equipment: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, ropes, racks and other.
  • For fully extending the arm meets the triceps and this muscle also needs to be strengthened. Effectively strengthen the triceps pushups on the parallel bars, and the bench press narrow grip – all of these exercises are often already included in the training program of a boxer, and therefore to perform them separately does not make sense.
  • Strong legs of an athlete is the key to its sustainability. Stronger than they are, the harder it is for a boxer to knock down and send to knockdown or knockout. Effectively increase the impact force of the feet, which is especially important in kickboxing, perform squats.
  • Good to keep the impact to the athlete help strong neck muscles to pump which is only possible with special equipment. But, nevertheless, useful and effective and these exercises like the rotational motion of the head and tilts left and right, back and forth.
  • The abdominal muscles must protect the body of a boxer and, above all, the vital internal organs and primarily your liver. To pump up the press in two ways: either due to the large number of repeats in a number of approaches thatworks to increase endurance of muscles, or due to the small number of repetitions is compensated by weighting (usually drive behind), which significantly increases the strength of the muscles.

If Boxing is the main, and bodybuilding additional sport, the exercises with the weights, it is recommended to run twice a week:

  • the first aimed at the body and legs (bench press and squats);
  • second, working on the case and the deltoid muscle (the bench and lifts the barbell, lying, and sitting).

According to another scheme of exercises with the weights is performed after each major Boxing sessions for 20-30 minutes. These approaches significantly improve the endurance of the athlete.

If the main type of bodybuilding, and Boxing is only a Supplement, the bodybuilder will be useful after each workout for 30-40 minutes to work in pairs or on bags, which will increase his stamina will allow you to lose weight and thereby will help him to detail the muscles.

It is not recommended to practice Boxing before the main workout to avoid fatigue that could lead to a significant reduction in weight of shells and number of sets and repetitions. The bodybuilder also recommended a couple of workouts a week to devote to training only Boxing in order to avoid muscle adaptation and to diversify their training program.

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