Home / Affectingy eviction of fat. Diet during drying

Affectingy eviction of fat. Diet during drying

Diet for drying (eviction of excess weight) is almost 70% of success, no hard work without a properly designed nutrition plan will not be able to bring the desired result.

Be sure to get rid of the thought that the old your diet will be suitable for the period of your workouts. This is not true. You will be forced to radically change your diet.

What is the drying with bodybuilding training?

Drying – this is good exercise together with properly composed diet based on the reduction of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass recruited earlier.

The main points of the diet, which must be followed if you have decided to undergo the drying process when doing bodybuilding:

  1. The greater the amount of fat mass will in your body, the greater the amount of protein should be consumed instead of carbohydrates. That is, if the above ratio of proteins-fats-carbohydrates was approximately 20-20-60, it is now necessary to the contrary, it is 60-20-20. So approximately two thirds of the consumed carbohydrates during the period of the stage of muscle building you want to replace using proteins. But in any case it is not necessary to completely abandon fats and carbohydrates, otherwise you can harm your own health. The proportion of protein should be increased in comparison with the usual periods of training and may be 3-4 grams per kilogram of their body weight.
  2. All the same how many calories and carbs should make for drying in your diet? Dosage of consumption of fats and carbohydrates should be chosen individually, taking into account personal characteristics of metabolism. To do this quite easily – quite a slow tempo and gradually reduce the amount eaten during the day of carbohydrates, while the fat burning process will not be activated. This can be seen in the reduction of body fat, and weight loss.
  3. The main consumption of proteins during drying must come from the sports nutrition What is the reason? The fact that even in foods that are high in protein and low in fat, no matter whether it is fish, seafood or chicken, contain high amounts of saturated fats which is unacceptable in the current situation. I would like to recommend to stock up on soy or whey protein. The protein is able to suppress catabolic processes and to protect the muscles without hindering the drying process. That for protein to choose and how to use it, can be found on the website of Moldova of Vladimir, from where you can download a videocourse on sports nutrition. Need it in order to have the ability to easily navigate in the names of non-steroidal drugs and choose what you really need at this very moment, not what the seller or the fitness instructor you recommend. This website I would like to recommend to all, as there is really good information.
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  4. There should be absolutely no post-workout gainers, which many people recommend. Only protein and carnitine. In one of the following articles we will discuss more details sports nutrition during the eviction of excess weight.
  5. In the period of aerobic exercise should make it a rule to only carbs from products of natural origin, i.e. from fruit or vegetables. No pies or buns! Try to forget about the foods that kill the figure, at least for the period of the diet.
  6. Try to eat foods with a low glycemic index, slow carbs. It is necessary to exclude "high-glycemic" and "simple" carbohydrates. Table of products and their glycemic indices are presented in the image below. The glycemic index indicates the speed of absorption of carbohydrates, and meshes the index below, the better it will be for you. Products with low glycemic index are broken down very slowly in the body and give you energy for a long period of time and not deposited as fat. Slow carbohydrates are cereals, products from flour, nuts, vegetables and unsweetened fruit.
  7. Try to eat often but very small portions. This rule applies not only during the eviction of excess weight, but also during the recruitment of muscle mass. In General, the common mode power can be called the staple diet of any bodybuilder. Not to eat two hours before exercise and an hour and a half after.
  8. Prohibits any carbohydrates 4 hours before bedtime. At night taking carbohydrates, your body just physically won't be able to recycle them during the night and they will be deposited in reserve For the night is best to drink a little protein shake with water or skim milk.
  9. Duration of the diet which is necessary during drying is usually determined individually for each athlete, but it's usually 5-8 weeks. The essence of the diet is the gradual reduction of the amount of carbohydrates each week. Last week carbs cleaned at all, and set one strawberry week. Foods that contain protein, you need to take a lot and often. Only the "protein" diet is able to provide additionalthe load on the kidneys. There is also a risk of ketosis (accumulation in blood of ketone bodies) and ketoacidosis (acidification, poisoning ketone bodies), leading to drowsiness, weakness, dry lips, feeling the acetone breath and other unpleasant effects with the result that it must be concluded that in any case can not abuse this diet.
  10. Drying usually begins gradually, not just any carbs and fats. Smooth gradual decrease in the consumption of foods with carbohydrates will give you the opportunity to stay at a distance at the initial stage of the diet.
  11. Dieting during drying, the water intake is in any case impossible to limit. This is the most common error that allowed inexperienced people in this business. Due to the water speeds up the metabolism, and thus faster that all the processes such as relief and weight gain.
  12. We should not forget about the consumption of vitamin complexes, dietary fiber and minerals during the eviction of excess weight, after drying, is a psychologically and physically demanding process, and a lack of vitamins or minerals will only exacerbate your physical and psycho-emotional state.
  13. Eliminate from your diet different kinds of mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers and sauces. Also during drying, an unacceptable alcohol, because it can irritate the mucosa, causing you to overeat Also salted, smoked and canned food, even with an optimal composition of macronutrients should be eliminated.
  14. A number of bodybuilders practice meals at night, suppression of catabolism, the breaking muscles. You Wake up at night and drink a protein shake, thereby not allowing the muscles to collapse during sleep. Thanks to this way of life have the opportunity to demonstrate the quality of your muscles and flat stomach in the competition.
  15. If possible, avoid consume dairy products except fat-free cottage cheese, even low-fat dairy products contain a lot of carbohydrates that help to keep fluid in the muscles, which in result will develop the necessary relief of the muscles.

In the diet for drying it is recommended to include the following list of products:

  • Meat lean
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat dairy products — cheese, yogurt, milk
  • Porridge — millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, etc.
  • Legumes — peas, beans, beans
  • Fruits and vegetables

Sample diet:

Description: This diet is for drying designed forseven days. It lists only the main meals. In the period between doses is recommended, to snack. On the basis of the above-described criteria of an optimal diet when dried has the ability to create their own nutrition program at the time of the eviction of excess weight.


  1. Breakfast – oat flakes, sweet tea, protein shake;
  2. For lunch – chicken broth, pork chops with buckwheat, fresh vegetables;
  3. Dinner – fish, fried in vegetable oil, fresh vegetables;


  1. Breakfast – buckwheat cereal, low-fat fish, tea with lemon and sugar;
  2. Lunch – chicken breast and vegetables, the cauliflower soup;
  3. Dinner – cottage cheese, low fat with dried fruit and a protein shake;


  1. Breakfast – two boiled eggs, tea;
  2. Lunch – fish soup, fish, boiled with potatoes;
  3. For dinner, fruit along with protein shake


  1. For Breakfast – muesli with protein shake;
  2. Lunch – soup with mushrooms, chicken breast, salad from vegetables;
  3. For dinner – fish stew and a salad of carrots and cabbage;


  1. Breakfast – omelette consisting of 2 eggs, bread with honey and tea;
  2. Lunch – soup, buckwheat porridge with chicken, fruit juice;
  3. For dinner, 2 apples, protein shake;


  1. Breakfast – semolina porridge with raisins, a cocktail of protein;
  2. Lunch – rice soup, pepper, stuffed cabbage, tea with lemon and sugar;
  3. For dinner a couple of boiled eggs, a cocktail of protein;


  1. Breakfast – fish stew, vegetable salad;
  2. Lunch – soup, chicken and rice, fruit juice;
  3. For dinner – one Apple with a protein shake.

In the conclusion of this material, I would like to say that high intensity training, the main purpose of which is the reduction of subcutaneous fat while maintaining muscle mass means nothing without a diet composed of competent and specially adapted for this purpose. If during a cycle of weight diet has an almost equal value with the cycle training, during drying, the meal plan comes to the fore and must be at least 70 percent of successful eviction of excess weight.

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