Home / How to pump up the body for the month: training program

How to pump up the body for the month: training program

Experience discomfort and dissatisfaction with her body? There is an excellent solution – a special training program that allows you to tighten and pump up the body in just one month!

The program plan for four days, which allows you to work effectively and build muscle. Already after 30 days will be formed the beautiful cubes press subject to strict fulfillment of all the following exercises and in the regular classroom.

Really quick building muscle doesn't require too much effort, achieving results can be accelerated using the material in this training program.

Training plan

Regardless of where to train at home or in the gym with the goal to pump up the body for a month, this process will anyway be accompanied by a number of difficulties and even failures. To achieve this result, as a rule, excessively cut calories and added cardio by the ton. As a result, the man loses patience with feelings of exhaustion and you have to start all over.

To avoid such errors, you need to stick to a certain plan and recommendations listed below:

  • The lesson plan should be planned and should start with execution of a complex exercise program – 4 workouts per week.
  • Diet is necessary to make so that daily caloric intake does not exceed two thousand. The share of fats in a day should account for no more than 20%, the rest equally to be distributed between proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Monitoring progress: take pictures and weigh-in.

It should be noted that planning is an important component, which largely depends on the effectiveness of lessons. One should not encroach on the time allotted for training, so it is better to discuss it with others, focusing their attention on the fact that this is a fundamental issue. It is impossible to abort the exercise! The result depends on the discipline, diligence and patience.

So, in order to achieve the set target for the month you must use the following plan. The program is divided into 4 lessons to study the three main areas of muscles: upper and lower abs, obliques. Each training session is held once a week, that is a total of four different training a week. Thanks to this training plan a month later the body will become beautiful and fit like a bodybuilder.

Training program: training plan for 30 days

We should immediately clarify that we will focus on the intensive training. Only hard work will achieve a striking effect within four weeks. Beginners canto increase my rest time and not to perform supersets.

Remember that nutrition plays an important role in the classroom. The use of appropriate additives will speed up the process of formation of relief. Abdominal muscles can be increased by dietary inclusion of whey protein, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, protein.

The first day

Lifts the hips to the maximum height

When performing this exercise make sure that you raise the hips as high as you can. Running: two approaches with the repetitions of 15 times.


Runs the same as the first exercise with a 30-second rest.

"Wipers" using the rod

Take a laying position and holding the bar raise your legs to the right relative to the projectile, then left. The number of sets and repetition the same as in the first two paragraphs, but with a one minute rest.

Bench press on flat bench

Starting position: in the prone position to lift the shell and hold it in this position. Inhale, slowly return to the starting position. If you move the rod you need to focus on the chest muscles. Running: two approaches with repetitions 10 times with a minute break.

Bench press on a bench (narrow grip)

Elbows need to hold closer to the body. The number of sets and repetitions, as in paragraph No. 4 of minute break.

Straightening hands

Exercise triceps using the rope. Starting position: take the ends of the rope, while holding the casing stationary to give up, then slowly return to the starting position. Running: two approaches with repetitions of 10 times.


Runs with cotton. Three sets of 12 times with a 30-second break to rest.

The result was not cut, it is recommended to strictly follow the plan and correctly perform exercises, including the number of sets and reps. Processing speed this training depends on how quickly will burn fat and shape the terrain.

The second day


Plank is performed with raised hips, that is, the body should form a straight line from head to toe. Minimum retention time for this – half a minute. Running: two sets of 1.5 minutes.

Side plank


Must be completed in the time specified: two sets of 1.5 minutes with a minute break between sets.

Cyclic twist

Running exercise in the following way: the right leg rises to the chest level, the position of the left leg should be parallel to the floor. The body is then rotated right, after a slight pause return to the starting position. Running: two sets of 20 minute breaks.


The exercise is performed in three sets of 10 times with a minute break.


When you run, you must head to hold in position with a slight slope back. Don't look at the ceiling, and the direction of the chest forward. Performed: three sets of 10 times.

Bench calf

This exercise is particularly suitable for beginners who do not have any physical training. The number of sets and approaches, as in exercise No. 5 with a break of one minute.

The third day

Knee lifts

Performed on the machine equipped with resistant elements for the back and elbows. It is important that during exercise the back was near the bench, and elbows on the rests under the shoulders. Knees slowly lift up, then slowly return to the starting position. In the process of performing the position of the knees must be parallel towards the floor. The exercise is repeated 15 times, two sets.

Urging the knees

When performing this exercise, it is important to follow the breath, not to detain him, when the body is held in tension. Running: two approaches with repetitions of 20.

The rotation of the feet while lying on the 360

Lying rotary motion of the legs, which are held together. Running: two sets of 15 times rest for a minute.


To complicate the exercise, you hold the body as straight as possible, should move only the hands. Performed: three sets of 10 times with a break in a minute.

Thrust dumbbells in the slope

When you perform need to try to keep the head straight. Repetition and approaches as in the previous exercise.


It is important that the hands did not go above 90 degrees (in the first 2options). Three sets one time with a break of one minute.

The fourth day

Throw the ball

Use a medicine ball. Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, the ball raised over his head. To make the most powerful shot so that the ball touched the floor. Two sets of 15 throws.

Lateral ball slam

Starting position: a medicine ball held with straight arms in front of the thoracic. The body to turn towards the wall and throw the ball, putting the maximum effort. Catch the ball and quickly repeat the throw. The number of sets and sets similar to the previous exercise.

The rotation of the body with the ball

Standing up to take medicine balls with two hands. Then turn torso to the right side to the limit, the eyes should be focused on the ball. Then turn the body to the left. Running: two sets of 15 times with a minute rest.

The military press

Before performing the exercises you need to ensure proper hand position – slightly in front of the projectile. To take the bar and raise it to chest Department, then over your head and smoothly without jerks back to its original position. Performed: three sets of 10 times with a break in a minute.

Lifting barbells

In a standing position hold the shell parallel to the thighs. The hands should be facing down. To raise the barbell in front of you and hold for a second, then slowly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions and sets as in the previous exercise.

Lifts dumbbells (side)

Standing shoulder to hold back, slowly lift the dumbbells at shoulder height to the limit. Pause, and then slowly return to the starting position. Performed: three sets with repetitions 10 times with a minute break.

This training plan allows you to achieve visible results in a month. You can do together with other people (acquaintances or friends) for greater motivation. Body must look perfect – you cannot forget it!