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How to learn pull-up

The main feature of the bar is its versatility. The installation of this equipment at home is not difficult and it is indispensable for beginners. If we talk about exercises involving the body weight, pullups is one of the most important.

In addition, it is a chin-up will show what kind of physical shape the person is, and to determine the degree of conformity of body weight with muscle development.

How to start a pull-up beginner is a difficult question, although it creates the opposite impression. The fact that exercises that involve own weight, assume a special technique and some important rules.

What is the benefit of exercises on the horizontal bar.

There are several advantages of such classes, subject to the correct implementation. Among them:

  • the ability to correct the shape;
  • strengthen the muscles;
  • increase endurance;
  • to strengthen the joints, ligaments;
  • to reduce the weight.

But this is not a complete list. In addition to these features, the horizontal bar is one of the most effective projectiles for the health of the spine. If the spine is healthy and functional, healthy and young will be the entire body.

Also regular exercises on the bar help to create an athletic shape of the torso. This means that the latissimus dorsi muscle will be developed, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle strong. There are several techniques sessions, each of which allows you to work different groups of muscles of the upper body. It depends on the width of coverage.

Рекомендации начинающим

Recommendations for beginners

Beginners should start with a "negative reps"technique, the meaning of which is to take a position if the lifting has already been done. This technique is an excellent tool for beginners, which will help even those who have never moved up.

To perform this exercise you need to stand on a stool or chair, bend the arms and secured in that position so that the chin was above the crossbar. Then you need smoothly without streaking, straightening hands, to fall down. Then return to the starting position. At the initial stage should not be too overload yourself: it is enough to perform three sets of five times.

If you still can't catch up, you can ask the assistance of a friend or partner, whose task will be to help to catch up, standing behind. In some cases, these methods are not suitable, but there is another option – the strengthening of the muscle groups required for the exercises on the horizontal bar. For this purpose you can use the equipment,barbell or dumbbell. In addition, the gyms have speciminder for beginners. As for home workouts, in this case, suitable elastic gum. Also effective is pulling up at 50% amplitude.

It should be noted that for beginners it is important to perform exercises on the bar carefully and slowly, because there is a risk of damage to the ligaments or injury when jumping down. Before training of the required 15-minute workout aimed at muscle warming up. This will suit all kinds of loads, stimulating the cardiovascular system.

Beginners often ask what muscles are worked when pulling on the bar. Such power trainings allow you to develop all the muscles of the hands and body, including abdominals (area, lift turn), triceps, biceps and so on.

Трудности начинающих

Difficulties beginners

Besides the fact that beginners in any case will not be easy, there are factors that further complicate sessions with a crossbar. These include:


Extra pounds are extra muscle load, even if the latter are sufficiently Mature and developed. If no any experience sports activities, it is not recommended to start with pull-UPS. The first step is to direct efforts at correcting the weight. Here special exercises and diet.

Physical weakness

Underdevelopment of the muscles makes it much harder for classes on the bar for beginners. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare your body for such training, that is, to develop strength and increase endurance.

Weak supporting muscles

Before any training using crossbar is important to work out the major muscles but not the least important auxiliary. That is we must develop these muscles: deltoid (rear beam) radiation. Chest muscles also should pay attention to.

Unfinished appliances

The technique need to constantly improve, otherwise it can lead to uneven muscle development and excessive load on the joints, ligaments, and brushes.

Rules of performance of exercises on the horizontal bar

To workout to be truly effective, you need to follow some rules:

  • In the process of tightening should be only muscle, that is not to make his task easier by rocking or using momentum.
  • When lifting and lowering movements should be slow and smooth. Invalid jerks and sudden movements.
  • On upper peak location of the chin should be over the bar.
  • The lift is onexhale, down – inhale. Proper breathing is very important!
  • The bar should stay maximally strong grip.
  • The location of the body – vertically.

In addition, it should be remembered that different types of exercises have their own characteristics. For example, when the pull-up narrow grip, you should try to touch the crossbar of the lower part of the chest, with the gaze should be directed on the brush.

подтягивания узким хватом

When pulling up behind the head wide grip back should be flat without sagging. It is also impossible to avoid sudden movements, jerks. Care should be taken to avoid injury of the skull.

Подтягивание за голову

Exercise reverse grip performed with a laid back shoulders, this blade should be kept together.

подтягивания обратным хватом

When pulling with a wide grip hoist should be performed solely by the broadest muscles of the back: on the top peak you need to strive to touch the chest to the bar.

широким хватом

Exercises on the bar, aimed at the elaboration of the back, mean the work of the biceps.

It is impossible not to consider the exercise on the crossbar for growth. There is an opinion that thanks to such training you can grow a maximum of 5 Exercises, in question, are in free visa – stretching the body occurs under the action of its own weight. In this position, you need to perform leg movements in different directions. Also useful are the rotations of the torso and flexing of the feet. It should be noted that such exercises help to make the bearing smooth.

It is important to consider that beginners there is no need to torture yourself multiple approaches and different training programs. In the initial phase you can use just one or two exercises, but do them correctly. The main rule of pull-UPS – no rush. Than slower pulling, the better, because in this case it will work all the right muscle groups, and the technique will continue to evolve.

Consistency also plays a big role, as it helps strengthen muscles and increase endurance. When this is achieved, you can think about increasing the repetitions, but not sharply, and gradually. Only a few years of lessons and now former novice can surprise the ability to catch up on one hand and exercise with weight.

Contraindications to practice at the bar

Not everyone can be enjoyed at the barespecially those who have health problems. Threat pullups in scoliosis and other diseases of the spinal Department, including protrusion, hernia and so on.

Caution is necessary when degenerative disc disease. It would seem that as a result of pull-UPS, increases circulation, develops the mobility of the vertebral structures, but at the same time degenerative changes of the vertebrae excessive load is contraindicated. Suffering from osteochondrosis of the cervical need to be even more careful, since the exercises on the horizontal bar can cause dizziness and increased pain.