Home / Perfect body: 38 photos of the athletes of the Golden era of bodybuilding

Perfect body: 38 photos of the athletes of the Golden era of bodybuilding

No one could imagine what is happening in the Muscle Beach competition in Venice beach, California, in 1950 will produce a real revolution in the world of bodybuilding. Decades after this time will call the Golden era of bodybuilding. While dietary supplements were not as common as today, bodybuilding was more soul... Less excuses, more workouts. Less guff, more sweat. Below are 38 photos of the greatest bodybuilders of the Golden era. They will take you and make you exclaim: "They have no equal!"

Молодой Арнольд

Photo of a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1960-ies.

"I've always looked at bodybuilding as an art form. My material is not clay, and its own body, Lee Labrada.

Стив Ривз

Steve Reeves

Боб Перис

Standard esthetics: Bob Paris.

Арнольд и Франко шахматы

Two champion. Two friends. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo

Франко Коломбо и Арнольд Шварценеггер

Franco Colombo and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Майк Ментцер и Джо Уайдер

Mike Mentzer and Joe Weider


"Intelligence is limited. While you can imagine the fact that is able to do something, you do it, if you really believe 100%" — Arnold Schwarzenegger.

 Серж Нюбре

"Bodybuilding is not only a sport, first of all it art — Serge Nubra

 Арнольд Шварценеггер vs Серджио Оливия

Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Sergio Olivia, the tournament "Mr. Olympia", 1972

 Арнольд Шварценеггер и Франко Коломбо

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo

Серж Нюбре

Serge Nubra

Франко Коломбо, Арнольд Шварценеггер и Джим Хейслоп

Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Heslop

src="/bodybuilding/images/381-14.jpg" title="Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and Lou Ferrigno" alt="Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and Lou Ferrigno ">

Franco Colombo, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane and Lou Ferrigno

 Арнольд Шварценеггер и Серж Нюбре

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Serge Nubra

Серж Нюбре

Serge Nubra

Арнольд Шварценеггер

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Боб Перис

Bob Paris

Эд Корни

This man was recognized as the greatest master of posing, his name is ed Corney! This picture was taken in 1975 in the competition "Mr. Olympia" in Pretoria, South Africa

Франко Коломбо и Арнольд Шварценеггер

Franco Colombo and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Ларри Скотт

Larry Scott

Серж Нюбре, Франко Коломбо и Арнольд Шварценеггер

Serge Nubra, Franco Colombo and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Франко Коломбо, Юсуп Уилкош и Арнольд Шварценеггер

Franco Colombo, Yusuf Wilkes and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Том Платц и Лу Ферриньо

Tom Platz and Lou Ferrigno

Серж Нюбре

Serge Nubra

Лу Ферриньо

Lou Ferrigno

Боб Перис

Bob Paris

Арнольд Шварценеггер и Лу Ферриньо

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno

Арнольд Шварценеггер

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Франко Коломбо «Сардинский силач»

Colombo Franco "the Sardinian strongman"

Арнольд Шварценеггер и Франко Коломбо

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo

Дон Росс и Серж Нюбре

Don Ross and Serge Nubra

title="Franco Colombo, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger" alt="Franco Colombo, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger">

Franco Colombo, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Арнольд Шварценеггер

"For me it's worse to be like everyone else. I hate it" — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Юсуп Уилкош, Рейд Шиндлер и Майк Ментцер

Yusuf Wilcox, Reid Schindler, and Mike Mentzer

Робби Робинсон, Джо Уайдер и Лу Ферриньо

Robbie Robinson, Joe Weider and Lou Ferrigno

Фрэнк Зейн

"Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think wise. Dream more than others think is appropriate. Expect more than others think possible" — Frank Zane


Bodybuilders of the Golden era of admire to this day, their overall appearance and attention to detail to conquer all who are passionate about sports. First of all, they spend their time and effort to achieve the results I dreamed of. They glorified their time. Those years will forever remain in the memory of the people the Golden era of bodybuilding.