Home / How to pump breast girl: exercise for chest muscles

How to pump breast girl: exercise for chest muscles

Beautiful and slim female body — the result of regular and hard training. They allow not only to support the weight, but also help to significantly adjust the shape of the thighs and buttocks, improved posture. If these parts of the body amenable to change, whether it is possible to similarly adjust the shape of the breast? To see if exercise can affect the appearance of the female breast, it is necessary to consider this question from an anatomical point of view.

The effectiveness of training

Anatomical feature of the female breast is such that a large part is accounted for by the mammary gland and adipose tissue. Weight loss — the process is non-local, but affect all the body, and the rate of fat burning in different parts of the different. In women often the faster the fat goes from the top, the slowest from the thighs and legs.

This phenomenon is inherent to genetics. Affect the rate of fat burning almost impossible. A certain result can achieve a cardio effect which is directed to a specific area. An example of such a workout is running. The effect is achieved by stimulation of blood circulation using the body fat in involved on the exercise part of the body as an energy source. Importantly, the cardio was associated with restriction of calories consumed. Otherwise, passing the fat will recover at the expense of food consumed.

The slimming process is accompanied by the withdrawal of fat from the chest. The speed depends entirely on the genetic predisposition. Changing nature, but you can find an alternative solution. This is the ratio of the volume of the body with the breast volume.

Training the chest muscles for girls

Located under the mammary gland of the pectoral muscle like any other muscle to adjust volume. Increasing, they contribute to increased breast volume. These changes are guaranteed, but will not be as drastic as in the case of breast augmentation through plastic surgery.

Muscles in the female body are growing much more slowly than men. The only way to achieve a quick result is the hormonal drugs. For girls who don't aspire to the title miss Olympia Bodybuilding achieved by training the result will be quite enough. The changes are not large, but noticeable. To include exercise for chest muscles in your training, it is recommended to each girl. Neglect them should not be.

Exercises for chest muscles

The body must develop in harmony. Otherwise it will look disproportionate. Therefore, to neglect the basic exercises, in whichinvolve all muscle groups and not just chest not worth it. The main task should be the development of the whole body, not certain parts.

Training for the chest muscles often carried out in conjunction with exercises for back training. If the focus during training needs to be done at the chest exercises for its development should be done first. This will ensure maximum commitment due to the fact that at the beginning of training is always more strength.

The training program

The training was due to well-selected exercises, their proper execution. The program is to increase breast volume include:

  1. dumbbell bench press from a prone position;
  2. dumbbell bench press on a flat bench;
  3. the layout of dumbbells;
  4. push-UPS.

To perform all these exercises and in the gym and at home. The bench can be replaced on a step-platform.

With the purpose of burning fat

High-intensity workouts require high loads. All the exercises recommended to perform 12 to 15 times, making at least three approaches for each. To increase the load, bringing the repetitions to a maximum of fifteen, gradually. Beginners should start working with a small weight, to meet the minimum number of repetitions, that is, twelve. This will allow to avoid fatigue, injury, hone technique.

We should not neglect the proper execution for the sake of increasing repetitions. The goal of each workout is to properly perform more repetitions. First, work with light weights. When the number of repetitions will reach fifteen, take a dumbbell heavier.

To increase muscle mass

Training order to build muscle mass is intense. Repetition is recommended to do 6-8. It all depends on the weight of the weights. The higher it is, the less repetitions. Approaches do from 3 to 5.

To burn fat and increase the mass of pectoral muscles

Training involves performing 12 reps for 3 sets. It helps to find balance between fat loss and muscle growth in the chest area. Best suited for beginners who haven't trained before.

Exercises for chest muscles

Dumbbell bench press lying

Exercise is much more effective for increasing chest muscles than using a rod. This is because the range of motion with dumbbells much more.

Жим гантелей лежаStarting position:

  1. lie back on the bench;
  2. raise the dumbbells in front of you;
  3. the location of the hands at shoulder width;
  4. the palm of your hand "look" side.


  1. at the elbow bend so that the shoulder with the forearm formed a straight angle;
  2. making the exhale, raise the weights up;
  3. dumbbell is lowered;
  4. the palms unfold to each other;
  5. weighting down on your hips;
  6. sit down and put a dumbbell on the floor.


Dumbbells must raise two times faster than give. Chest while lifting weights squeeze, when lowered, on the contrary, dilate, bringing together the blades. Not to drop dumbbells. Otherwise the possibility of damage to the rotator (rotators) of the shoulder.

Жим гантелей на наклонной скамьеDumbbell bench press on incline bench

Exercise has a significant load on the upper pectoral muscles. If it is performed during the gym, use a bench with adjustable inclination angle. The load is proportional to the slope. What it is, the greater will be loaded shoulders.


Similar to the previous exercise, when the press carries out without tilting of the body, but has one feature. In the extreme (the highest point) hands must be placed strictly perpendicular to the floor.

The layout of dumbbells

Разводка гантелейThe exercise can be conducted at a regular or incline bench, if the exercise performed in the gym.


  1. lie down on the bench;
  2. hands holding in them a dumbbell raise in front of him so that they were shoulder width apart, and palms "looking" at each other;
  3. on the inhale the hands of a party lower down, stretching the chest, using only the movement of the shoulder joint;
  4. on the exhalation the hands are brought together "hugging" motion.


Starting position:

  1. take a planche on the floor;
  2. hands placed slightly wider than shoulder level;
  3. the body should be one straight line;
  4. the buttocks should not SAG or bulge;


Hand bent in an elbow joint under a right angle. Some might have a problem with the classic version of the push-UPS. An alternative could be pushups from the knees or with a focus of hands at the bench.