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How to pump the muscles of the back

In order to improve the endurance and strength of back muscles, you must know that all the muscles of this body part are divided into two categories: superficial and deep. The muscles that pass close to the skin, are the trapezius and latissimus, to muscle tissue more deep-lying include scalloped muscle and rhomboid muscles.

When pumping of muscles is not recommended to make exercises aimed at the elaboration of the back part of the body, with the loadings on the legs and arms. If necessary, you can combine exercises on your back with loads at the press, and the delts (shoulder muscles). Exercises designed to increase strength of back muscles, should only be done after a proper warm-up and several basic actions.


КлассическаяDeadlifts – one of the basic exercises from those aimed at elaboration of the dorsal muscle tissue. This complex strengthens the many joints and additionally pumps all major muscle groups.

  • For exercise, you must stand in front of the rod in position "socks on the width of shoulders (you can choose and pose with a more narrow placement of the feet). After the adoption of the original position, you have to bend over and take his hands the neck of the rod, while the hand should have the same width as the distance between the shoulders.
  • When you start moving up the weight lifting is due to the working muscle tissues of the legs, the back remains stationary. In the second phase of the exercise the back muscles come in and it is at their expense you need to push the bar to the groin.
  • Once the projectile will be in the lower back, you need to drop the barbell on the floor in the exact same path on which you ran the upgrade.

Thrust rod in the slope

Тяга штанги в наклонеThe following exercise is performed mainly to load the "trapezoid" and the broadest muscle of the back, also in progress involves the biceps and rear deltoid muscles.

  • To prepare for the exercise as follows: put your feet at a comfortable distance and your knees bend.
  • Start lifting barbells need straight grip hands, not bending their knee joints. To raise the training projectile easier, you need to lean to the rod at an angle, approximately 30 degrees.
  • After the inclination forward it is necessary to bend the lower back forward and bring the bar to knee level, and then using the tension of the lumbar muscle tissue is the summing up of a shell in the abdomen. When performing a lift from the knees to the belly need to pay specialattention to the work of the back muscles: a lot of beginners make the mistake of lifting the barbell biceps, resulting in beneficial effects from the implementation of the action is reduced to zero.
  • After the rod is raised to the level of the abdomen, it is necessary to fix it this achievement for a few seconds, and then return the shell to the floor the same way.

Thrust dumbbells in the slope

Тяга гантели в наклонеPull the dumbbells in an inclined position allows you to involve the lower part of the broadest muscle, which when performing other exercises worked out somewhat less than all other groups of muscle tissue. Compared to lifting weights in a normal position slope option allows you to raise the projectile to a high altitude and reduces the load on the vertebrae.

  • To exercise you can try two initial positions and to decide which fits better. First option: put left Shin and knee on the bench and rests her left hand, then right hand moves back. Second option: both feet on the floor, and the left is front and right is bent at the knee, then the left hand rests on the bench, and the case is in an inclined position.
  • To begin the exercise you need with a neutral grip dumbbell. After the capture of the projectile with your free hand is lifting the dumbbells to your shoulder blades (or above) in an arc at the top point of the dumbbell is fixed for 2-3 seconds, then comes back.

When lifting dumbbells in the slope is necessary to monitor the position of the body (it should not turn around to lift weights at great heights, also should pay attention to the elbows (they should be firmly fixed in the initial position).


Sragi – UPS of the shoulders with a load that is performed to improve the strength of the "trapezoids". Beginners this exercise difficult, so experienced instructors recommend starting shrug only a few months of resistance training. There are two techniques of executing the shrug, wherein the positions in which actions are made.

Sragi standing

To perform the shrug in the standing position, it is necessary to choose a shell with a curved neck: this rod will reduce the load on the groin muscles and legs.

  • To perform the shrug must be the same as in the deadlift is already in the hands of the post.
  • The exercise starts with raising the shoulders as high as possible. The movement of the rod is controlled exclusively "trapezes", no other system muscle tissues in the exercise are being worked out.
  • After reaching the toppoint you need to drop the shell and repeat the cycle within a few tens of seconds.

In the exercise "of srage standing" it is impossible to make a rotational motion of the muscles – this can lead to their damage. If you have to perform several cycles do not have the strength or training needed to fasten to the lower position of the rod in the stand and put on their shell if the muscles are unable to retain the projectile at the given position.

Sragi lying

  • Initial position – lying on the horizontal bar when standing on the floor feet. Limiters for the rod are installed at 10 cm below the level at which the dot corresponding to complete straightening of arms in elbow joints.
  • Putting Rukin width apart, take hold of the shell and push it up, pinning his shoulders to the bench, and the maximum squeezing of the blade.
  • When you exhale the blades away from each other, and the shoulders are raised from the bench.
  • When you inhale return to its original position.

When performing the shrug while lying you need to pay special attention to the position of the head (pull it and your upper back off the bench prohibited).

Thrust block to the chest

The basis of the thrust block to the chest taken pull-UPS: when performing exercises are carried out the same actions as when lifting its own weight on the bar.

  • In preparation for the exercise, you must sit on the seat and take the handles of the block (if they are too high, adjust the projectile).
  • Reducing the blade, you need to lower the block to about the chest level.
  • After lowering the unit immediately, but slowly returns to its original position.

To unload the biceps and to focus solely on the muscles of the back, you need to use open type grip handle. The elbows when lowering and raising the machine move in one plane without movement in the horizontal direction.

Thrust block to the abdomen

Pulling the unit located near the floor aimed at development of muscle tissue "deltas", the broadest muscles and forearm.

  • Starting position is sitting face-to-exerciser with the handle in the hands. To begin the exercise, you must pull the unit over, the body slightly deflected, back tense, and the muscles completely relaxed.
  • When performing exercises must pull and push the block as carefully as possible, the focus is on maintaining the back in the initial position.
  • At a closest position of the block blades should be almost completely reduced.
  • To return to the starting position, it is necessary to straighten hands and slightly to holdthe handle to observe the smoothness of the movements.

Pulling the block to the abdomen, the back should not be rounded, the repetitions must be smooth and made at approximately the same time.


гиперэкстензияHyperextension exercise strengthens the muscles of the lower back. Load when performing hyperextension falls mainly on the biceps of thigh, extensors of the back and buttock muscles. Hyperextension allows including to develop and a very small dorsal muscle tissue that are not amenable to study by any other action. Though hyperextension and not napravleny directly to the study of muscles, their inclusion in the training plan should: a strong lower back is key to quality execution of the deadlift and other complexes that are necessary to create strong back muscles is impossible.

  • Starting position – upper rollers are located opposite upper thighs, bottom level of the ankle or slightly above.
  • The exercise begins with the establishment of the stop between the rollers and fixing the hands on the chest in the "criss-cross".
  • After completion of the training, you need to lean forward, rounding the back, after reaching the angle of 60 degrees is necessary to briefly lock the body in this position, then return to the starting position.

Drop down to the floor should not be – effectiveness in the study of the muscles of the waist it will not, and the additional load will be quite significant. In the top of the lift to SAG ago should not – it increases the risk of stretching of the spine and its injuries.