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Diet for building lean muscle mass

Every athlete knows that to increase muscle mass and to get rid of fat is an extremely difficult task, sometimes even impossible, so bodybuilders training year is divided into 2периода: muscle growth and fat burning – the formation of the bump of muscle.

Many athletes try to recruit only "dry" muscle mass, but in practice it is not effective. In order to gain a truly beautiful muscular relief, first you need to gain overall body mass. It is necessary to set a greater muscle mass and to boost immunity before the upcoming "drying",

In the period of muscle mass it is recommended to slowly increase your intake of variety of products that can provide the body with sufficient amounts of all essential macro - and micronutrients, and carbohydrates. You need to add in your diet by 200-300 calories a week until, while lean body mass begin to grow.

An indispensable condition for better digestion is a fractional power, which should be divided into 5-6 receptions in day. A prerequisite should be eating simple carbohydrates in the form of sour masses or a light dessert about an hour before bedtime. This is required in order for the body during sleep do not spend extra energy from the muscles. All this time, we also need to continue enhanced training in the gym, working on all muscle groups. While the athlete will not gain 10-20 kg total body weight with this diet, "drying" start early.

When body weight is typed, you can proceed directly to "drying", for which we recommend the following diet.

The main diet to achieve relief muscle

No carb diet

This diet involves eating foods that contain large amounts of protein: it's egg whites, chicken breast (without skins), lean fish with white meat, seafood. Food should be boiled or steamed, it is also possible in the grill. Recommended products with high content of fiber and at the same time with a small amount of carbohydrates: lettuce, cabbage, allgreen vegetables, cucumbers, is to use them should be exclusively raw. The total number of carbohydrates contained in them, shall not in total exceed 10 g per day. In the final 7-15 days on the diet these foods are excluded.

A diet low in carbohydrates

This diet is usually preceded by a carbohydrate-free diet. It begins with taking a daily amount of carbohydrates, which accounts for about 60% of the athlete's normal, and then within a certain period of time, this number gradually decreases as the addiction of the body and slowing the process of lipolysis. Such a diet is quite effective, but sometimes can not achieve the desired muscle definition of muscle by slowing the metabolic rate. As well as with carbohydrate-free diet is recommended to eat foods with high protein content. Fast digestible (sugar) and simple carbohydrates (milk, fruit, some vegetables) should be excluded from the diet.

Diet of carbohydrate alternation mode

The essence of this diet is to not give your body to adapt to any particular number consumed per day of carbohydrates. For example, on Monday the athlete consumes food without the carbs, but starting Tuesday, he increases their number to 50 g daily. Thus, the total number of carbs for the week will be: 0 + 50 + 100 + 150 + 200 +250 + 300 + 350 = 1000 and daily average comes out to about 140 grams per day. Next week the whole cycle is repeated again. This diet is good because it allows the body to adapt to a certain consumed daily, the amount of carbohydrates (in this case 140 g) and to slow down its metabolism.

Low-calorie diet

This diet involves a simple reduction of calories in your diet without any adjustment of the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This mode of supply is currently less used in bodybuilding and is considered to be insufficient for burning fat, but it is good to increase the "dry" muscle mass with minimal increase in body fat. In this diet, all are recommended protein products with a high content of protein, as the body of the athlete must receive no less than 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Carbohydrates are also necessary, but it is better to give preference to the so-called "complex" carbohydrates, which are very slow to raise blood sugar levels.

As when shedding weight not lose muscle mass

If the weight starts to drop more than 1 kg per week, along with the fat will inevitably burn and muscles. It is known that 1 kg of fat contains около7000 calories, so it turns out that calorie deficit for the week in total should not beless than this quantity. Dividing that number by 7, it is easy to calculate the number is equal to the daily caloric deficit. But this option weight loss is still risky, since it inevitably lost and muscle tissue. Safe daily amount of calorie deficit is equal to 300-500 calories.

You need to remember that the success of any diet depends on the sequence of its implementation, the strength of will and desire. For the weight reduction, it is important to observe the most important rule is consumed per day the number of calories should be less spent.